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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Dread


    So what did he do in the 1700s?
  2. Dread

    Terror Titans

    He's got a good part in the recent Teen Titans run
  3. If the Native Americans don't instantly think their gods have come to kill the white man, it's not going to be good.
  4. Walking Dead #59-64: Consistently the best comic being written month to month. Adore this book. I have a feeling that once they get to DC, things are going to get a whole hell of a lot worse. 10/10 Viking #1: I really dug this. It was in the back of WD #64, and has a great violent and fun pacing with a cliffhanger like a left hook. Good stuff. I'll be grabbing this in trade from now on. This is what Avatar books should be more like. A tiny bit of restraint goes a long way, you know, creating tension and all. 9/10 Total Comic books: 319 Trade paperbacks: 13 Graphic novels: 1 Jan 01-Aug 28=300 comics, 13 TPBs, 1 GN...Wednesday Comics #3, Wednesday Comics #4, Adventure Comics #1, Luke Cage Noir #1, Red Herring #1, Ultimate Comics Avengers #1, Batgirl #1, Blackest Night: Superman #1, Dominic Fortune #1, The Red Circle: The Web #1, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1, Chew #1, Walking Dead #59-64, Viking #1
  5. Ha! Can't wait for this one.
  6. This is the year Marvel killed good comics. Captain Britain and MI: 13 and Agents of Atlas gets canned while Cable prospers. Why was I dropping all of my Marvel books again? Oh yeah...
  7. James Joyce's Ulysses: Bella and Edward's favorite book. That'll get 'em! I thought it was going to be Wuthering Heights and Zombies.
  8. Wow...we coujldn't disagree more about Sejic's artwork.
  9. Translating the translated native language into actual English. Giving the words flair. It's essentially a writing job that gets credited as a member of the English Translation Team or something. Would have been a fun writing exercise.
  10. he makes that look so easy...
  12. Dread

    The Smurfs

    Oh for S---f's sake! Quit S---fing around!
  13. Chew #1-read this in the backup to one fo the recent Walking Dead issues and I have to say it was awful. It's an original idea that devolves 100% into cliche inside the first few pages and doesn't leave. 2/10 Total Comic books: 312 Trade paperbacks: 13 Graphic novels: 1 Jan 01-Aug 28=300 comics, 13 TPBs, 1 GN...Wednesday Comics #3, Wednesday Comics #4, Adventure Comics #1, Luke Cage Noir #1, Red Herring #1, Ultimate Comics Avengers #1, Batgirl #1, Blackest Night: Superman #1, Dominic Fortune #1, The Red Circle: The Web #1, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1, Chew #1
  14. I got a one star review on my first episode based on my dislike of Rush. They never took it down. Don't bother.
  15. I was a hair away from working for these guys about five years ago. I was worried about not knowing shit about anime and overcompensated on knowledge of animation and it turned out the person I was up against knew nothing...and that's what they wanted.
  16. I doubt this will see fruition. Del Toro is becoming genre cinema's Tarantino. He's got as lot of concepts out there for things he wants to work on, but none of them are in the works.
  17. How does Hitler feel about Disney buying Marvel? You know you want to know...
  18. Dread

    Episode 105

    See, the only complaints I've heard are the ones I have: plot-lite, and very little of the titular characters. Besides that it is a spectacular film. Not as amazing as Jackie Brown or as smart or tight as Reservoir Dogs but it's next to those in my opinion. I've always found Pulp Fiction to be relentlessly pretentious. I can't stand that movie. Not as bad as Death Proof though. Kill Bills are fun but not weighty. I feel that IB captures the best Tarantino has done and wraps it into one package.
  19. Dread

    The Music Thread

    Listening to Patton Oswalt's new album "My Weakness is Strong." Not as good as Werewolves and Lollipops but while talking about the young, good-looking hotshot black president and the grizzled veteran elderly white VP watching him, America is set for eight years of a buddy cop movie. Biden: Barack! Get your ass into my office! Did you balance the budget again?! Obama: It was just sitting there... Biden: But you destroyed 20 cars!
  20. I got my first allergy shot today. So, in five years, I should be allergy free for the following 15 years. Is this the best science has got?
  21. Plus, the funnest part of youthful indiscretion next to the indiscretion is not telling your parents.
  22. Right. In all fairness, that was about the tamest story you'll ever hear that starts with "I was wasted in Amsterdam..."
  23. I was wasted in Amsterdam once and walked into a hookah bar (having never been in one). I asked how much the pot was and the waitress gave me a dirty look. I said "You can't have a glorified bong in the window and get all uptight when someone wants to get high!"