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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Dread

    Episode 106

    No worries. Let me know how it is if you check it out. I've been meaning to grab it and check it out for sometime.
  2. Nicely done, Ava. Best one yet!
  3. I actually really like CotC. I haven't seen it in a long time but since it's on Blu Ray I imagine a screener should be coming soon enough.
  4. Laugh tracks added to serious scenes in film. Not for the weak of heart. It's dark.
  5. Dread

    Episode 106

    If you're referring to the unfinished Thomas/Dick Giordano adaptation. It's finished and out. I haven't read it yet but I hear it's excellent. It's called Stoker's Dracula. From Marvel.
  6. Sub-Mariner Comics #1 70th Anniversary-2 new fun little stories and a fucking great reprint from the Golden Age. Excellent stuff. 8/10 Justice Society of America #25, 26-25 is nonsense and shit. It made me feel good for quitting this book. 26, however, brought back Eaglesham and Johns to deliver maybe my favorite single issue of the year as the goodbye to this incarnation of the JSA. Absolutely great swan song for Johns on Stargirl. Starman is fucking rad and every character rallies to her birthday party to make an intensely memorable story without villains or world threatening circumstances. This is why Johns is the master he is. 10/10 Simon Dark #18-Though I'm sad to see it go, Niles delivers a profound and sweet final issue. Too damn bad. 9/10 The Flash Rebirth #1-3-Wow. I had my doubts going in but Johns, again, knocks it out of the park. Absolutely great moments with a neat little mystery. The stuff with Iris and Wally are fantastic, I have a few reservations about the moments with Hal but that's fine. The reveal why he's back is something I guessed at but never believed would be true. The perp is the same. The race with Superman is perfect. I have absolutely no idea where this is going. And I love it. 9/10 Total Comic books: 347 Trade paperbacks: 13 Graphic novels: 1 Jan 01-Aug 28=300 comics, 13 TPBs, 1 GN...Wednesday Comics #3, Wednesday Comics #4, Adventure Comics #1, Luke Cage Noir #1, Red Herring #1, Ultimate Comics Avengers #1, Batgirl #1, Blackest Night: Superman #1, Dominic Fortune #1, The Red Circle: The Web #1, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1, Chew #1, Walking Dead #59-64, Viking #1, Broken Trinity #1-3, Broken Trinity: Witchblade #1, Broken Trinity: Aftermath #1, Fell #8-9, Hotwire: Requiem for the Dead #4, FVZA #1, newuniversal: Shockfront #1,2, newuniversal 1959, newuniversal Conqueror, Daredevil #116-119, Justice League of America #31, 32, Captain America Comics #1 70th Anniversary, The Human Torch Comics #1 70th Anniversary, Sub-Mariner Comics #1 70th Anniversary, Justice Society of America #25, 26, Simon Dark #18, The Flash Rebirth #1-3
  7. I try not to make general statements about cultures but the Japanese are fucked up. And I love them for it.
  8. Dread


    The cold and the beer but minus the healthcare? Yikes.
  9. Good. Fucking God. DW, Preston and I have all agreed on something on the same day. Is that the sound of a seventh trumpet I hear?
  10. Dread


    Wait...I thought you were in the states? Did you move in across the street? Good thing I'm moving...
  11. Dread


    Good to know you found the line. Is that rock bottom?
  12. What did you think? I have to reread that because at the time it felt like it came to a complete halt to tell a flashback arc. It bugged me at the time and i think that negatively affected my thoughts.
  13. Dread


    Hahaha! After the Mr. Miracle thing in the comic survey, I have to tell you something: "Quit typing what I'm thinking!"
  14. newuniversal: Shockfront #1,2-Why is it that Ellis has eleventeen million projects made of suck when one of the best books Marvel has produced this past decade is dead in the water? Fuck. 9/10 newuniversal 1959-Read it last year for IIWY and it's still as good. Damn this is a powerful book. 9/10 newuniversal Conqueror-I had a lot of trouble following this book. It didn't make a lick of sense. Turd. 1/10 Daredevil #116-119-These are the first four parts of Return of the King and I just have a lot of excitement for grabbing 500. Too damn bad I'll have to wait so damned long to see it. Kingpin is a pimp!!! Goddamn. There is no doubt I will not be following the creative team change. It couldn't match this. 10/10 Justice League of America #31, 32-Wow, talk about turds. This book has been in the can for months and McDuffie has been holding it there. I can't remember ever abandoning a series I'd been following before the end of an arc. But I did now. Black Canary assualts her husband for "embarrassing her" and proceeds to whine for an entire issue and then the rest of the team don't have a fucking clue what's going on for the issue after that. Kind of a postmodern bend on actually attempting to read this tripe. 0/10 Captain America Comics #1 70th Anniversary-This is quite possibly the best Captain America story i have ever read. AND IT"S WRITTEN BY JAMES ROBINSON! He's a guy I've never liked but he hit this fucker out of the stratosphere. Marcos Martin is now one of my new favorite artists. Damn, he's good. 10/10 The Human Torch Comics #1 70th Anniversary-Not the biggest fan of Snyder's story but Wegener's art is crisp. God I love it. 6/10 for the art alone. Total Comic books: 340 Trade paperbacks: 13 Graphic novels: 1 Jan 01-Aug 28=300 comics, 13 TPBs, 1 GN...Wednesday Comics #3, Wednesday Comics #4, Adventure Comics #1, Luke Cage Noir #1, Red Herring #1, Ultimate Comics Avengers #1, Batgirl #1, Blackest Night: Superman #1, Dominic Fortune #1, The Red Circle: The Web #1, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1, Chew #1, Walking Dead #59-64, Viking #1, Broken Trinity #1-3, Broken Trinity: Witchblade #1, Broken Trinity: Aftermath #1, Fell #8-9, Hotwire: Requiem for the Dead #4, FVZA #1, newuniversal: Shockfront #1,2, newuniversal 1959, newuniversal Conqueror, Daredevil #116-119, Justice League of America #31, 32, Captain America Comics #1 70th Anniversary, The Human Torch Comics #1 70th Anniversary
  15. 1. During my time as a comic book fan, I have completely changed my opinion about the work of Chuck Dixon. Granted it was very early. I suppose Bendis, Millar, Chaykin and Miller would fit as well. 2. A recent trend in comics that I find most annoying is the wanton force feeding of events and tie-ins that for the most part are complete and utter garbage. 3. A recent trend in comics that I love is sound effects in the art, bring back word balloons on the covers now!. 4. I can't understand why Captain Britain and MI-13 doesn't have an ongoing series? 5. I wish that Warren Ellis had been able to give us more Hellstorm. You know, before he went off the rails and realized that people actually like him and then began creating the same books over and over. 6. They really need to make Repairman Jack into a comic book. 7. The next comic book or character adapted into a big budget movie needs to be______________. I honestly don't give a shit. I'm disappointed by the massive majority of comic book movies anyway. I kind of wish they'd stop making them. 8. Don't tell anyone but I secretly love Beef Jerky. I have no guilty pleasures. 9. My dream job in comics would be to write them for a living. 10. The character in comics that is closest to my own personality is probably Mister Miracle to be honest. At times I feel like Orion though.
  16. I actuallu like what he did with Simon and Kirby's Sandman. I'm talkin' Eternals.
  17. Gaiman already raped one Kirby property to death, thank you.
  18. He's the second Prowler though, right? Wasn't Cat originally called Prowler?
  19. Those are the Prowler's claws. Straight from Morrow's mouth.
  20. Must be a sad day for Suave, it's the first year he'll actually be catching up to Bea Arthur. Sorry, man. Enjoy it nonetheless...
  21. Well, you're half right...
  22. Wow, you guys really like Born, huh?
  23. I was just about to post my email but I got the same thing
  24. I can open it but it's 673 pages of gobbledy gook. It's weird, cuz August still works fine.