Uncanny X-Men #496 SPOILERS!


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Uncanny X-Men #496 will be released this Wednesday, and it spoils the bloody fucking hell out of the forthcoming Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1. So if you're reading both Uncanny and Astonishing, make sure to skip Uncanny #496 until after you've read Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1 (which will be released in early April).

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Hopefully she's not dead. Maybe the X-Men only think she's dead. I'd love it if she were alive, but couldn't tell her friends. Like, maybe, she and Lockheed have joined SWORD as secret agents. Yeah, it's silly, but it's better than Kitty freaking Pryde being dead. <_<

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Hopefully she's not dead. Maybe the X-Men only think she's dead. I'd love it if she were alive, but couldn't tell her friends. Like, maybe, she and Lockheed have joined SWORD as secret agents. Yeah, it's silly, but it's better than Kitty freaking Pryde being dead. <_<

Which wouldn't make sense. Joss Whedon freaking WORSHIPS Kitty Pryde. There's no way he'd remove her. <_<

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  • 3 weeks later...

Personally I think the rebirths of many characters would be best explained with the Skurll Invasion, Infact I felt a good plot device would have been that the aunt may that was to die in spider-man was really a skrull. Making peter give it all up for nothing and showing how deep the plot against earth is. Making Colosuss a skrull might seem silly at first but given a good plot device behind it could be a true jaw drop moment. They need mopre of those in comic's today.

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