Episode 73


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As a group of immortals sail around our solar system seeking enlightenment, the Black Guardian makes his final move against The Doctor ("Enlightenment"). Then, in an effort to prevent parliamentary democracy from ever forming, The Master attempts to stop King John of England from signing the Magna Carta ("The King's Demons"). As for the two most recent modern episodes of Doctor Who ("The Girl Who Waited" and "The God Complex"), there are spoilers between 3:40 and 13:40. Vroom! Vroom! [ 1:18:14 || 37.6 MB ]

The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/podcasts/biggerontheinside/episodes/bigger_073.mp3

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Another great episode guys. If you're after some quality Troughton, I'd stick Mind Robber on again. I'm missing the black and white stuff myself, it feels like ages since I saw some really old Who. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Five Doctors. FWIW, I'd rank Season 20 as:

1) Mawdryn Undead

2) Enlightenment

3) Snakedance

4) Arc of Infinity

5) Terminus

6) The King's Demons

As I said though, I'm easily pleased.


PS - the Monk in TKD would have rocked!

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As long as she doesn't speak directly into the camera, I'm fine with that.

This made me wonder something. Outside of major classic cast members, such as the Brig and Sarah Jane, which actors have appeared with the most Doctors? For this, let's exclude non-speaking (RE: bit and background) roles and Big Finish productions.

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This made me wonder something. Outside of major classic cast members, such as the Brig and Sarah Jane, which actors have appeared with the most Doctors? For this, let's exclude non-speaking (RE: bit and background) roles and Big Finish productions.

If I had to guess, I'd say Michael "Admiral Ozzel" Sheard. Off the top of my head, he did Mind of Evil with Pertwee, Pyramids of Mars and at least one other one with Tom Baker, Castrovalva with Peter Davison and Remembrance of the Daleks with McCoy.

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Is it wrong that I kinda fancy Captain Wrack?

Not at all. She's an attractive older woman. She just devoured the scenery.

I love Lynda Barron (She's predominately known for comedies over here), but i think my fave Who role for her is as the singer of "The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon" from the Gunfighters :-)

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