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Everything posted by ShaunKL

  1. ShaunKL


    That's ah... that's one way to make a point.
  2. Right, I actually bought all the DLC and played it. Looking back, it was great what they did with all that DLC. The main weakness I see is that the whole super-climax end game battle and choice was just lackluster. Black Ops, yucky, yucky, yucky. You guys go have fun with that.
  3. Oh, you don't cringe at all of my comments? Must fix that...
  4. How about a little psycho assassin who's thrilled out of his mind to be Robin?
  5. One hundred hours plus played, I had the main plot finished and 95% of all the other quests and everything. Wouldn't really work to revert to a prior save change things. Also if I wanted an evil character I'd plan a much more cunning skill set. Ewww... ewww... just ah... just don't come near me with black ops okay?
  6. Well, I guess if you try to play on the side of good and make everything the best you can. Then, THEN you get one of the most unsatisfying endings I've ever seen in gaming. But after putting 100+ hours on one playthrough, I am not going through all the again just to see a different ending.
  7. Dear Fallout 3, You showed great promise and potential. However, your main plot sorely lacked and I feel not enough emotion was expressed throughout the game. I have never had a video game ending let me down as much as you. In short, frak you. Unceremoniously, Ragequit.
  8. Anyone else notice what they messed up? Vita-Rays apparently have a semi-"Captain Marvel" effect on people I guess.
  9. I thought it was just fantastic. The artwork looked so much nicer on the page than it did online. All the Titans are characterized well as far as I can tell. And this is the first artist I've seen that I think can actually draw Dick Grayson as Batman, and not some oddly modified version of Bruce Wayne. Anyways, I can't wait for the next issue.
  10. I agree with KnightWing.
  11. So the Illusive Man is Uncle Ben. Everything makes so much sense now!
  12. Negitorodon, that sounds like a cool word. Oh, and I feel the pain regarding restaurant food not agreeing, I'm having to head over to eat with some friends at a Mexican restaurant that doesn't particularly like my stomach.
  13. ShaunKL


    I just thought of something on the plane (while reading all-star superman). Superman's boots. Think about it...
  14. Preston, you need a better immune system.
  15. ShaunKL

    The Music Thread

    Let's see... yesterday I listened to Blood of the Daleks pt.2, Horror of Glam Rock, Immortal Beloved, Phobos, and No More Lies. Today I just finished Human Resources pt.1 and Human Resources pt.2. Eight and Lucie have to be my favorite companion/Doctor combo of them all.
  16. ShaunKL

    Things you want

    The Eight Doctor Adventures Season 2 (Audio Stories)