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Posts posted by Donomark

  1. My thoughts as the 521 teaser played: wait, that isn't the Comic Reel-lief theme...

    I do like the idea that I've been doing my segment long enough that the opening music = the Comic Reel-lief theme, and not Elfman's Batman theme!

    Hope y'all liked the segment! I was suffering from a cold when I was recording...

    Another fine installment sir! Gotta love the trolling with the Ghost Rider 2 review. Personally my opinions switch when talking about Black Widow and Hawkeye. I though Renner had by far the least to do when he wasn't being mind controlled, and BW was awesome throughout. To each his own.

  2. I think they said it's an iconic character that has yet to be reintroduced. So Billy Batson is out. If it's Wally West, it'll be the most legendary troll job ever done by comics since OMD.

  3. I was surprised how low Peter Davidson ranked on both lists of best and personal favorites, especially compared to Sylvester McCoy. I remember when you guys covered his era, you were much more vocal about the positive moments from his Doctor than you were about McCoy's. I'm not sure I can recall anytime you enjoyed anything McCoy's Doctor did on his own besides one or two moments like the Sniper scene. You seemed to be much more vocal about what didn't work with him, making it seem as though his failings were more apparent.

    Not that I'm holding you guys accountable to everything you say, opinions can change. But it really did come as a surprise.

  4. I gotta say, it took me a while to get used to Dan's voice. I mean, it sounded different when it wasn't coming through Skype to the recording. I kept on having to remind myself if was Dan and not some random person.

    Anyway, congrats on everything. I'm looking forward to the new series.

    Yeah I thought he sounded like Mike for the first several minutes. After that, he sounded like Dan. 0_0

    Excellent episode gents. My only regret is that there were no "LORD NIMOOON!" or Cyberleader impressions!

  5. Oh yeah, I wasn't meaning to imply that one hadda be a fan either. I mean Christian Bale knew nothing of Batman before signing on to do three movies as the character. Also I figure that the role hadn't been something of a legacy job where the concept achieved true cult status until Peter Davidson took on the role. He would've been the first actor to have been a kid when the show was first on to have been aware of it.

  6. At first I was about to say it seems like you kind of have to be a fan of the show to really get into playing the role. But IIRC Matt Smith wasn't a fan, but got into it after being hired. MaGaan and Eccelston seemed like they were completely unaware about the mere concept of fans and their nature.

  7. This was easily the most crowd pleasing comic book film of all time. All the jokes were funny, the action was great, the serious moments earned its drama, and a good time was had by all.

    How I've been using to describe it is by saying that this is the best superhero movie ever made, but not the best comic book movie. Subjective defining of the terms, but I'll elaborate. While everything else that's come before were movies adapting characters from the comics and told their individual stories, The Avengers was concentrated less on adapting themes and storylines from the comics and more on being a really solid definition on what makes a super hero film work. This could have been a wholly original creation isolated from comic books and it still would've been great. The plot was very basic and simple, and no one I feel should really complain about it because no one paid for the plot. They paid for the entertainment the movie promised with the hype it brought.

    On the flip side, is it the best comic book movie? No, I don't think so. The Dark Knight still takes it lunch in terms of projecting what defines heroics and the characters' motivations with the story it's telling. I also tend to think the first two Spider-Man films and X-Men fims came off as better movies because they were played a bit more believably while still embracing their comic book roots. But who care? The Avengers was every bit as happy and unapolegtic about its comic book origins as a movie could get. It was FUN.

    I thought all the actiing was solid. The principal cast did an excellent job. I walked in excited to see Loki again, as he was the breakout character IMO in the Thor movie, and he did not dissapoint. He's evil without being a moustache twirler, he's sinister without being somewhat sympathetic, he's smart without being a know-it-all and you believe him in his actions. He's probably the best Marvel adapted movie villain there's ever been.

    Mark Ruffalo's Hulk/Bruce Banner was terrific. I need to see the film a second time to pin down exactly how different his performance is from the other Hulks, but there was something about it that made the role feel especially tragic. The line about him putting a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger only for the Hulk to spit it out had to have been from the comics somewhere (I think that happened when someone sniped BB once) but it underlined the curse that being the Hulk embodies. That guy WAS Bruce Banner all the way.

    Obviously with the amount of money its made, the movie is an unparalled success. I am interested to see how TDKR will stack up in terms of box office numbers comparatively. Is there any chance TDKR won't be as good if not better than the Avengers? PFFT, no! But still, that's not important. The Avengers is awesome all on its own, and people should see it.

  8. 09c.jpg

    After seeing this, I think Bruce will die and Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character will take his place as Batman

    Ehh...I don't think that'll happen. We've just seen more of him in the trailers beyond the one shot of him bursting through the door in the last trailer. Bruce might not even know who he is.

  9. I freaking love this.

    I saw the movie on Youtube last summer, and enjoyed it well enough. I can see how important things either don't make sense or are just straight-up BETRAYALS like the Doctor being half-human. I can't bring myself to dislike it however, because it's fun to view as another chapter in the Doctor Who canon. Having only seen a handful of classic stories and being fairly new to the game, it's a biased reaction to be sure, but it's still kinda cool like Dimensions in Time.

    Stuff I thought was really cool mainly consisted of the beginning. I love the opening of the 7th Doctor quietly reclining with a book, an old jazz record and Jelly Babies. It's a nice image, especially knowing that he doesn't know he's going to his death. I though McCoy did a really solid job overall with what he was given. From what I've seen of his original stuff, I won't disagree that's he's not a strong actor by any means. I did think the hospital scene was really cool, when he sprung to life and told Grace straight up not to do anything. Other visuals like the TARDIS being bulletproof and the Doctor phasing through Grace's glass door really add to my enjoyment. Not standing up for any of the fail however, it's still fun for what it is and I think most people including you guys attested to that.

  10. I have to say the Grumpy Old Fans segment completely sucked me in. I skipped class to finish that. But I disagree with Dan in that it's anywhere close to being the greatest comic book story of all time. Just a difference of opinion. I will say the comic is better than the animated adaptation by a wdie margin.

    I will say that the change of Clark's/Kal-El's dream was a deliberate one. Elaboration can be found here: http://jl.toonzone.n...7/episode27.htm

    Bruce Timm on Kal-El’s Black Mercy-induced dream: “We made a conscious effort to make Clark’s family life not too perfect. Someone here [at Toon Zone] made a valid criticism of ‘A Knight of Shadows,’ to the effect that J’onn’s family was just too idyllic to be at all believable, and we took that to heart. Once again, the Internet is your friend! Thus, Van’s a little bit contemptuous of farmer dad, even talks back a bit (‘I know, I know!’) and dad gets ticked off at him over the Krypto / poop incident. Jor-El and Clark even have a testy little exchange (‘Oh, so you’re a scientist now’), hinting at some argument in their past. [in addition], in the first draft, Van entered the story by jumping into bed with his parents, merrily blurting, ‘Happy birthday!’ It’s a subtle thing, I know, but it just didn’t feel ‘honest.’ Being a husband and dad myself, I know it’s not all sunshine and bliss 24/7. Also, notice that there’s no background score throughout the entire first segment of Clark’s dream. We were really tempted to play warm, Copeland-esque ‘Americana’ under it—to establish how happy he was there—but decided to play it ‘straight,’ with just ambient background noise, etc. to immediately immerse the viewer in Clark’s world.

    "[We deviated from the original story] in Kal’s farewell scene with his son. In Moore’s original story and Marc’s drafts, Kal says, ‘I was there when you were born,’ and then goes into, ‘…but I don’t think you’re real,’ which, at the last minute, didn’t sound right to me. It was merely a statement of fact—it didn’t sound like he really had been there—so I elaborated on it a bit, having him describe his own experience of it…how it felt to be there. Kal’s description of Van’s ‘beautiful little face’ and ‘tiny fingers,’ etc. is perhaps overly sentimental and somewhat trite, but it is a common reaction from new fathers—trust me on this one—and I think it does convey that he’s deeply immersed in the fantasy, as opposed to it being just a pleasant little fantasy.

    “There was some debate about how the Black Mercy actually worked, why Batman was able to escape from it more easily than Superman, etc. Our rationalization was that Superman had been under its spell for a far lengthier time—several days at least, maybe as much as a week—whereas Batman was only its victim for several minutes at most; longer exposure to the plant [creates] a deeper, harder-to-break spell

  11. Oh and here's something. You guys have been talking about Moffat's possible influence by the McCoy era. 7th Doctor freaking out and breaking down Ace is reminiscent of the 11th Doctor breaking Amy's faith in him in "The God Complex".

  12. there is one doctor who thing you guys forgot to mention. Tom's Prime computer adverts.

    I've seen those before, and those are really cute. It's some of the most all-out romantic bits the Doctor and Romana II have ever been seen in.

    Also, while DiT is complete shite I think it was pretty cool that they got back so many people to cameo in.

  13. That would be insane, but totally awesome for Doctor Who. Paul McGann's only 52, and he does look great. In any case I do think he needs to have a crossover story with 11 or 12 down the line because his Doctor deserves it. But yeah, the idea that we could see a future Doctor causing a past one's regeneration is really awesome.

  14. I'm reading all of the Bat-Books as per requirement for the Batman Universe Comic-Cast, but out of all of them I'm only digging Batman at this point. Batman and Robin was solid until #7 where Peter Tomasi went nucking futs and out of control. Batwoman's not a bad book, but not terribly interesting currently. Nightwing's a missed opportunity. Batwing's mediocre and uninspired. Batgirl's still vicious betrayal, and generall sucks out loud all around. The Dark Knight is a jumbled mess. Detective Comics features Tony Daniel's total incompetance at writing Batman.

    The fact that so many creators have jumped ship, the continuity seems to be just thrown together, the stories generally aren't very interesting AND on top of all that, the flagerant sexism is just abundant in the books has taken its toll. I agree with Mike, the reboot was a failure. It served as a get-rich-quick scheme that petered out 5 months in. Everything about it feels like the people involved thought this up over a weekend as opposed to months and months in advance, and when I asked Grant Morrison about it at SDCC last summer, he all but confirmed it. It's just frustrating.