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Everything posted by Stavros

  1. Sign up here. Everyone who signs up gets put on the schedule and gets to post the image for the day which the rest of us get to bask in the glory of/vomit over. At the end of it we have an array of images that sum up these forums, something I'll be able to show my therapist after I'm committed next year. Anyone who wants to take part say so here, I'll post the schedule to start tomorrow. The List- 1st- Me 2nd- Suavestar 3rd- AJR 4th- Slothian 5th- The Other George W. 6th- Dread 7th- Boston Dan 8th- James D 9th- Preston Nelson 10th- Koete 11th- DW 12th- Kscriv 13th- Me 14th- Suavestar 15th- AJR 16th- Slothian 17th- The Other George W. 18th- Dread 19th- Boston Dan 20th- James D 21st- Preston Nelson 22nd- Koete 23rd- DW 24th- Kscriv 25th- Me Any late arrivals feel free to let me know if you want your name up there too.
  2. No, its the one where his Victorian self is visited by a ghost and witnesses the evil excesses of the rest of his family line. Robbie Coltrane plays the ghost. It was a 45 minute special made between Blackadder the Third and Blackadder Goes Forth. You're thinking of Blackadder: Back & Forth, the millennium special.
  3. I'd like to bring you Suavestar but you know if I try to bring you south of the wall I can get two or three years of jail in the nearest roman town. You know the immigration laws.
  4. HA! Jen and I watched that this evening, too! Though we watched it with the commentary. Its the first time I've seen it properly and I really enjoyed it. My only complaint was the truncated ending, it really didn't explore the forgiveness of Scrooges family like other versions have done.
  5. Blackadder's Christmas Carol A Muppet Christmas Carol Father Ted - A Christmassy Ted South Park- A Woodland Critter Christmas & Christmas in Canada I've even watched that old traditional Chrismas story, Bridge over the River Kwai. I don't know whats wrong with me, I don't even like Christmas.
  6. I do drink. I've just started on a bottle of Cognac I got from a regular customer and I do drive. I drive a van with two front seats and enough space in the back to really injure a dozen people as I speed recklessly round some corners. Come on, lets have a traditional Christmas massacre!
  7. Thanks guys, that means a lot to me. Because of her condition its really not a tragedy like Des' friend, thats a really horrible situation and I can only offer my deepest sympathies for all concerned.
  8. Don't do anything stupid Suavestar, theres always a way to get through these things. My grandmother is dying. She stopped eating a few days ago and she isn't responding to anything. She has what amounts to Alzheimer's and had several strokes earlier in the year, so this wasn't entirely unexpected. I'm almost glad that her deterioration wasn't prolonged even further, she barely resembles who she was when she went into the home four years ago.
  9. Freaky coinkydink, I just watched that ep. Of course I've been up since 3am watching the entire first season...
  10. It was cliche ridden bullshit. Kraven called, he wants his last hunt back.
  11. Kellen, You know I hate math, Draw me a picture. Anyway, Doug= Doug Parker, 7172= The address of a house that I very much loved very much until I moved.'re NOT from the future? Now I never said I wasn't. Yeah but it would be cooler if you were like, the 7172nd Doug clone from the far future. And that Doug was Douglas Adams.
  12. Damn. Are you sure? Sucks if thats the case. I though you were doing better?
  13. This isn't really a rant seeing as I asked for it up I now have two black cauterized wounds on my head where moles used to be. I guess thats two more scars on my head where hair is never going to grow again. My scalp is starting to look like a roadmap.
  14. I don't jest. I stab with a creative zen.
  15. I had never heard of that story, I just figured it was an archetype that got used and reused y'know, "The hunter becomes the hunted".
  16. Huh, I bought it but never read it. Thanks for reminding me, I'll do that today. Let you know what I think later on.
  17. Are you saying Hitler wasn't gay? 'cause that neat little mustache and uniform fetish say different. I used him as an example as tolerance towards homosexuality rather than any possible effeteness he displayed. What, you mean the exceptional tolerance he showed as an employer what with Herman Goering and Ernst Rohm being prominent members of the party? That really was when Seagull gay jokes jumped the shark.
  18. Are you saying Hitler wasn't gay? 'cause that neat little mustache and uniform fetish say different.
  19. If you want to conquer England you'll definitly need a translator for things north of Hadrians wall, that is if you don't want a giant angry drunken ginger thicket rushing towards you in a hail of fried mars bars and whisky.
  20. I've tried it man, it ain't easy. Plus over here pants means underwear, and I'm not comfortable freeballing it, not even just one day a week.
  21. "Guests" makes it sound like they are Guantanamo residents.
  22. My side is vigorously involved in self-destruction on the basis that being forced to stick around on a planet where dubs wins is a significantly worse fate that a graceful early exit.
  23. Prime Suspect. For those who don't know, these are a series of 3 hourish dramas starring Helen Mirren as a police investigator following a case. I'd always scoffed at terrestrial tv series like this, and for the life I me I can't think why after watching two of them. Helen Mirren is astonishing, by the end shes a lonely career driven alcoholic who is throwing herself into murder cases to try and escape her own miserable life. Not to mention that thanks to the fact that the 7 series take place over a 15 year period advances in style and makeup mean she actually gets better looking every case. Its just such an unusual role for a middle aged woman to be playing, and Mirren does a great job with it.