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Everything posted by Chops

  1. Chops


    Voltron was an amazingly cool show to watch as a kid in the 80's, but then again I have a fond spot for robots that change and join to make a bigger robot.
  2. Chops

    The Boondocks

    I liked the comic strip when it first came out, before it delved into reverse racism and super liberal america bashing. I've watched the show, and you can deffently see the creators views coming through. My local newspaper, even as super liberal as it is, actually stopped running the comic after the comics creator said in an interview how all of Americas problems can be traced back to whites, and that if the black populas was smart they would have rose up long ago and established their own land in America, free from the opression of the "evil white devil".
  3. I just noticed that the administrator won't let me add a photo to my profile, but I can understand, you wouldn't want me taking all the trim around here.
  4. So I missed the release of this, slipped under the radar, and am planning on picking it up today or tomorrow. I was just wondering since alot of us here got the regular collection when it same out, I was wondering if anyone has picked this up and if Capcom did a good job porting all the games over.
  5. If she likes Kevin Smith, have her check out the run he did in DareDevil in 1998, alot of reviewers called it the best Daredevil run since the Frank Miller "Born Again" issues.
  6. I'd thought it would be fun for everyone to list their favorite movies for each genre, not neccesarily which movies you think are best, but the movies you could watch anyday and be enjoyed. Western: The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean Drama: The Shawshank Redemption Horror: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Comedy: The Big Lebowski Military: Full Metal Jacket Feel free to add more genres to the list, these were just the ones I could decide on right now.
  7. That's some really good stuff
  8. Sturdy, huh, not exactly the words I would use to desribe the series.
  9. Just dive in and enjoy the beauty of the game, the landscape itself is one of the best points of the game. As for a pointer, when in doubt, reflect the light off your sword. This is basically a thinking mans action game, the colossi just take inovative thinking, sometimes obvious thinking, to take down.
  10. Chops

    Wii news

    Oh, I agree, I hate gamers who tout nothing but graphics, or how good a game looks while the gameplay is shit. However, the day and age were in a graphical leap from one generation to the next is needed to capture an audience and draw them into looking at your games closer. With Nintendo already under fire from alot of developers for their, in my opinion, horrendous controller, and then to have a system that is going to be the weakest one and also the last one to reach market doesn't bode well. Graphics can be used as a great hype machine, look at the PS3, it stole alot of press from the 360 release because of how amazing some things were that were being shown, even to the point were Mircosoft admitted that yes the PS3 is more powerful than the 360. But, with Nintendo's reluctance, it seems, to grow up, and with Nintendo losing ground in thier own country, I would just hate to see them go the way of Sega.
  11. Predator by a land slide. In the novels, you find out that the predators were the creators of the aliens, and send their young out on their first hunts against aliens. So, the predators see the aliens as such a little threat that predators who have never hunted anything in their lives, hunt the aliens first, they don't even have to build up to them, aliens are the bottom of the totem pole.
  12. The show was always meh to me, not bad, not great, but it had it's moments.
  13. I guess they didn't go the animated route like Kevin Smith originally said the movie was going to be.
  14. Chops

    Wii news

    I posted this before the forums went down, so I'll repost it: ZD media and EGM are reporting that developers who were given hands on time with the revolution are reporting that they are dissapointed with the graphics, saying they are barely better than what the Ganecube currently produces.
  15. Grievous is the only one that looks right, infact they should have only done this with robot characters. It just looks dumb when you have Luke with wings coming off his shoulders, or Obi-Wan with a cockpit as a chest.
  16. So is he going to shoot lasers instead of webs now...
  17. I didn't hate it, but it's far from a great design. That's for sure. Oh, I agree, one of my biggest faults was with the insignia. If he had atleast designed it himself in the story, it would be better, but the fact that he bought the jacket in the mall and then ripped the sleeves off just seemed cheesey, at least the "real" Spiderman actually created his signature spider design.
  18. Exactly, Luthor has always proven that he will stop at nothing and go over anyone in his pursuits of dominance. The man is the personification of self-interest. Joker is a sociopath who wouldn't trust his reflection. Magneto, however, given that you are on the same page as him wouldn't betray you and would go to bat for you.
  19. Glad to see everything is up and running. I like the addition of the multiple poll option.
  20. I guess I'm one of the few people that didn't mind the Scarlet Spider's costume, the storyline however....
  21. Ugh, so horrible, so fuckin horrible...
  22. Big Bump Has Adult Swim given up on this show or are they planning on ever bringing it back for another run?
  23. I love TNA, but for the love of god, I wish they would at least act like they are trying to be a professional company. For starters, do they even have a dq rule.
  24. Chops

    Katamari on the PSP

    when they showed this off at the TGS, it was played using the analog stick and the four face buttons(X, O, Triangle, and Square) as you would use the second analog stick on the PS2 controller