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Everything posted by Stavros

  1. Yay! Just think of the fun situations we could get ourselves involved in Des if you moved to Glasgow! I mean sure we would get into tight spots, but we'd always get out of them with hilarious concequences. I already have a theme song.... Don't drive him away from the British Isles!!! On a serious note, the UK system seriously isn't that much better. The upswing is that the three main parties all hate each other so much that there's unlikely to be a coalition government. Local councils, sure, but not in parliament.. I actually regard the British Parliament as being a prime example of the Goldilock zone in politics (Goldilocks zone=just right). Theres enough diversity to provide more than two opposing opinions but at the same time the government has enough control to exert its influence in most cases. Its not a system prone to radical change or upheaval. Places like the US are so bogged down in left vs right that little is done without enormous exertation, and other contries have a hundred different parties ruling in coalition that provide little in the way of stability. Aside from the people up in Scotland who are chasing independence (which will only cost themselves) the UK has a pretty good situation.
  2. That might be based on their record sales, but I think that a misleading source. I own a Nickelback album and I can't stand them.
  3. All the New Gods were dead. Thats the point of Final Crisis, its their resurrection.
  4. If you have to use special methods to keep puppies tender then your not half the chef your Michelin stars indicate you are. The best thing to do is bind its legs, shave it and then throw it on a big old grill. Lightly sear the puppy with the skin still on and serve straightaway, preferably with some macaroni cheese and a pint of Chinzano Bianco.
  5. Should have followed that up by showing them how much you were into naked wrestling. Just like the greeks.
  6. Just respond by getting details wrong. "Yes I believe in Jesus, especially after that whole pillar of salt deal". Don't treat them as a problem, treat them as a challenge.
  7. That is sweet! Man I wish I'd seen more zombie films as a kid, I could really have had a ball with that back when I had an imagination. Slothian up next. That is my new laptop background by the way.
  8. Its so stupid for Dibiase to be out right now, he'd only just started to establish himself. Considering how positive the backstage reaction to his in ring work has been you would think they would prioritize the man's wrestling career right now rather than throwing him into another pathetic bargain-basement piece of crap film.
  9. I wish that link was more subtly labeled, it ruined the surprise.
  10. Its pretty clear that it will be Nightwing, since a Kryptonian character of the same name is being debuted as part of the Nightwing/Flamebird team thats taking over Action Comics. Plus Nightwing had that splash page with him holding the empty cowl. Its a bit odd to be since he already had a go in the role after Knightfall, but I suppose that was only a short run and Bruce was always going to be coming back at that point. This is a genuine succession, the first of the big three DC characters to have an in-continuity like for like replacement (I don't count the four supermen or the fact that Diana's mother was retconned as the original Wonder Woman, in both cases there was clearly only one real person in that role). Batman joins the host of other DC legacy characters, like Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman and the entire JSA. I really hope that when he returns to the role he's in the JSA instead of the Justice League, its a much better fit at that stage. Dr Midnite and Mr Terrific are practically his sidekicks anyway, they are certainly the most similar heroes in temprement and ability.
  11. You're probably better off not owning them.
  12. Just finished watching The Green Mile. Wonderful sad film.
  13. That means......hey i can get three copys of timecop for only $9.95.... Wait, I don't even want one copy of Timecop.
  14. To get rid of the Wal-mart you just need to find the mirror in the back and break it. I saw it in a documentary I watched last night.
  15. Those are reserved for me, thanks. What about beard jokes...damn.
  16. Anything on One More Level. 99 bricks is a favorite right now, its mindlessly task-orientated rubbish I can do whilst listening to podcasts.
  17. ok enough werthers Originals bashing suave..... I'll second that. A running gag is fine but I'm not a fan of making fun of a guy persistantly when its based on something thats a fact of life. Besides Dan's putting a lot into the site these days and I'm glad we have someone stepping up to do so much. I know it wasn't mean-spirited but its run its course.
  18. OK, so now I find out that Mrrison has two more issues to go. For the love of christ! Theres no freakin' point in boycotting these so close to the big events and I want to be able to pick up and understand the post-Morrison run so I need them. Its just, I was told that was it, bit as far as I can tell RIP has achieved F-all and Final Crisis is going to be the genuine end of Batman. What BS false marketing was this? RIP was no more the death of Batman than any other story that claims that "Nothing will ever be the same again". You gotta respect Brubaker, at least he took Cap out, fatal gunshots and all. Morrison is just dicking around. To quote Blackadder-
  19. I'll kick this off- check the opening post for the full current advent list o' fun! 1st December Tomorrow- Suavestar
  20. Just so everyone is aware, when I post the full list, it will contain links to the reviews and articles. This way you'll have direct access to them. Woohoo! This would be a bit too much work if it wasn't for that list.
  21. It can be anything. It can be Ruud Gullit sitting on a shed if you like. It can be from comics, films popular culture, your personal life, something funny you saw on the web, whatever. Given the secular nature of the board it would hardly be in keeping with our usual standard to keep this on the straight and narrow. I'll post the schedule later today although it might get altered to allow for late additions to the list.
  22. Stavros

    The Music Thread

    Ash- Twilight of the Innocents.
  23. Same ground rules as anywhere on Try to post stuff suitable for our younger members, don't make the mistake I did in that birthday thread. Perhaps I'm not on earth-2 enough but... what mistake DID you make? Nothing! I did nothing! Go back and check the Joker's groupie birthday thread, you'll only find adorable birthday kittens! That all that was ever there! What birthday? You're crazy! I'm going to sleep! So are you in?
  24. Same ground rules as anywhere on Try to post stuff suitable for our younger members, don't make the mistake I did in that birthday thread.
  25. I'll takes that as a yes. Yey Christmas!!!