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Everything posted by Stavros

  1. Thats so badass that the shark is sweating. Can sharks even do that?
  2. John Morrison's gyrating during his entrance is hilarious, he's taken that gimmick to fantastic new levels recently. I can hardly believe I was against the change from Johnny Nitro. With his charisma, athleticism and ability he's probably my favorite guy in wrestling right now.
  3. Dubs turned in another article? Hey-oh! :laugh:
  4. So did I but thats no reason to punish an innocent chimney, not to mention the kids in the house. Nobody wants a Jar-Jar doll for Christmas.
  5. Why is Superman stuffing George Lucas down a chimney?
  6. I kept reading and re-reading the questions to absorb them, it just wasn't happening. I'm not used to needing to comprehend what I'm reading, if that makes sense. Look if you're all going to prove to be smarter than me then we need a different measuring stick. One I can hit you with preferably. I've got an IQ between 129-133 if that helps (although that is the lowest in my immediate family. I still say my mum cheated to get 146, she's a Daily Mail reader for gods sake!).
  7. Best wishes Des, I hope your dad recovers soon. Just to keep you guys updated, not long ago I posted that my Grandmother was dying. She apparently decided to try and prove everyone wrong, and she started eating again this week, just a little soft food like ice cream. She was pretty alert for her when I went in earlier this week. Her condition isn't really likely to improve but she's doing far better than anyone working at the home predicted. My aunts have been keeping watch over her this whole time, despite the fact that one of them is halfway through 6 months of chemo for breast cancer and as a result isn't at all well herself. Unfortunately for my dad its not just his mother in poor condition. His girlfriend's mother died over the weekend following a heart attack the week before, so he's been traveling back and forth between Bristol and south wales to try and stay on top of it all.
  8. Stavros

    Christmas lists

    After much pestering from family members I finally sat down and wrote the following- DVD's- Wall-E The Dark Knight Red Dwarf Series 8 Lord of the Rings- The Two Towers (Extended edition box set) Lord of the Rings- The Fellowship of the Ring (Extened edition box set) Books- Nation- Terry Pratchett The Folklore of Discworld- Terry Pratchett The Nail: An Elseworlds Tale of the Justice League of America- Alan Davies From Hell- Alan Moore League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier- Alan Moore Judge Dredd: The Complete PJ Maybe- John Wagner, Alan Grant, Garth Ennis Local- Brian Wood & Ryan Kelly The Complete Maus- Art Spiegelman Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling- Bret Hart I just told my aunts to get me iTunes Vouchers.
  9. This is a test administered to kids in the UK for decades in order to determine what level of school they'd be sent to back in the day when we had a lot of Grammer schools. The BBC just put a sample test up and I got 11/15. Now perhaps if I'd prepared my mind rather than doing it on the fly I'd have got a couple more but given the 10 minute time limit I really think I'd miss a couple of them after looking at the correct solution. My mind appears to have degraded somewhat since school (no surprise there). Do you dare take the 11 Plus exam?
  10. Erm......Dr Who IS a British show. Yes, but when I head off to the 12th moon of Zroiuatat, it would be sort of weird if everyone there sounded like they were from Bristol. Just accept it, Bristolians are going to conquer and settle the entire universe whilst the continent of North America slides under the sea.
  11. The baddie was all a bit Scorpion King, although I was happy to see long-time Who fan/writer Mark Gatiss in an episode.
  12. Its the result of having the veneers put in place and perhaps some extra dental work that had to be done as well. She obviously hadn't gotten used to speaking with them yet, resulting in the lisp. Of course this doesn't excuse the fact that all this work resulted in a brand new overbite.
  13. Season 4 of Doctor Who. The second half of this season is all about high-concept sci-fi orientated towards horror. I just watched Midnight and Turn Left, and they are a great couple of individual episodes, the latter of which sets up the finale perfectly. Aside from the Turn Left might just be the strongest episode of the season.
  14. Thats how he was described on the cover of that Best of Al Snow tape I ordered...eight years ago. Wait a minute, there IS no Best of Al Snow! OHOHOHOHOHO!!! This is the best Christmas ever!
  15. Well, their chief weapon is surprise. Fear and surprise. Their two weapons... Fear, surprise, and fanatical devotion to quoting Monty Python sketches.
  16. I did not see that coming. Preston next.
  17. OH! I figured it out. Duh! :happy: Just be far less complimentary next time around. In fact, as long as you vehmently discuss your hatred of certain things for as long as they are around I'll willingly mix together all the samples to put that segment monkey back in his place. I'd do the same for you Stavros, naturally, although John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman saved me the trouble! Curse you Ian! How dare you point out the verbal tongue lashing I recieved from an internationally known comedic personality...and John Oliver. Thats it, Mike you get that tattoo and make sure the human being shot is Ian.
  18. OH! I figured it out. Duh! :happy: Just be far less complimentary next time around. In fact, as long as you vehmently discuss your hatred of certain things for as long as they are around I'll willingly mix together all the samples to put that segment monkey back in his place.
  19. This is awesome. He's actually my first choice for the role but the last guy I thought they'ed pick. Snow would be a good addition as a wrestler/agent to TNA.
  20. CM Punk looks like a dirty hobo but he's been improbably over ever since he debuted. Do you really think that Zach Ryder is a better investment for the WWE than Punk was?
  21. In order to be in the best wrestling company in the world making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year or more, and on international tv every week absolute perfection is what is expected. Thats a pretty binkered approach to promotion. If you want perfection then a great many acts will never be in a position to get over. Its their current addiction to hard bodies and uniform looks that keeps great talent like Colt Cabana in a jobber position. The kind of pressure you describe is what leads to talent like William Regal using steroids, for fear that their look isn't good enough to justify a push. WWE would be twice the promotion it is right now if developmental wasn't churning out such generic talent. Its all just the search for the next Cena or Rock, they hardly ever take a guy with other merits. Santino is a major reason people watch Raw and the man can't even wrestle. Just imagine if they worked towards developing personalities over looks.
  22. Your PC is obviously trying to embed the awesomeness of Studio 60 into your brain for all of time. Its good but its no West Wing. It sort of falls down because the sketch comedy isn't any good, all the genuine laughs arise from the usual greatness of the Aaron Sorkin character interplay. Also it has a weird thing going on in my head where it clashes with 30 Rock. 30 Rock is a much more easygoing look at the same setting, and it does a great job of mocking the exact style of TV that both Studio 60 and West Wing represent. I like Studio 60, its just a bit high and mighty for what the concept actually merits.
  23. He's out of shape and sloppy because he had a broken neck for over a year. Of course he's not going to come back looking like a million bucks. I'm not judging the guy, but Hurricane's rehab took much longer than most of the neck fusion patients. I accept that guys like Benoit, Edge or Austin are exceptional people but in most cases they were back quicker than Helms and tended to look better than him too. That being said I don't see them cutting the guy. His body shape has fundamentally changed to the point where he's not going to be getting back into his old gear anymore but once the ring-rust is gone and he's readjusted his style and gimmick again I think he's going to be valuable. Half the reason he looked bad was his Indy-riffic gear. A haircut and ditching those shorts would do him a world of good.
  24. Rectify this. Today if possible. I'm trying but every time I go to put the dvd on my PC mysteriously starts showing another episode of Studio 60. Maybe you're not understanding Miyazaki's genius. I understand! Really I do! My PC just won't stop playing Studio 60, its an anime ignoramus.
  25. Rectify this. Today if possible. I'm trying but every time I go to put the dvd on my PC mysteriously starts showing another episode of Studio 60.