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Everything posted by Stavros

  1. Who? Who believes this? Who thinks that ANYBODY confuses fucking Smallville with genuine big screen Superman? Why would that show drain the enthusiasm for something that is basically entirely seperate? Lets get that Green Arrow tv show going.
  2. I heard good thing about the second live action film.
  3. You're absolutely right. I will admit your goatee is kewl and not gay when I get a Spanish steel throwing star through the eye. Besides, no-one expects the Spanish Inquisition. The stealth skills of the Spanish Ninjas are hampered by their deadly deadly maracas.
  4. Spanish. Dude, look at the sig. He's at ninja school.
  5. Stavros


    Glad I could save you some time. :happy:
  6. Stavros


    Firstly, Obama's association with Bill Ayers? The man was on a charity board with the guy, they weren't wife swapping. Ayers was citizen of the year in Chicago in 1997. Yes he did some horrible things in the past but for the vast majority of his life he's dedicated himself to public service, and I don't think the man Obama would have met would have been recognisable as the same person. Besides, John McCain was a key notes speaker at a fundraiser for that same charity less than two years ago, he didn't mind sharing a stage with Ayers. Regarding his policies, I'd say yes, he's been vague, at least up to a point. Several speeches have outlined details of his plans, they just arn't his stump speech material. I'm not particularly swayed by Obama in relation to tax cuts, I just want the damage done by Bush to be redressed. The main thing about Obama is that he has displayed consistent moral values and leadership on key issues, including the middle eastern conflict and race. You feel that the man is engaged on all levels of what he needs to understand to be president, he's not going to invade a country without understanding the ethnic makeup of it first. I trust his ability to take responsibility for his actions. I'm not super high on Obama. I think McCain has the wits and wherewithal to govern and guide the US a lot more effectively than Bush ever did. The biggest thing in Obamas favor over McCain is that Obama brought his supporters to him. McCain abandoned the middle ground and went straight to the fundamentalist base, and that terrified a lot of new or swing voters. Sarah Palin was a choice that did massive harm to the cause of women approaching executive office. I don't trust McCain to ignore those voices from within his party. John McCain two or three years ago was a man I could have supported, a moderate with a strong reputation for individual thought. That man was not seen during this campaign, no matter how many times anyone said Maverick.
  7. I finished it at about 2am monday night. Great show overall, its solidly in my top 5 shows although I don't think it surpasses the West Wing. Yoda, Jekyll is a lot of fun, we were watching it as it came out. Its a nice take on an old concept. I'm now watching Entourage and Sliders. Entourage is heavily recommended by friends of mine who already turned me onto Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia and of course The Wire. Sliders was a show that I ignored for years until I caught replays from seasons 3 & 4 and it became one of my favorite sci-fi shows. I can't wait to get back into it all these years later.
  8. Stavros


    McCain's always been a class act, he's obviously struggled against the smear tactics of his own party and he's clearly understood and tried to explain several times that Obama is not a Muslim Terrorist Marxist Goat Lover. I've got a ton of respect for McCain. Palin I've no time for, but if McCain had won this election I'd have been at least confidant in the convictions and abilities of the President, something that hasn't been the case for a while. Was the music at the end of McCain's speech from a Jerry Bruckheimer film?
  9. Stavros


    I voted. Don't ask how, but I did. I think mine was the vital vote that swung the election.
  10. I always pictured you as Damon Wayans. Or the Transformer Darkwing. In the series the Decepticon Powermasters Darkwing and Dreadwind combine to create the superjet Dreadwing, presumbly a similar process happens when DW guests on Dread Media.
  11. Nope. I want a Batman in his mid forties with Nightwing maturing to the point that he's a major hero on a par with his mentor. I also want to see a twenty-something Robin becoming something to the wider universe. The day that we get Batman moving to the JSA, Nightwing leading the JLA and Robin leading the Titans as a serious top group will be awesome indeed. At some point they are going to get rid of one or two of the classic JSA founding fathers, Ted Grant, Jay Garrick and Alan Scott. On that day Batman should recognize that Nightwing and Robin can do for the younger teams what he did and become a mentor in the Society. Preferably he would take over from Alan Scott and/or Ted Grant since they've both had an impact on Wayne's life. Bruce would recognize their value to the heroes and try to fill that void.
  12. Didio was Batman's original ward but got kicked to the kerb in favor of the more photogenic Dick Grayson. This is intriguing though, I suspect this signals the return of Babs to the main Bat universe. An Oracle/Grayson/Drake based team would be the best way to fill the gap left by Bruce, since they need to keep Batman & Detective strong much more than those smaller ancillary titles.. With Batgirl's return and the hinted resurrection of Jean Paul Valley they've pretty much reunited the entire Bat family.
  13. It had definite whiffs of randomality but I quite liked it. Nowhere near Futurama's peak but better than Family Guy. "Is that a hobbit?" "No, its a hobo and a rabbit, but they're making a hobbit."
  14. I'm totally going to hurl him off a cliff-face into a herd of stampeding Wildebeest. I'll also kick his son out of the house and enjoy years of peace with my hyena buddies. Circle of life bitch.
  15. Lets just say that if William Regal had been raised in Liverpool the title of his autobiography would have been "Walking a Brown mile".
  16. If we are putting down cities then Liverpool has the highest quantity of excrement to pavement of anywhere I've been on my travels.
  17. I've been losing weight so my damn face is a different shape to when I started. I don't like this chin, its not mine. Of course today people at work were saying how much they didn't like it anyway. Fuck them! I loved that facial hair. My housemates had a beard for about 5 years now and in a few short months I'd eclipsed him. Now I'm a hairless freak. He's regained his position of pride in the house, which is just wrong because I live to put him down.
  18. I'm about as upset as I've been all year right now. I lost something today that I've only had for a short while but in that time it grew because a big part of my life and my future. I was never going to let it go, it improved me as a person and completed me in so many ways. Now I'm alone, subject to the ridicule of others and the harsh nature of the elements. Goodbye my friend. I'll never forget you. I'll replace you as soon as I can. Stavros' beard. June 2008-November 2008. Seriously, I slipped whilst trimming the damn thing and gouged a big old gap that I couldn't make work even with extensive effort. The whole damn thing had to go so I could start from scratch. It wasn't my first beard but it was the first time I'd gone with a mustache as well and it was turning out just fine. One thing I've realized after this- I need a beard. I feel stupid looking in the mirror without it. Not as stupid as I felt looking in the mirror at me with just the mustache though, I'm annoyed that it had to be gone by proxy but I wasn't keeping it by itself. Damn it all to hell, this means months of effort to get back into shape. Its going to be 2009 before I look my best again.
  19. Where the hell have you been in Glasgow then? You mean your Stavros the man with the blue van!? If you want to interrupt my comic reading I'l be the guy looking like the pic of me but eating a sauage roll from Greggs, then realising it's shit. I tend to visit the cheap hotels and garage workshops, so admittedly I'm not getting a guided tour of the hotspots or anything. Still, Edinburgh is way nicer, they've got two comics shops pretty close together there.
  20. Stavros


    I'm pro-Dragon. Doesn't mean I'm pro-Palin though. Oh-ho!