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Everything posted by Stavros

  1. Grr. I just walked from my house to the centre of Bristol to check out the 10am showing of Zach & Miri at the brand new Showcase Deluxe cinema. This place is supposed to be great, digital and standard screens, even a special directors theatre with extra big comfy seats, a special menu and the ability to pre-book a specific seat for a showing (plus its over 18's only). Apparently the hype is big enough that at 10am on a Saturday over a month after it opened the place was packed. I've been to 10am saturday showings of Star Wars movies on opening weekend in this town with only 7 people in the theatre. I love being in an empty cinema, theres no noise and no stress. 90% of the time I see new films its alone at a weekend morning showing, its practically a ritual now. I've only been into a packed cinema twice in years and that was just for Special early showings of Hot Fuzz (with cast interview) and Transformers. Frankly if I ever decide to go back to this place it will be for some as yet unknown special film for an early morning weekday show in the Directors Theatre when I have time off. I just don't see the attraction of going there for a screening over travelling 10 minutes the other direction and paying the same amount to sit in an empty VUE cinema. It also annoys me that there is an IMAX in the centre of town that had to shut due to lack of business but this place in packed around the clock just because it has a fancy menu. However good it is the screens won't be up to IMAX quality.
  2. Verily, forsooth. Thou speaketh true.
  3. Pistols at dawn? Defend yourself, sir! Have at thee!
  4. I'm a huge fan of Dexter, but its the sort of thing that I thought would end after two seasons. This third one hasn't quite caught me yet.
  5. Oh, so that means I can't blame them for turbo.....dammit! I blame Turbo for TKR if anything. Do you love obnoxious robot sidekicks? TKR has 5!
  6. Dude, I think Power Rangers turbo was around before TKR. Just checked wiki, yes they were.
  7. Maybe they could bring back Team Knight Rider! God, that show was more a Power Rangers rip-off than a Knight Rider show.
  8. Meh, I was annoyed by the presence of the other villains. I wanted Batman & co vs Onomatopeia mano a mano, just like the old Green Arrow story. I really didn't need Onomatopeia's presence reduced to make way forcharacters who arn't exactly screaming for space in books.
  9. Notes made whilst listening- Oh Bodger & Badger, the worst tv show with the most infectiously annoying theme tune ever. Noel Edmunds House Party might have been raw sewage as entertainment but you've got to admit they had some good concepts. Before Mr Blobby became a genuine chirldrens attraction he was just a spoof, totally designed to Punk celebrities back when Kutcher was still learning his abc's. "We shall do to Moonraker what god did to Hull" :laugh: Blockbusters is actually relevent, Bob Holness played James Bond in a radio adaptation of Moonraker in 1956. Adham is starting to make Bond himself look like a hardcore feminist by comparison. What exactly is on Adham's list of things to do before he is 30?
  10. Now it might be worth watching.
  11. Looks pretty damn cool. This is a production aimed at fanboys.
  12. Eh, in that it's Children in Need day tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be in good company. Apparently it's dress down day at work tomorrow, but in that I've been off today & yesterday, I think it might be a cruel joke by my co-workers. So my plan is to go in to work with a customary suit, and if it is a dress-down day, I'll wear my Calgary Flames hockey jersey over it! Good company? I'm the only one in the office, I've sent everyone else to Telford to finish off a project. Not much point in fancy dress when you are stuck in a railway arch all day.
  13. Just got up to speed on Entourage. This is great show, every episode is standalone and yet the overall saga flows very naturally. Plus 1/2 hour episodes and short seasons make this very digestible. Highly recommend, not least for the humor, interplay and smoking hot oft-naked women throughout.
  14. Excellent, this'll keep me distracted and inefficient at work tomorrow.
  15. The JSA Kingdom Come Superman Special did not disappoint. In a week of weak issues this was a bright shining star. Alex Ross art that didn't blind you with shiny brightness and a big chunk of detail that expands upon Kingdom Come itself and KC Superman in particular. This is by far right now my favorite character in the DC universe. Sorry Tim Drake (former favorite), but this Superman is what the Sentry should be in Marvel- The most powerful man on the planet with a tragic history and an uncertain destiny. If only all $4 specials were this good.
  16. You were closer than Mike, I'll give you that.
  17. Hey guys, great stuff but I have a complaint. You can't criticise the people in the episode for mispronouncing Chimera when you guys constistantly mangle the similarly mythical Golem. Its not Gollum, thats a fictional character from Lord of the Rings. A statue given the appearence of life is a GO-LEM. GO as in ready steady and LEM as in Lemmiwinks, the Gerbil King.
  18. I was just checking the listings to figure what comics I wanted this week, and I'd just like to thank Marvel for not killing me with loads of books. I'd gone through Dark Horse, DC and Image and already listed 9 issues this week, thank god I only needed Wolverine at the end. My List- BPRD: The Warning 5 (I need to revert back to getting the trades for BPRD books, I'm just not digging the sotry progresion piecemeal) Batman: Cacophony 1 (Big fan of the original Green Arrow appearence of the villian. Big fan of Kevin Smith Comics in general.) Detective Comics 850 Green Arrow & Black Canary 14 Green Lantern Corps 30 (Irregular purchase but I'm hooked on the multi-corps stoyr and that makes this essential) JSA Kingdom Come Superman Special (My favorite Superman, how could I miss it out?) Manhunter 36 (I was debating dropping this but its being cancelled anyway so I might as well stick with it. Brit 9 (Getting to where I wish it was Kirkman writing solo) Walking Dead 54 (I'm never waiting fort he trade on this again, it ruins half the issue to issue cliffhangers.) Wolverine 69 (only on for this storyline) I'm going to have to do some spring cleaning, I can probably drop 4 of these in favor of the trades or completly after these storylines are up.
  19. That would be awesome, athough if they are going to just have a distinctive mob boss they may as well go with Black Mask.
  20. I'm fully on favor of a South Park podcast. Put your life on hold James, this needs to be made.
  21. Dling now. I do think that the image used for this ep justifies that generic biohazard episode. The bad guy is fantastically creepy once you understand who and what they are.
  22. Stavros

    DJ's 24!

    Mucho props to the man with that bizarre avatar. Happy Birthday.