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Posts posted by Dread

  1. Regardless of whether the Marvel films as a whole (not necessarily including SM) are better, DC makes more money and in the film business that makes them win.

    In general, DC films all comand a respectable grossing - Batman & Robin beat Daredevil in takings, when it was a much worse film - but their lack of production and franchise creation has been their loss at Marvel's gain. The Spider-Man movies, love 'em or hate 'em (and I know where you fall on that line, Des!), round out the top 3 whilst the latter X-Men films also took in more than $2 million domestically. With the Top 10 breaking down as 5 Marvel films, 3 DC and 2 others, I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say DC makes more moolah.

    That was poorly put and rushed because I"m at work not trying to get caught talking about comic book movies online but what I meant was that recently Marvel is pumping out the films at an alarming rate but when DC does release one, it is generally a big film whereas Marvel seems content with Ghost Rider, Daredevil and the FF movies which are piss poor in quality even though they look shiny.

    Not saying that Superman Returns was great, because it wasn't, but for all intents and purposes it was still an amazing popcorn movie if you weren't a fanboy and a box office powerhouse.

    The Spider-Man comment: I'm getting this a lot these days...SM 3 was utter shite tossed from a monkey cage by an overrated director who had little to no care for how the characters were portrayed in the biggest waste of movie budget since Waterworld. On the other hand, the first two movies are some of my favourite SM stories, period.

  2. I still like Ang Lee's Hulk despite what anybody says. One of the best Marvel films to date.

    Regardless of whether the Marvel films as a whole (not necessarily including SM) are better, DC makes more money and in the film business that makes them win.

    Stardust, by the way was a novel first and then adapted by Gaiman and Russell into comic book form before being made into a movie.

  3. Comics cost too damn much to give a series a prolonged trial, and I gave Fables two shots: first in issue format, then in trade format. Both times the opening story did nothing to hook me. In fact, it did the opposite; it put me off from not only the series, but also Bill Willingham's writing.

    That said, I would be willing to give Fables another shot if someone bought me a trade. I simply refuse to spend more of my money on that series.

    Too true goddammit! I think I was too blinded by a collector's mentality to see that the story had been treading water since the third arc started and did not get any better (unless you talk to CGS who worship at the feet of Bill Willingham). Hell, if I knew you wanted to try it for free I'd have brought the whole damn run to Chicago for ya!

    But the lure of selling the first 50-odd issues us very strong.

  4. Yeah, the lettered one looks super nice but I'm in the same boat. If a book costs over a hundred bucks it better be bound in the skin of virgins and conjure all sorts of nice demons to do my bidding. Know where I can find that?

    I haven't cracked it yet but the Trade Hardcover is still a beautiful looking book. I was challenged into re-reading Girl Next Door again after the Ketchum interview so it's next on my list.

  5. Right on!

    I think Mark was my best interview to date. Lansdale was most obviously my interview swansong thus far but Mark was so damn easy to talk to.

    I've since gotten Deadneck Hootenanny and Dead Earth: The Green Dawn and can't wait for more stuff from him.


  6. The thing I really like about Dread Media is that it is more an education than it is a podcast. I know nothing of horror as a genre, other than thinking of the Freddys and Pinheads et al. And whilst sometimes I yearn for the odd populist review of that kind of film/franchise on the podcast, I'm intrigued by the interviews I've heard so far. Joe R. Lansdale was a name that meant nothing to me before I heard Des go over his career as an introduction to the interview.

    Incidentally, because of its source material, I half-thought The Dead One was something I'd have to "Comic Reel-lief" at some point (that's right, I used my segment as a verb - deal with it!). But a Hispanic version of The Crow REALLY doesn't appeal, and I may blame a lack of watching on it being direct to DVD!!!

    Good show as always!

    Thanks Ian! I appreciate that. I try and straddle the fence between those well-versed and those new to the genre. Nice to hear its working at least one way :laugh:

    But really, Billy Drago as an old Hispanic woman...come on!

  7. Because Cobra Commander will be a Joe turned heel by the end of the film. Watch.

    I don't think that would be very believable. Why would the Joes let a guy in that looks like an executioner in a hood?

    CC has a great backstory that needs to be in the movie. He's a business man who feels like the government is against him.

    Think that'll stop Hollywood?