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Everything posted by Dread

  1. That second panel is priceless!
  2. Gah; for a minute I read the text and got excited. Ditto
  3. Dread


    Now when I get this tattooed on my forearm, it will have a whole extra set of baggage attached to it. Edit: But, actually, it's "I want to go to there." I'm hammered. Excuse me.
  4. Dread

    Batman Beyond

    A guy in a Batman Beyond suit did.
  5. Dread

    Episode 99

    Primitive and the Clickers books are on for buy1 get 1 free at Delirium books til the 26th, so get on that if you're interested.
  6. Dread


    I'd take her over Beyonce, but I'd take a lot of women over Beyonce. She has a stuck-up bitch look. But i would say Silverman is hot. She's fucking hysterical too. Tina Fey is still hotter. I want to go there.
  7. Dread

    Batman Beyond

    Have we ever seen Terry?
  8. You should check out the TV series, it's twisted.
  9. ah, leave the Inuit alone. Global warming is wreaking enough havoc on igloos as it is!
  10. I'm honestly more confused at this point than pissed off. Once I spoke to the detective it was clear I wasn't a serious suspect. Once I work through the "wha?", I expect to be pretty furious. And Niki, I have no idea who I've pissed off recently. Seriously, what adult person does shit like this? Those guilty of obstruction of justice, that's who. I'd find them and give them a reason to call the cops.
  11. Ah, I'd say something about reaping what one sows but then I might be mistaken for an English teacher...
  12. It should be noted that that image from the Last Days of Animal Man takes place in the future.
  13. That's pretty harsh. Is there any extenuating circumstances? Usually AP stuff is for those with a good head on their shoulders. Was there no actual studying going on?
  14. The real question is, will they call Tom Kalamaku Pieface in this one?
  15. Then you have crushed your enemies, seen them driven before you and heard the lamentation of their women? Then worry not, that is what is best in life.
  16. Dread


    I just walked into the pantry and forgot what I walked in there for. I looked for a few minutes and then realized I was looking for my hat. Which is in the closet, not the pantry. I'm going to go and hose catshit out of my carport now...
  17. This. Also, Blitz and Blood Will Run (includes the GN Iron Heights)
  18. He also had a very long and successful run on Flash with Wally. Don't worry, few get the Flash like Johns does. Maybe no one but Mark Waid.
  19. Dread

    The Music Thread

    Iggy Pop's American Caesar album
  20. Not during the episode you didn't.
  21. What's that? I couldn't see your post beyond the boobs.
  22. Dread

    The Music Thread

    just finished the latest Atmosphere album, "When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint that Shit Gold." Still the best hip hop act going right now. But a lot of it is that current slow jam club shit that gets a little annoying. Almost the entire album. But the later tracks start using guitar and real drum kitsd again so that's nice. The reason Atmosphere is so fucking good is because he only writes songs when he sees or feels something worth writing a song about. Something 99% of rappers have no fucking clue about.