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Everything posted by JasonC

  1. Idris Elba giving a St Crispins Day speech, no less. Where's a time machine when you want one?
  2. If you speak of the last ever Twilight movie, I have mixed feelings about it. I watched all the movies - mostly to laugh and repeatedly mock - but during the last one... Oh god, the horror of the realization... ..I...I... actually sort-of... liked... it.
  3. I had it on my pull list but I haven't seen an issue yet.
  4. Thank god. Now maybe we can get a decent Ghost Rider movie.
  5. Red Hulk? And Eliza Dushku as She Hulk? When does this start? But wait... where is Red She-Hulk?
  6. My absolute favourite of all Shakespeare's plays. I must have seen it about 10 different productions so far, including last year with Catherine Tate and David Tennant as Beatrice and Benedict. I was already attempting to sell vital organs to see a production of it here in London later in the year with Vanessa Redgrave and James Earl Jones in the roles. Now I think I will donate the rest to see this version. Wonder who Nathan Fillion is playing?
  7. Never read them, so I can't comment.
  8. I will second the recommendation for Searching For Sugar Man. It's brilliant. Wow. You really weren't kidding about the Gangnam Style wiki page. The Apocalypse is pretty seriously nigh.
  9. ...It's just remotely possible I might just be approaching something similar to optimism about this movie. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go watch that again and squeal like a little girl...
  10. Dynamite seem to be doing OK with her. She has two ongoings at the moment, one called Queen Sonja.
  11. Gail Simone's relauching Red Sonja for Dynamite No, really
  12. Because flops are more interesting to write about. And I liked John Carter.
  13. Richard E Grant was just in The Snowmen. Is he - and The Great Intelligence - coming back?
  14. Someone screwed up then, because that trailer has effectively put me off wanting to see the movie.
  15. I liked that fan-made trailer. Even if they did use footage from the Avengers.
  16. I will let all you non-british types out there in on a little secret. We in the UK may watch the National Game of Cricket, but many of us have no idea what's going on, or even what the rules are supposed to be.
  17. Sure, the trailer got me excited for the movie. But that's a trailer's job, to get you into the movie; I always take them with a huge pinch of salt. Iron Man 2's trailer was pretty kick ass as well, remember? All too often, all the good parts of the movie are in the trailer and the rest of it is a big steaming pile of bovine excrement. My default position on all superhero movies is that they are going to be mediocre at best, awful at worst. Then, when I actually see it and its pure triple distilled crystalised awesome - like Avengers was - I can be happily surprised. Life in general has made me a natural pessimist. It's my default position in all things.
  18. Bored of these now. They are making my inate pessimism kick in harder and harder with every new one. They are going to have to work that much harder than this to convince me its actually going to be good now.
  19. I ordered the first Fatale trade just now. The last time I followed a recommendation here was Saga, for which I am grateful.
  20. From this moment on, all arguments are invalid.
  21. He's playing Jedikiah? Oh holy crap, could they actually be getting this thing right? Sorry, bit of a Tomorrow People geek. I watched all of the original series that I could....
  22. Oh god. It was bad enough that Michael Bay was making a TMNT movie. But Megan Fox? That's just the most... <watches movie of Megan Fox washing the Turtle Van play on the inside of his eyelids> ...brilliant idea I've ever heard! As long as she doesn't do anything else in the entire movie, I'm fine with it.