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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Okay... I had "Nature Trail to Hell" running through my head all week. I had finally gotten it out of there. Now it's back. Thanks, Dubs. :laugh:
  2. That's a shame. 2001 still stands as one of my all time favorite novels.
  3. Dan

    Xbox Live

    Boston Dan 61 (Originality! Look for it!)
  4. I kind of tend to leave anime for a while and come back to it periodically, but Chobits was freaking hysterical.
  5. Well, I just started it last night, so after three hours I've only just now set foot an my first alien planet. It's not a constant wall-to-wall action shoot-em-up, it's a story with occasional brief bursts of violence, but I kinda like that.
  6. So far it isn't blowing me away, but I'm enjoying it well enough. It's basically KOTOR with better graphics and alien sideboob. Bioware has a piece of my soul, I think.
  7. I just like the idea of listening to someone complain about whatever pop into their head for an hour. "And another thing! You know what pisses me off? Monkeys in clothes! It's weird and wrong! Are they taking our jobs next?"
  8. Bombs away! I demand this podcast!
  9. Just started Mass Effect. I haven't gotten very far yet, but it shore is purty.
  10. I'm a Northerner. Turning around while I have a pistol strikes me as an extraordinarily bad idea. :devil:
  11. It was a combination of that and the RF modulator being set up incorrectly. I am, at times, retarded. Many thanks, sir. What do you mean "at times"? :devil: ohhhhhhhhhhh you gonna take that from James? Hmm? What? Oh! Um... no! You cad! You bounder! Defend yourself, sir!
  12. It was a combination of that and the RF modulator being set up incorrectly. I am, at times, retarded. Many thanks, sir.
  13. Hey everyone, I got a new 360 today. This is not my first, but I haven't run into this before. I'm setting it up, but the brightness is off the charts. Everything's just washed out in a sea of WHITE. I tried adjusting the brightness on the TV, but no go. Has anyone run into this?
  14. Dan

    Did I just hear that?

    While at work, an older gentleman took it up on himself to lecture me about the quality of customer service and the way that we let our day-to-day tasks become prioritized at the expense of the customer. It was important, he felt very strongly, that these tasks had to come in second to customer service. Of course, what actually came out of his mouth was, "Duties are number two! Duties are number two!" Over and over and over again. I'm twelve, so I literally had to stab myself in the thumb with a staple remover to stop from giggling.
  15. In the works...a little down the line but in the works nonetheless. I'm going to try and break up a lot of the Marvel stuff. It will be difficult. I can see where that will be a problem. Marvel, New Gods, Marvel, New Gods, Marvel... Jimmy Olsen!... New Gods, Marvel...
  16. I can't believe I haven't read this yet. I'll be picking it up this weekend. Tremendous review.
  17. Early Thor, Journey Into Mystery era stuff. Kirby laid out some seriously trippy stuff.
  18. Dan

    Did I just hear that?

    Wait... what? Did he say 100 years exactly or is he estimating? Shit... there goes my 175 year plan...
  19. I can tell you know when I realized that Kirby was comics' unending fountain of asskickery; obviously I knew he was instrumental in the creation of the Marvel universe, but it wasn't until I was in college, and had gotten my hands on a copy of one of the DC Archive Editions for All-Star Comics, that I really understood what set him apart. (Great series. Wish I still had it.) The way All-Star was set up (for those of you who might not be aware) is that the Justice Society was more of a framework; every member would have his own eight page solo story, and they were all tied together by a tenous framing story ("We've got to find Doctor Crotchpunch! Hawkman, you cover Asia! Hourman, you take South America! Johnny Thunder, try not to break anything! Dr. Mid-Nite, you can handle Australia!" and so on. Then we'd get eight pages of whatever Hawkman got up to in Asia, etc.), and each story was drawn by the artist who handled the strip in the character's main anthology book. At the time, art tended to be not so great, especially after America entered the war, when most of the main artists went overseas and the comics tended to be drawn by sixteen-year-old kids. Anyway, in one particular issue, Hourman had to leap from one rooftop to another. He looked frozen in mid-air, with a few motion lines behind him to indicate that he was jumping. This was not unusual for the time. In another story, the Sandman also had to jump from one rooftop to another. This was when he was in his purple-and-gold togs, and the artists were the team of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. Here, the Sandman reached out with one hand to catch the next roof, while his leg pushed off from the roof behind him. It was dynamic, it was exciting, and the Sandman looked like a real, well-proportioned athlete who would have no trouble kicking your ass up and down the street. This was just one example in a story filled with them. Kirby absolutely blew everyone else out of the water, and drew what was really the only exciting story in that book. And this was in 1942, a full twenty years before Kirby would go on to his best stuff. Great, great stuff.
  20. I was half an hour late for work today because ervey motorist in the greater Boston area decided it was important to slow down and stop, so that they could have their turn watching some hammerhead on the side of the road change his tire. Aaarrrggghhh.
  21. *sigh* better stock up on blank CDs, then. I have to learn to stop sitting on iPods.