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Everything posted by Stavros

  1. Probably the one where they gave the car away in the raffle. The reveal of the car after Ted tried to hammer the dent out is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Speed 3 is the pinnacle of comedy. its genius from beginning to end.
  2. Tell me about it. I actually caught myself saying "Jeepers!" the other day for the same reason. I have used the exclamation "Sweet fancy Moses".
  3. If you want to count four things then your only half right, and thats only going to be a couple of weeks until his arm snaps off again. I kid, I hate the guys pandering face act but he was really trying in ring before he disappeared again. He had a really great match with Umaga on Smackdown.
  4. Very little more sense, really. I wasn't crazy about that resolution. . I may not be remembering very well (I got the Season 4 set, but haven't had a chance to sit down and watch it yet), but never really went anywhere, did it?
  5. Just start with Action Comics 1 and work forward from there. Man I'd hate to be doing THAT podcast.
  6. I never stop to notice whose birthday it is. Have a good time mate.
  7. Both great recommendations, just make sure you go right back to the start with each. With DD thats hte Marvel Knights version, although if you want to skip straight to the first Bendis book thats fine. For a real grounding in the character try to find the three Frank Miller Visionaries books, DD became who he is in those. For Cap just go straight to the Volume 5 Brubaker run.
  8. Nothing ties in with the continuity of the old 90's marvel cartoons really. If you don't want to deal with a lot of continuity I'd go for the Ultimate line in Marvel, Ultimate spider-man is pretty self-contained and a consistantly good book. The Ultimate line has only been around for a few years so it easy to just pick up on the major teams like the Ultimates, Fantastic 4 and X-men and follow pretty much everything thats been going on. For DC I'd say pick one character and stick with them, preferably one with a long-running set of characters and a solid creative team. Green Arrow has been good since it restarted with Kevin Smith writing. It references enough outside continuity to gain your interest outside of that series without it being required reading to pick up other books. If you like Transformers though I'd check out some of the Marvel UK line from the last 80's/early 90's. Pretty much anything written by Simon Furman and drawn by either Andrew Wildman or Geoff Senior. Highlights include Target 2006, Matrix Quest, All Fall down 1 & 2, anything right up until Generation 2 hits after issue 332. Personally my favorite period of any long-running comic is the 250-300 range of that title, its packed with great b&w art by Geoff Senior and tonnes of short one or two issue stories that are taken from almost any period in the whole transformers timeline up until then. Grimlock as Autobot leader on earth is hilarious. Lastly the best burgeoning universe in comics is the Invincible series from Image written by Robert Kirkman. The main book has been going along for a while with a few small spinoff titles like Brit and Wolf-man having shorter runs alongside. Its a fantastic modern take on superheroism that combines the power and responibility of being your planets Superman with the everyday life sensibility of early Spider-man. Its very funny but by the time you hit the end of the second trade paperback the whole direction of the book is suddenly very gripping and very serious. Highly recommend for a low-continuity read.
  9. Stavros


    The condensed watchmen. Thanks to Ouroboros on the Oratory.
  10. Now that I've got over the shock and had a chance to listen to this all the way through I can comment. Fine guys, one storyline per episode seems fair and I like the shorter running time than most Earth-2 stuff. I probably won't watch all of the shows to accompany the episodes but I'll certainly keep listening to Bigger On The Inside.
  11. Just spent 6 hours driving across the country and back to delivery some documents and faulty equipment to the offices of our companies main employer. Had to be done, but man I got bored after the first 5 podcasts.
  12. William "Rapier" Hannigan? Cassius O'Flannigan? Its a pirate ship not a leprechaun convention.
  13. Definitly go with the story name over just numbering the episodes, its so much easier to find what you want that way, and its a much more logical introduction on the show. Am seeking iTunes storefront info for you now Mike, I'll let you know.
  14. Most of those were pretty bleh expect for Green Lanterns, which were hilarious. Captain Marvel & Wonder Woman had some funny ones too. I was pretty annoyed that Catwoman, a character who has been a hero in DC for year and years now, has a fatality as though she's a villain.
  15. Sorry, in this country biweekly means twice a week. Presume you mean fortnightly. Re the unified iTunes feed thanks for pointing that out guys, I didn't know it was there. However what I was thinking of was a unified page of introduction, like you get if you look up a specific band or podcast group. It doesn't actually list the individual shows, it just displays the graphic for each podcast and a text background on the source. This is linked too as an overall creator in addition to the specific presenters of each show and links to this page are placed on each of the individual podcast pages. Its a neat feature that gives the whole thing a more official look. To get what I mean type in Make it so and then click the link that says Simply Syndicated.
  16. Speaking of iTunes, a lot of broadcast networks place all their various shows under a single overall banner, like the Simply Syndicated network do. What with producing 5 podcasts now it might be a good idea to try and get something similar set up, to promote the cross-pollination of potential listeners searching through iTunes.
  17. Can't think of any non-smutty ones (Master Bates, Roger the Cabin Boy, etc) but this might help- Pirate name generator For most of the crew its best to go with one-word names like Mullins or Harper.
  18. Well at least we know why Russell T Davies quit now. Who could refuse the offer once it came in from Mike? And I had no idea that William Hartnell was even alive, much less harboring secret dreams of podcasting.
  19. Oh WOW!! I had no idea these guys would be hosting this, what a catch for earth-2!
  20. How come The Invasion, a 2nd Doctor story with two episodes that were destroyed looks and feels far more coherent and realistic than Destiny of the Daleks, a late 4th Doctor story that took place over a decade later? The Invasion is pretty damn good by the way, the first and fourth of eight episodes are animated due to the loss of the film but everything else is great. It all goes Die Hard midway through, it feels like an action/adventure on its own merits than a more formulaic latter Who. After Lethbridge Stewart refuses Isobel Watkins assistance on a dangerous mission on the grounds that she's a young girl- Isobel: Bigoted idiotic... Jamie: Ah, well, he's right you know. Zoe: Jamie McCrimmon! Jamie: Well he is! Zoe: So just because your a man you think your superior do you? Jamie: Ah, now I didn't say that. (pause) Of course its true. edit- Zoe's an awesome assistant, several times throughout the Invasion her gift for mathematics plays a far bigger role than the Doctors genius.
  21. I want my own pig-homunculus servant. He can sit in the corner of my room and freak people out. Hmm, methinks I have a costume in mind for my godson next Halloween.