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Posts posted by Dread

  1. Birth was good.

    Event Horizon I loved and still do to this day.

    Metallica's Load, Reload and St. Anger are all good albums (St. Anger the least good of the lot but a subpar Metallica album is still better than most excellent metal albums).

    I'm sure there's more...

  2. Coming next week, my girlfriend Nicola and I shall sit down and record an alternative commentary to Batman Forever!!! :D

    Eh, it might happen in the future - just wanted to pass comment on partners! I did like the review that you and Megan did, Des - the film sounds pretty damn interesting.

    Oh, and I bought the Outkast double album, but I can't find the Love Below disc, so I haven't heard that Dracula's Wedding track in AGES!! Great song!

    Thanks Ian! Wedding Party is hilarious until it takes a swing for the sobering. I probably wouldn't see it coming if I watched it again. Recommended.

    Dracula's Wedding is the best song on that whole double album. Rad chorus

  3. Sorry about the sound quality, folks. Next week will be all-fixed. In my Neo-Citran and Nyquil induced fever dream, I ended up recording through my computer's internal mic instead of my actual mic. Dumbass.

    Instead of delay the show I decided to run it.


  4. I have a list of unused band names I created on my blog years ago. I think this is my final list:

    1) Bastard Sockhop

    2) Sack of Ferrets

    3) Openly Straight

    4) The Mung Beatles

    5) Detritus

    6) Terrible Beauty

    7) Schnauzer Snake

    8) Sirius

    9) Orion's Belt

    10) Miss Take

    11) The Stephen Hawking Project

    12) Thunderpope

    13) Horny Cheese Grater

    14) Anarchist Breakfast

    15) Dirty Bastard

    16) Painstake

    17) The Suffering Fools

    18) Superfluous Mandingo

    19) Steaming

    20) The Lager Tops

    21) The Crackspackles

    22) Thirteen Stone

    23) The Ultimate Pen

    24) Homolka Sunbeam

    25) Technocult

    26) Narcissistic Fibrosis

    27) Sins Against Fashion

    28) The Irish Roves

    29) Gulls on Submarine

    30) Between Jobs

    31) Above and Bleeding

    32) Movies in Arabic

    33) With Cheese or Without?

    34) Werewolf Balls

    35) The Way R2D2 Talks

    36) Electric Sheep

    37) Anaesthetic Awareness

    38) The BDSMs (The Botched Dental Surgery Magnates)

    39) Heidi Christ

    40) Jesus Fleiss

    41) Miscellania

    Actually, someone has taken Terrible Beauty ( I stole it from Yeats anyway) and Thunderpope is me.

  5. Not sure if this is the right thread for it or not, but...

    This pretty much says it all about Rob Liefeld.

    drq, this made my day...and it's not even 10am!


    -In conclusion, I hate Rob Liefeld and he should be thrown in a well. (still thirty more pieces of "art" to go!)

    -it's supposed to excuse the fact that he's a lickshit with the artistic ability of 2 girls with 1 cup. In the big finale, Bloodwulf shoots the boss in the head one time (ka-blam) and manages enough force to sever the head completely from the body and still be accurate enough to pop out the guy's eyeball. Thank goodness Bloodwulf shot him in the neck hard enough to break the spine off a foot below impact and spill the body's supply of stringy goop. And look, even the fat guy is covered in pouches.

    -Rob Liefeld likes to draw lines all over his characters. So when he gets a chance to draw Spider-Man, a super hero with lines all over his costume, what does he do? He adds metallic reflections to his head and shoulders (the same reflections as Juggernaut's helmet, so mystic metal and cloth reflect light in the same way), cross-hatches his boots, and colors his belt a different color so he doesn't have to draw on it.

    -In this issue of Youngblood, the team jumps out of a helicopter to infiltrate an oh son of a bitch just quit it

    -No one in Rob Liefeld’s world ever just stands like a normal fucking human being.


  6. Kind of harsh to judge the movie based on the trailer isn't it? They need to tell what happened to audience.

    The movie is called: The Last Man on Earth.

    The rest is internal monologue. Problem solved.

    It's a movie. An internal monologue doesn't give you the emotional pull that actually seeing him lose his whole world does. I'm hoping it's done in flashbacks.

    If you watch Last Man on Earth (the Vincent Price version and still the best adaptation to date) then you will see the effectiveness of internal monologue. It captures the loneliness, depression and alcoholic angst of the novel.

    I wished they just advertised this as a remake of Omega Man. That's what it looks like to me...

    Are you more upset that it's titled after the book or that you think it sucks? For what it is I think it looks alright.

    To me, there is no such film that could begin to do, what I consider to be the greatest horror novel of all time, justice. This coming from a guy who isn't too fond of vampires. I can tell you that I almost refuse to go and see it in the theaters, not to save the money, but for the sake of sparing the audience my loud groans when that fucking CG tiger runs out and tackles the deer. I will also groan loudly when Will Smith is yelling at the mutants and there's an explosion at just the right time to mask some foul language. I do not look forward to sunglasses and tank tops. I do not look forward to the movie being set in New York because LA is part of the whole fucking point the novel was written in the first fucking place!

    I hope the premier is hit by a meteor.

  7. We all have 'em; we all have a list of creators we follow and ignore.

    Me, I'll give anything written by Peter David, Garth Ennis, Brian Michael Bendis and Ed Brubaker a read. As for art, if Rick Leonardi, Michael Lark, Alex Maleev, Frank Cho, Leinil Francis Yu, Khoi Pham, Scott Wegener, Olivier Coipel, Ariel Olivetti and Ron Lim drew it, I'll buy it.

    People I stay away from: Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Tom DeFalco.

    I'm sure there's more, but my brain is fried!

    Who are yours?

    No Brian Wood?

  8. Writing wise:

    -Matt Fraction gets a try

    -Warren Ellis does brilliant work on his creator-owned stuff and I'll try anything as far as his work for hire goes

    -Brubaker is pretty dang good too.

    -Erik Larsen for both art and writing because not only do I like his style, I have an immense amount of respect for the man and what he has done for Image as well as creating one of the most consistently exciting books of the past decade and a half (not to mention his huge Kirby influence)

    -Kirkman gets blind tries too.

    -Alan Moore gets a shot no matter what.

    -Marv Wolfman, give this man a damn job!


    Not the biggest art guy (it's secondary to me) but there are a few despite Larsen.

    -Stejpan Sejic could do no wrong by me.

    -Michael Lark (gritty and tough)

    My anti list is relatively well-known but here goes:

    -I second Mike's Claremont reference. He was good on his first X-run (and I mean "good" not great) but everything else is pure shite

    -JMS is a ten foot pole writer for me. I steer clear.

    -Dan Slott.

  9. HA! I knew someone would notice that!

    I'm ordering the first issue of TT:YO because, even though I love what little I've seen of the art and writing, I want to make sure the trade is worth getting six months down the road. Plus, DCBS was offering #1 for 75% off. Spending $0.74 now to test a series seemed smarter than dropping $10 blindly on a trade.

    For sure! Even smarter? I'm waiting to hear what you say about it before buying the trade... :laugh:

  10. Ugh!. Adam Brody as Wally West. For god sake, what happened to all the Ryan Reynolds talk, he was/is the perfect choice.

    He's Repairman Jack baby! I'd prefer Ryan Reynolds in a good Repairman Jack movie over being Flash in a shit JLA movie any day.

    According to AICN this is 100% the girl playing Wonder Woman.


    Her name is Megan Gale, and she's an Australian supermodel. btw she's 5'10"

    I think her acting chops speak for themselves: watch her stunning portrayal of Bette Page

    maybe NSFW

  11. Kind of harsh to judge the movie based on the trailer isn't it? They need to tell what happened to audience.

    The movie is called: The Last Man on Earth.

    The rest is internal monologue. Problem solved.

    It's a movie. An internal monologue doesn't give you the emotional pull that actually seeing him lose his whole world does. I'm hoping it's done in flashbacks.

    If you watch Last Man on Earth (the Vincent Price version and still the best adaptation to date) then you will see the effectiveness of internal monologue. It captures the loneliness, depression and alcoholic angst of the novel.

    I wished they just advertised this as a remake of Omega Man. That's what it looks like to me...