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Posts posted by Skyre

  1. Also, for big chain stores like that, the flier is the same for each store. Even if they don't stock all of the items in each store.

    Another thing. For people out there who want to avoid shopping at Circuit City, don't shop at Radio Shack any more. They just got bought out by Circuit City.

  2. Oh and dude, I enjoyed pokemon snap too, for the first 5 minutes. Then I realised it was another coporate scheme to get kids to buy another poorly made game.

    Then you're a really harsh critic/cynic. Snap's a fun, addictive gave. It's far too shirt, but what's there is fairly unique and well-made, and everyoen I've spoken to who's also played it has agreed weith me. Sad that you don't.

    Don't mind him. He hates everything.

  3. Yay. It seems this will no longer suck(as much).

    WB -finally- got the message that people hate the character designs, so they're completely redoing this show.

    Complete story here

  4. :lmfao:

    I just got back from Thunder Bay.

    PSPs sold at the Future Shop over there were $100 more than they are here in Manitoba!! And you don't even get to pick the game!!!!