Episode 275


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Never in the history of the Is It Wednesday Yet? segment have Des and Mike been so divided on one comic book. Which host declared "I hate this book" about one of the following titles: Batman #680, El Diablo #2, Four Eyes #1, House of Mystery #6 and Vixen: Return of the Lion #1? [ 1:03:27 || 29.0 MB ]

The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/theshow/episodes/e2ts_275.mp3

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Guest DCAUFan1051

WOW just WOW

a CU Next Tuesday counter and a Pirate counter holy crap lol

Film Series I REFUSE to watch

Priates Of the Carribean

Harry Plopper (Homer Simpson reference)

The Lord Of the Rings

:sick: :sick:

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Guest DCAUFan1051
Yeah, I really should have put an explicit tag on this one.

it's ok Mike as far as I'm concerned I was just marveling at it being said. I know a majority of the podcasts are very explicit lol and that aint a bad thing. :D

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Guest DCAUFan1051

thanks Mr. Doomsday lol every time I heard any kind of news on those three film series my reaction was the hell with that and :sick: as well as holy fuck not this shit again.

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Well me and Des can wholeheartedly agree on something for once. Batman RIP is the best Batman story in ages, and it's one of the best comics on the stands right now. The one thing i can kind of agree with mike on is that i am not that crazy about the art but i still don't think the art is as bad as some people have been making it out to be. On the topic of the Joker's appearance,

the Joker cutting his tongue was to drive home the serpent from the bible metaphor

i don't think it's going to be part of his regular appearance.

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Now I disagree with Mikes views on comics and such from time to time, but man oh man... All the good will from that Batman '89 podcast was thrown out the window. :P

But seriously, I have liked just about everything Morrison has ever written. I've never had any problem keeping up with anything he's written, it never goes over my head. And even when it does, I can sleep soundly knowing, "It'll be okay when he's done". As for this story so far, a friend of mine summed it up very nicely:

"I think I see what Morrison is trying to do with the Joker and Batman now.

See Batman has been boiled down to his base elements. His tech is gone, his family is gone, his mind is gone. When you peel back the layers, all you are left with is a man who will never, ever quit. A man who will not stop fighting for the soul of a city he has sworn to protect. That is the core of Batman, even without Bruce Wayne to give Batman a purpose.

The Joker is undergoing the same thing. Take away the pomp and circumstance, take away the gags and the jokes, what are you left with? A man who wants to murder the world. More than that, he would find it funny and expects everyone else to.

The two of them are exact opposites of each other. Black and White. Good and Evil. Dour and Serious Light and Laughing. Order and Chaos. The latest issue had the Joker talking about how even with everything that has happened to him, how he is dressed in a purple outfit and talking to a crazy Bat-mite, how he insists that everything has to make sense, that there is an answer. This is us, the audience. Throughout RIP we have stated "This is crazy, I don't understand." And we, like the Bat, demand that there has to be an answer, that deep down there is logic to it. We look for it, we analyze the issues for clues, we see things in the checkerboard pattern, because we have to. The Joker, he's telling Batman and by extension us, that we are wrong. Things do not have to make sense, that they can never actually make sense. We see evidence in the patterns because we want to, we need to, not because they are actually really there. There isn't some hidden message in the text, no symbolism in the Joker who splits his tongue (the devil with the forked tongue) or the Jezebel with red hair. The Joker wants Batman and us to give up trying to make sense of it. "DO YOU GET IT NOW?" He wants us to let go, to stop. He wants Batman to realize that he can't rationalize this, to drop his belief of order and logic and just get the damn joke.

And Batman, even without a mind and dressed in purple, because of who he is, cannot do this."

As for the art, it's great. I love how this arc started out with very simple art and layouts, as the story has progressed it's gotten a lot harder to keep up with the action, it's become more frantic, and even the layouts are almost hard to discern what order to read in. Also, I've been re-reading this run, and WOW there are lots of stuff from the beginning of Morrisons run that make sense now. They almost need to make an Omnibus of the Morrison Batman run, just so you can see this work of art for what it really is. I wish Morrison could stay on Batman forever.

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Re: Batman R.I.P.

On several occasions I've thought "Fuck this book" about the latest arc. Only problem is I'm too deep in and I need to know how it ends. I'm against all the crazy extra shit being added to the Joker. I could give a rats ass about the raggedy sons of bitches that make up Black Glove's crew. Jezebel Jet is a total plot device, I NEVER bought her as a legit love interest. Problem is that its done just enough to keep me interested in how it all turns out and at the end of the day after buying the Batman single issues right back to Hush I need to know what's going on with this. I need to know what the status quo of the Batman universe is, and I figure that by the end I'll get something out of it all.

If the ending doesn't work I drop this book, which is a damn shame because I've probably got my longest DC comics run on this.

I hate half of everything Morrison has ever written, the Filth is one of those books that makes be physically ill from its combination of aggressively nauseous visuals and brain leaking out your ear plotting. On the other hand I actually like his Batman run so far for the most part, and he had stuff under his belt that I do like, such as the Authority.

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Re: Batman R.I.P.

On several occasions I've thought "Fuck this book" about the latest arc. Only problem is I'm too deep in and I need to know how it ends. I'm against all the crazy extra shit being added to the Joker. I could give a rats ass about the raggedy sons of bitches that make up Black Glove's crew. Jezebel Jet is a total plot device, I NEVER bought her as a legit love interest. Problem is that its done just enough to keep me interested in how it all turns out and at the end of the day after buying the Batman single issues right back to Hush I need to know what's going on with this. I need to know what the status quo of the Batman universe is, and I figure that by the end I'll get something out of it all.

If the ending doesn't work I drop this book, which is a damn shame because I've probably got my longest DC comics run on this.

I hate half of everything Morrison has ever written, the Filth is one of those books that makes be physically ill from its combination of aggressively nauseous visuals and brain leaking out your ear plotting. On the other hand I actually like his Batman run so far for the most part, and he had stuff under his belt that I do like, such as the Authority.

Yip I'm the same.

From the start of R.I.P I thought it was going to be boring and shit, but then it got better, then it got random, then better, then the last issue.

This better not end like Hush with the last few pages trying to explain the story in a very rushed, shit we ran out of time way.

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