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Everything posted by Stavros

  1. And a sterling example of why when see normal I run the opposite direction as fast as I can. Seriously, my three step-sisters are all happily married/engaged/have kids and nice homes, and then theres me and my brother on the other side representing the less respectable aspects of society. I couldn't feel more awkward when we all meet up.
  2. The members of this board are the most upstanding degenerates of any site I've been on. You guys can all string a sentence together; granted that sentence is usually to do with debilitating fetishes but at least its coherent.
  3. Where do I lie on this scale? On a scale of :angel: to :devil: you think you rank as :devil: but actually you're a . I'm a No arguing or I'll downgrade you to a
  4. Stavros

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Its a well known factoid that the fewer puritans of any kind a nation has, the more civilised it is. Yey western Europe!
  5. In my defense it was a very sexy rock.
  6. This entire place is filled with degenerates. ......... :devil:
  7. Eww! He could wind up siring his own grandchild!
  8. which movie the 1986 animated one or the 2007 live action?.... Or were you talking about marvel movies The 1986 film. God damn I've seen that thing 1000 times.
  9. Heres hoping that they ditch the female assistant for a few episodes next season, or at least the upcoming holiday specials. I'd quite like to see the Doctor trying to get along with other guys instead of kicking them off quickly like they did with Mickey, Jack and that chap with the hole in his head. Lets see a return to the sort of buddy relationship he had with that highlander kid.
  10. Heh. Bill Bailey referred to your kind as the "Pale mythical wardens of the treasure".
  11. There are times that I'm very glad that I'm solely responsibly for the office admin and organization of a small company. I get my own van, phone, laptop and desktop PC and I pretty much run my own day outside of the couple of days a week I'm needed on site. You're never as miserable as when those around you are miserable too, and I'm usually pretty happy. I've worked retail and I've worked white collar for the government and its all bullshit compared to my current job.
  12. Hmm. You know, now that you mention it, I've never been called on it. I'll have to test this theory. Bring on the boobies! I feel like Sam Jackson meeting Bruce Willis. I'm going to be very skeptical about all this, but you see, I'm the guy who always gets caught.
  13. This is dancing for pussies who won't mosh properly.
  14. Nevermind Superman, when is the Batman Returns review coming? I'm looking forward to hearing you tearing Joel Schumacher a new one and thats not going to happen whilst we've still got Burton on the table.
  15. Thank you. I'm quite proud of it. :happy: Maybe its your power, to be able to look at boobies without retribution.
  16. Fantastic, thats quite the dodge sir.
  17. Oh man! That just might be Post of the Day! I concur.
  18. I'm pretty certain that I'm never going to be suck in a lake with a Kraken and the characters from Winnie the Pooh so thats a bullet dodged at least.
  19. I've actually been picking up Brit since the current series started due to its tie in with Invincible and the great standalone specials that occured before. I have to say that I've been close to dropping it a few times just because the current writer doesn't really have a handle on the character and the sort of stories he should be part of. That being said I thought this was a much stronger installment and with the series wrapping up at 12 I think I'll have to finish it out just to see what becomes of the characters, in particular Donald. Pretty much the same deal with GA/BC. I was very close to dropping it early on just because it failed to offer a lot of the darker setting that the Green Arrow comic used to involve, but the odd decent issue kept me involved. With Winick leaving I have to say I'm pretty much done with the book for now. If the reviews are good I'll get the subsequent stuff in trades.
  20. I'm having a bit of messed up recurring dream these last three nights. Actually, its not so much recurring as serialized, its an ongoing story. Basically its a zombie outbreak, and I'm trying to keep everyone alive and realizing just how little my prior plans are helping me. I don't feel like any kind of asset to our survival. When I finally stand up and try to take down a zombie outside our home it takes an incredibly painfully long time, and I don't realize its a quisling (human so messed up they think they are a zombie) until the pool cue is through their eye and in their brain. It takes a depressingly long time to put them out of their misery after that and I just fall apart after its done. The next night it continued with me trying to rescue my mum and stepdad, mostly it dealt with the idea that the general public were actually able to contain the outbreaks themselves with a little government instruction, so my mum's actually fine. I get there and all of a sudden everything goes to hell and we have to leave the city. Last night was the most messed up. We are living in a sort of tented shantytown trying to turn it into a permanent community. We fend off the occasional zombie and then the Klingons invade, charging through the town slaughtering everyone with their Bat'leths. My brother is a broken down wreck and they capture him, and refuse to free him under any circumstances. He's kept as a prisoner and constantly questioned about him involvement in the outbreak (?). I'm both afraid and intrigued to see how it plays out tonight.
  21. I think I've got the first issue of that somewhere.
  22. If you ever need someone to discuss the Marvel comics or worship the movie without any real objectivity then give me a call. I've barely even seen the cartoon aside from a couple of VHS stories I had when I was a kid.
  23. What an incredible saga of heroism and daring-do.
  24. I was creating a Yahoo mail address and decided on Stavros because it was the name of the hamster mentioned in the Super Furry Animals album Fuzzy Logic. Its wouldn't give me that, so after a dozen variations its finally accepted Rabidstavros77. I switched back to just plain Stavros after a couple of years on the Oratory forums. Its a good name really, it means Christian Cross and I adopted it just as I left my faith. I like the religious overtones.