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The Flickchart Forum returns with another director in its scope: Stanley Kubrick. Ian Wilson is joined by Chris Johnson and Desmond Reddick to discuss the 13 films in Kubrick's filmography, all of which are very different from one another. Not only are the lists disparate but the discussions take in which films were seen during the panel's formative years, and Chris takes Ian to task for using the phrase "pretentious wank" to describe one of the films in question. Which one? Tune in to find out! [ 2:30:32 || 74.7 MB ]


  • Missy changed the title to Episode 1126 - Flickchart Forum: Stanley Kubrick

Great episode gents! Can’t really comment on the films themselves since I’ve seen less than half of them and in each case it was ages ago, but The Killing and Paths of Glory both sound really interesting.

I love that


you reached your top fives before getting to discuss more than a few films in proper detail and that none of you had the same favorite.



I thought Des' comments on Lolita being "It's a comedy, right?" and laughing most of it off by his lonesome was darkly hilarious. I read Lolita for a bookclub and despised it, so I have some reference for that convo, potentially.

I echo Ian's sentiments on Eyes Wide Shut and said as much in my feedback for Hey! An Actor, but I'd be interested in pursuing Chris' line of thinking should I re-watch it.

  • 3 weeks later...

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