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I read an article the other day about big business complaining about GenY not using proper english in resume's, job applications, reports, etc and it got me thinking of the other side of the argument (cause I love playing devils advocate). These companies have spent the past decade going after the spending money of these kids with catchy add's, name changes, marketing strategies all using the GenY speak. Companies naming themselves "In2deep" instead of In Too Deep, and all that sort of stuff. Then they start complaining when their marketing has been that successful that it becomes a natural part of everyday life. Well they can't have it both ways!

So I was thinking, how about some useful tips that allow us to subtly enlighten each other and those around us to carry themselves in a more professional and courteous manner to their fellow man? And example is the tried and tested

Employee/Student: Can I ask you a question?

Me: You didn't really give me a chance there did you ...

(if someone can tell me the movie that is in, I would be grateful)

I like that cause it's simple, it doesn't offend and if they are only a little bit switched on, they figure it out for themselves. If not, I can explain it, without making them seem dumb.

I have a little pocket book of English and Maths rules that I keep at my desk that has stuff like

"I apologise" and "my apologies" which I think are helpful.

Anyway, just something that I thought would be interesting...

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My language has been informed in part by my dad's side of the family, who impart the poetry of Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll at the drop of a hat. So that, combined with my role as the token Brit on the forums, leads to me over-egging the way I usually speak. That said, I do like showing off the extent of my vocabulary whenever I can, which is why I sound different in Comic Reel-lief segs/articles, which are pre-written, in comparison to episodes of For Your Ears Only or when reviewing Batman movies with Mike & James.

It also helped that I had a few pedantic teachers who would correct me on my vocal contributions to lessons. The same goes for Adham.

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My english on the internet is completely subject to a stream of consciousness method. My english in person is a lot better. My english in text messages is perfect.

My problem is that I'm very informed by whatever I've been watching or whoever I've been talking to. After a couple of seasons of The Wire I'm all ebonics. After a week working with out site engineers I'm completely Bristolian. In all honestly I exaggerate my Englishness when it suits me, similar to Slothian I've got the middle-class intellectual confidence going on and I'm not adverse to making myself sound the way I think will get the best reaction or fit in most comfortably.

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My english on the internet is completely subject to a stream of consciousness method. My english in person is a lot better. My english in text messages is perfect.

My problem is that I'm very informed by whatever I've been watching or whoever I've been talking to. After a couple of seasons of The Wire I'm all ebonics. After a week working with out site engineers I'm completely Bristolian. In all honestly I exaggerate my Englishness when it suits me, similar to Slothian I've got the middle-class intellectual confidence going on and I'm not adverse to making myself sound the way I think will get the best reaction or fit in most comfortably.

Heh, I'm like that whenever I've been playing GTA: San Andreas!

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I've been told I have an American accent. I blame it on the large number of American cartoons I watched as a kid.

Almost everything I post on message boards is written in MS Word first. I’ll even go through and rewrite sentences so they sound better. I’m the same way with everything else. I’ll go through reports, e-mails and letters repeatedly until I’m happy with them.

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I type much faster than I think. Anyone that's spoken to me on AIM can attest to this, James especially. Those Tirades are usually an absolute mess from my end before editing. If Firefox didn't have a spell checker, I'd be equally as horrible on message boards (and sometimes I am, with Scobby Doo and such).

As far as in person, my voice sounds quite different than it does on the podcasts. Despite all my practice, I've never been able to do it naturally, and that's why I will sometimes break into a nervously slow stumble/lisp combination. I remember Kellen or someone told me I had a really boring voice once, and I've tried ever since to break away from sounding deadpan.

I also probably use more Brit speak than is expected of a Yank, but that's because I had to do research for an e-fed character and fell in love with the slang.

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I have this bad habit of always writing sentences back to front; as in when I read them back I realise it would flow better if I start with the second point and finish with the first. So I do a lot of re-writing of emails. I am also always conscious to not overuse the same word in a sentence or start back to back paragraphs with the same word.

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I write the same way I speak, by that I mean I talk really fast and make little sense.

Sure, my sentence structure may be absoulutely terrible, and yes your looking at this and saying "I know" but if you look at some of my earliest posts you'll see my structure was a lot worse then, than it is now.

I still suck with grammar.

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