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Everything posted by JasonC

  1. The problem with recasting is that RDJ has made the role his in more ways than one. Whoever they cast, and how they play it, from now till the end of time is going to be compared to him.
  2. What is the deal with How I Met Your Mother anyway? I watched the first few episodes when it started, solely because of Alyson Hannigan, but even she couldn't keep me watching for long.
  3. Hmm. I would be surprised if they didn't at least try to back up a couple of trucks full of money first, to get him stay. He's kind of the face of the MCU right now.
  4. A series of movies would work. There's a lot of backstory and history to it to plunder. And as a player, they'd better damn well get it right...
  5. Howard the Duck was awesome. I had the entire run.
  6. Seriously? I was a huge fan of this show when it was around the first time....
  7. Well, They do need Ellen Page if they are doing Days of Future Past. Kitty Pryde does have a pretty big role in the Days storyline, and Ellen Page is all grown up now...
  8. The risk of him doing something like Jar Jar Binks is too great. Keep him out of all aspects - including idea sessions - and it'll be fine.
  9. As long as Lucas is kept away from all aspects of the script, production, directing, editing and marketing, this might just stand a remote chance of being something approaching halfway slightly good.
  10. Let's be honest. The internet doesn't need much excuse to lose it's collective mind...
  11. "I just can't let you out of my sight, can I Doctor?" "Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stuart! You recognise me then?" "Yes. Who else would it be?" That last is all in the tone of voice. Rueful and world-weary all at once.
  12. He's only in parts of the first book, so you just have to get through those and you'll be fine.. Somewhere in my flat is a Hobbit audiobook, recorded on 5 (or 7) vinyl records and spoken by the (now dead) actor Nicol Williamson. I'm moving in the next few months, so I will be able to find it again. Then all I need to do is find some way to play the records and transfer them to mp3. I remember his Gollum was brilliant.
  13. Yeah his anger sucked. But he only did it the once. Thank god. But there's a lot in Battlefield to make up for it, especially in the form of one Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stuart, being as awesome and magnificent as he could possibly be.
  14. And she liked to make her own explosives and blow things up, don't forget that.
  15. Why aren't we getting any of this in the UK? It's the friggin' 50th anniversary! In the bloody country which damn well makes it!
  16. Why would anyone admit to being in Fear Her?
  17. I mean a second round. Sequels, new movies. Such as Marvel are doing after the Avengers. If we do a Vertigo-themed one, I hearby stamp a claim on Lucifer.
  18. Any plans to go for a second round of this whole thing?
  19. It's aired the first season already in the UK. It interested me enough to keep watching but I only lasted about halfway through the season. It was a case of excellent idea, but very dull execution. I might try again from the point I stopped at, at a later date.