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Everything posted by Rjoyadet

  1. Pretty much the title of the forum. Say if all the robots villains from Doctor who met on a desert moon and fought it out, who would be the last one standing? Lets begin with one of each, to start. I would think that if it was just one on one all over the Raston Warrior Robot from "The Five doctors" would emerge victiorious. If anyone disagrees I would love to hear some feedback. There are some that will go down pretty quick (like the cleaning robots from Paradise Towers). Any creative ways for the unlikable ones to go down is appreciated as well.
  2. Maybe I should check out some old French Criterion Films. I have enjoyed Italian (Fellini) and Japanese (Kurosawa) films picked up by the Criterion collection. I am also glad you said French Criterion films not just Criterion because there are some films that, I wish, they never would have picked up.
  3. I am curious to see how the Buck Rogers re-boot will turn out. It appears to be a re-telling of the original series, but a lot of the old material was quite racist. I wonder if they will do some elaborate dodging or just get a lot of people angry.
  4. The fact that Benedict Cumberbatch imitates him should be reason enough for Tennant to become a voice actor.
  5. I realize I may be all alone but I wanted to say this is the first time the Christian iconography didn't offend me. It always frustrated me in the 1978 movie when Marlon Brando retold John 3:16 with himself as God and Kal-El as Jesus. It got me even more frustrated when they did it again in 2006 except this time it applies to irresponsible daddy Snooperman. I can understand that they were trying to get their "not a mary sue" merit badge, but I feel that mixing the two is like mixing two bright paints and coming with a dull color.
  6. Happy Birthday fellow Museum goer.
  7. Watching it again, the "Inception" of the 80's.
  8. I am watching Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer.
  9. I noticed that documentaries ever get reviewed, it is like they are immune to criticism. I thought the same way until I saw the documentary "Narnia & Beyond." It is a documentary about C.S. Lewis made by someone who wants to write a documentary about Harry Potter. Now before you think I am trying to go on a religious or political campagin, let me explain. I have no problem with a documentary on Rowling, she is an interesting person. The reason why I mentioned Harry Potter was because the narrator talks more about Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling than Narnia and Lewis. To top it off they say that his wife was ugly. A good documentary gets you excited. I have gotten people curious about Troll 2 by showing them "Best Worst Movie." However By the end of this documentary I never wanted to read anything by Clive Staples again. Fortunately I saw better documentaries about the man.
  10. Rjoyadet

    Kellen's 25!

    Happy Birthday!
  11. Here's on of Ricks crazy ideas: ever since City of Death, Julian Glover has played the fragments of Scaroth who have been scattered all throughout time and space. They all decided to go their own ways. Ancient Greece King of England, Crusades. Nazi agent USA 1930's KGB agent Sweden 1980's Imperial general, galaxy far far away, a long long time ago Westros and Essos, sometime around winter.
  12. My childhood roamings (in the USA) also involved going to houses being built and going through whatever the construction workers left behind. I was worse than the kids in "the musicians" because at least they made musical instruments, i made fake weapons. I would love to take scrap metal and pretend it was Excalibur or impale a beer can at the end of a rod, and pretend to be the superhero Steel. Oh no! If I have any hope of keeping my financial aid I need to hide porn in a hollow tree for pubescent boys to find!? that seems so wrong! (One searching of my room later . . . . .) Okay, my financial aid is safe. I guess in the future some mother will be mad when she finds her son going through the Bible and the poetry of Walt Whitman.
  13. Great episode! Is Ninja Warrior a spinoff of Takeshi's Castle or any of the other Japanese obstacle course game shows? Although this is not a tv show, I enjoy "Wait wait don't tell me" because of the silly prize of a voice mail. I listen to the reruns on Sunday afternoons because, to me it is a wonderful Sunday afternoon show. No all or nothing drama, if they win they pat themselves on the back, if they lose the just shrug and move on.
  14. During the third act I wanted to roll my eyes when the ship broke down within spitting distance of the moon. After the battle the ship then falls down towards Earth. If they were fighting so close to the moon wouldn't they fall towards the moon? Also, for a group that has colonized such far distances across the galaxy the moon seems pretty bare. Did Scrooge McDuck buy it and kept it all to himself?
  15. How about movies you love that nobody else has heard of, because for me that would be Astropia.
  16. Or maybe 11 saw him when he was looking in the room from "The God Complex"
  17. Thank you. I did not realize that you previously covered "Flowers for Algernon" I must listen to it. Also I love the Itunes avatar. I had a book of Stranger in A Strange Land, that I lent to my supervisor. They have not given it back yet.
  18. I wonder if the doctor saying "Spare Parts" in the middle of a cyberman story was intentional or not.
  19. Turn left was one of the first episodes that I waited for (not seeing as a rerun) and I actually enjoyed it. Even though I did not know most of the episodes that they were covering I took it as a "Previously on" segment like you would find in a comic book. However like most comic books the description of what happened at times seemed more entertaining than the episodes themselves.
  20. Waited to see Scott McCloud Dr. Zahi Hawass Neil Gaiman Someone I crossed paths with in the parking lot and am positive it was him. John Green DFTBA I also have a coworker who made a cameo in The Dark Knight as well as Man of Steel. does that count for anything?
  21. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind was the 1984 film directed by Hayao Miyazaki who also wrote the comic book from which it was based off of. If you are wondering : what kind of movie is Nausicaa? Although it is not Miyazaki's trademark film (My Neighbor Totoro) or his most celebrated film (the oscar winning Spirited Away, which he did not accept in person as a passive form of protesting the war in Iraq). It was the film that was financially successful enough to start Miyazaki's personal studio Studio Ghibli, and has received a huge following. My university's Philosophy club once showed the version dubbed by Disney (which had Patrick Stewart, Uma Thurman and a small role by Frank Welker), and when I asked the few people who saw it for the first time I got reactions of surprise. One person thought it would be a fun escape from reality, even though he liked the movie he said it still addressed issues that are prevalent in today's world. Another told me that they were surprised by how women were portrayed in the movie. In the movie the titular Nausicaa not only performed acts that ladies, let alone princesses, never did. I.E. kill the soldiers who murdered her father in combat. She rescues a prince. Has a secret laboratory where she does not plan to destroy the earth but finds a secret of hope for the forlorn people of this post apocalyptic dystopia. She sacrifices herself and is revived at the end, leading the people in a way of peace rather than war. this last scene made many uncomfortable because this made the protagonist seem too much like a female Jesus. The prequel (if you can call it that) To date Studio Ghibli has not made any official prequels, sequels or in Disneys case, direct to video in-between-quels. The closest they have come was make a short movie Mei and the Kittenbus which takes place in the universe of My Neighbor Totoro. This film has only been shown in the Studio Ghibli museum. I have not seen a pirated or bootlegged version (a testament to the fans following). This short film is called God Warrior over Tokyo In the original film, the god warrior is a creature that destroyed the world in an event known as "The seven days of fire." The film never tells when the event took place. All that is revealed is that the film takes place 1000 years later, where what is left of humanity still struggles to survive. This sequel sets the Seven days of fire as right around the corner. Some have said that this dark mini-movie is a reaction to the nuclear meltdown, much in the same way Godzilla:King of monsters was a reaction to the Bikini Atoll detonations. Like Mei and the Kittenbus this prequel, is only a few minutes long and is part of a exhibit. Unlike MaTKb this is not a part of Studio Ghibli but animator Hideki Anno, who animated the god warrior sequence from the original film. He later animated Neon Genesis Evangelion. This film has been released (leaked?) online. " http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xzbpwg_giant-god-warrior_shortfilms
  22. Here is a preview of "The Early Years"
  23. For a long time I was the only one I knew who hated Starship Troopers, but I later grew to appreciate it.
  24. Halfway through the movie, when it was revealed that Ben Kingsley was Melies. I walked out, for two reasons. 1. It was the middle of the night, and I had to work the next day. 2. I did not want to movie to end after one hour. I wanted to dream about the story for at least five more hours.