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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Dread


    Tonight before bed the boys watched Batman Brave and the Bold "Eyes of Despero" while I did the dishes and this was a conversation that was happening and which I eventually joined: Davin: Who's dat pink guy? Cade: That's Destro. Davin: He's bad. Cade: Yeah. Sidestro is bad too. (they have seen Green Lantern: First Flight) Davin: No he's not. Cade: Sidestro is bad cuz... Davin: He's good, he's Green LANTERN! (voice getting higher in pitch and louder as the sentence carried on) Cade: No. 'Member he go'd yellow? Me: Then why is Batman hanging around with a bad guy? Cade: Batman knows. Davin: Go G'Nort Go!
  2. To point out the bad in Hush, one only has to look at this: Ooh, here's this guy from Bruce's past who's kind of like a childhood antagonist. Oh yeah, and here's the masked villain that just happened to surface at the same time as Bruce's old friend. The bad guy is actually Jason Todd back from the dead! Fooled ya! Psych. It's actually the obvious thing.
  3. Good sweet GOD have I got a shit-ton of spectacular books to read!!! I swear that Cooke's first Parker book smelled like Scotch when I opened it.
  4. Dread


    Hey! She's got a superposta.com email addy. She has to be legit!
  5. Dread


    I was more into Vincent Price and Billy Van, but I'll side with Dan just based on the feeling old thing since that show comes on the channels my kids watch.
  6. Wow...double-douche two days in a row. Grow a spine you socially retarded fuck. My God... Edit: also, the even more cowardly retards telling him he was right about Liefeld and a pussy for "apologizing" need to be lined up and shot if this medium is ever going to be given any credit as an artistic form. He wasn't "right" about Liefeld. Liefeld is an artist and art is subjective. Know what he was doing there? Sketches, for people willing to pay a hell of a lot more for a con sketch than I am. People who want a piece of his art and are willing to pay huge amounts of money for it.
  7. The original is a piece of art and the new one looks like something I might be capable of. That's bad.
  8. Marvel hates their fans. It's official.
  9. How about if someone came in to your work and gave you shit in front of people for something you did 15 years ago...at work? The point is the motherfucker bought the book, didn't he? He should go and fuck off.
  10. Dread

    Episode 102

    My will be done.
  11. Dread

    Episode 102

    The dropdown menu up top on this page will let you look at all of the Nightmare World comics to date. Pre-order on Amazon.com for cheap. And for you DCBS'ers out there, it's in this month's Previews. Pre-order it.
  12. Fuck these guys. What a bunch of fanboy douches. Fuck them. This commentor said it all: "I’m sure that Rob Liefeld is just writhing in sleepless agony over the wicked ice burn you guys laid down on his giant pile of money" I don't like Liefeld's art either but the guy who goes out of his way to publicly humiliate the man WHILE HE'S WORKING and WHILE FANS ARE TALKING TO HIM AND THANKING HIM is a waste of skin.
  13. Fifty Dead Men Walking is a great film set in Belfast in the late eighties early nineties. It is also likely the only Canadian film set in Ireland to feature Ben Kingsley, Jim Sturgess and a red-headed Rose McGowan. Yes...the answer is yes. She looks ridiculously hot.
  14. This is gonna be awesome!
  15. I would change my vote if I could. A local station had Breakfast Club on last night and man it does not hold up one iota. One of the most dated films I have seen. Ferris feels as new as the day it came out still.
  16. All Star Superman is quite possible the greatest achievement in sequential art this decade but i would be interested to hear what a newbie to comics feels.
  17. It's too bad, but I heard the Marvel/DC presence is pretty slim this year.
  18. Hack/Slash would be cool. Dubs: volume three is getting a second printing in October!!! I'd like to see you two try and make sense of Yuggoth Cultures. Actually, maybe I wouldn't...