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Posts posted by Dread

  1. I thought it was good too. I fell asleep at the end though. But, I fall asleep at movies I watch at home a lot lately. It's not indicative of the movie, it's more about how fucking tired I always am. Makes reviewing stuff for Dread Media a bitch!

  2. I'm not sure if it counts as self-contained or not, since I read it all in TPB form, but the whole Death and Return of Superman saga. I know it's not exactly Watchmen, but it was the thing that really got me into comics, and made me a serious mark for Cyborg Superman for some reason. I really like late 80's to early 90's Superman books.

    Yeah, it's a crossover. 4 Superman Titles, Justice League of America and a bunch of one-shots.

    I actually preferred Knightfall. It was a great Bat tale with him stretched thin trying to get all the maniacs back in custody after Bane broke 'em out of Arkham. Knightquest or whatever it was sucked all the life out of it in my opinion.

  3. DC comics can't do big events and often their mini-events are pretty damn bad (Amazons Attack actually made me abandon Teen Titans AND Wonder Woman and every other book with a tie to that series that I'd been reading). There are parts of the Sinerstro War that I've liked but its nothing amazing.

    Please start TT again with 50. You're missing out. McKeever is capturing the quality and vibrance Johns hasn't had since they got past the Titans of Tomorrow storyline. I wanted to quit with all that AA stuff too but I knew it was going to be short...

    I've said before, Sinestro Corps War is the best superhero story of the year (if we don't count First Born or Atomic Robo as a superhero story)

    I liked No Man's Land quite a bit too, Stavros.

    I'm also in the minority that really dug Avengers Disassembled / House of M. It took a lot of risks with established characters and that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but I think it ultimately paid off.

    I enjoyed No Man's Land until I realized I was dumping tons of cash into a bunch of books that didn't matter. I think I might have been the only person in the world who bought the first couple Azrael issue of NML. The problem with Bat-crossovers is that they don't go anywhere. The Resurrection of R'as al Ghul is going well though.

    I liked Avengers Disassembled quite a lot, I just wish there had been more build up to it rather than Bendis took over and broke the team up so he rebuild the team in his vision, they had an interesting character in the new Captain Britian and were going in the direction of a Hawkeye Wasp romance and a Cap Wanda romance and then it was all dropped so Bendis could blow up Ant Man and co.

    I'm of the camp that thought AD was the best Avengers story since Neal Adams was around and then it all went to Hell with that abortion called House of M.

    DC One Million was the best event.

    Fatal Attractions was fun too. So was Mutant Massacre. And X-Ecutioner's Song. But these may not hold up.

  4. Here's the list in order of tentative release:

    Cloverfield (formerly Untitled JJ Abrams Film)- 1/18

    Teeth - 1/18

    Postal - 2/1

    Pathology - 2/8

    George Romero's Diary of the Dead- 2/15

    Funny Games - 3/14

    The Ruins - 4/4

    Iron Man- 5/2

    Son of Rambow - 5/2

    Midnight Meat Train - 5/16

    The Incredible Hulk - 6/13

    Wanted - 6/27

    HB II (formerly Hellboy 2: The Golden Army) - 7/11

    The Dark Knight - 7/18

    The X-Files sequel - 7/25

    Trailer Trash - 8/22 (this has been given a date? news to me)

    Clive Barker Presents: Hellraiser - 9/5

    Punisher: War Zone - 9/12

    Where the Wild Things Are - 10/3

    Igor - 10/24

  5. On topic: I caught a lot of flack whilst in Canada for enjoying a Comedy Network show called Beat the Geeks. Twas very cool, but try telling skiiers that!

    Man, that show was greatness.


    Fourtheded. Beat the Geeks was the shiat! Blaine Capatch! Coolest name ever.

  6. What I had read originally was that this would be his first movie without a twist at the end.

    I'm guessing the live action movie of Avatar: The Last Airbender will be his first one without a twist.

    The twist will be that the cartoon was live action all along...only in an alternate universe where live action really is animation.

  7. Personally, it's a little late for him. Sixth Sense worked for what it was. Even Unbreakable, a guilty pleasure, worked for me. BUt by the time The Village rolled around (of which there was also discussion of it being his first film without a twist), it was tiresome.

    He's a one-trick pony whose best work was an American Express commercial as far as I"m concerned. It's a good commercial though.

  8. I've been let down recently by Shyamalan's movies, so I had almost zero hype for this one until I remembered reading about it over a year ago. This is the one where

    the Earth gets tired of us humans and tries to kill us all off by using the plants and trees to release toxins that make us kill ourselves.

    I heard really good things about it.

    In the 20th Century Fox release, starring Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel, John Leguizamo and Betty Buckley, a couple goes on the run from an apocalyptic crisis that presents a large-scale threat to humanity.


    Let me guess: it's all a dream?