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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Make sure the tank is full when you bring it back...and no smoking!
  2. I'm giving this a shot. Hopefully it's treated like a sci fi book as it should be!
  3. Rock on there Shylock! I'll see you tomorrow.
  4. Gimme some o' them magic beans and maybe I'll change my mind...
  5. Woah! Wait here. I get paid? I get paid in magic beans. Mmmmm...magic beans.... In all seriousness there will be no Reel Dread next week. I put three times the amount of time and effort into this week's and it's split in two anyway. Plus I'm canoodling with the rich and famous (Mike and Jenny) in Chicago this weekend. Look for an exhausted RD the next week!!!
  6. Woah! Wait here. I get paid?
  7. Thanks, Ian. I really liked doing it but I just don't have the time with various projects and a family to submit any more segments to E2 The Show. After all, I've got nine more months of Countdown and a whole whack of IIWY's to do as well. That Mike keeps me busy I tells ya! Thanks again for the warm remarks.
  8. I would never be involved in asking for ANY pirated item but if one were to perhaps send a file via a service like, say, yousendit.com to my email address i would just have to watch it wouldn't I?
  9. I haven't seen it yet either. I've been looking for an affordable, or at least a rentable, copy but i have heard it's quite good.
  10. An absolute classic B slasher with one of the most distrurbing final images in the history of cinema.
  11. or hell will open up and the dead will walk the earth...2. dot net.
  12. Like him or not, clearly he's been listening to a lot of George Carlin and Bill Hicks...check this out
  13. How do you know he was impersonating Dent? I said it was released in May, didn't I? I say again: Having an off day today aren't ya Yoda?
  14. maybe the most over-played song of all time
  15. Previews episodes make Des a happy boy!
  16. Dread

    Final Crisis

    DON'T GIVE DC ANY IDEAS! I can see it now, the next DC editorial meeting to determine the next crisis: Editor 1: We need another crisis. Writer: But we've had three in the last few years. Editor 2: I agree. Writer: Thank you! Editor 2: Not with you. Writer: *sigh* Editor 2: Anything with "crisis" on the cover sells. Editor 1: Exactly! Writer: Fine! What's the "crisis" this time? Editor 1: Remember when Superboy Pr... er... the lone survivor of Earth-Prime punched reality? Writer: I don't like where this is going. Editor 1: Well, what if shards of reality got stuck in his skin? Editor 2: YES! And now, as he pulls the shards out, reality changes! Writer: Oh god... Editor 2: So the heroes have to stop Sup... the lone survivor of Earth-Prime from pulling out the remaining shards, or else they face the end of reality as we know it. Writer: Soooo... they have to take away his tweezers? Editors 1 & 2: BINGO! Editor 2: Since this is a criss, we have to kill a Flash Editor 1: Jay? Editor 2: Too easy. Editor 1: Wally? Editor 2: We just brought him back. Editor 1: Bart? Editors 1 & 2: HA HA HA HA HA! Editor 1: I know! Let's bring Barry back, then kill him an issue later! No one will see it coming! Editor 2: That's a green light! Writer: And what are we calling this crisis? Editor 1: Final Crisis II: One More Time Writer: *sigh* Well done, sir. You forgot to mention the part about the writer signing over at Marvel where he is forced to write tie-ins for a crossover that pledges to change the Marvel U forever. Those tie-ins interrupt the flow of his fledgling book that was just getting its own steam and developing an audience until the crossover confused everybody. Fans drop the book in droves and the writer falls into an alcoholic binge until, he's hired as a DC editor! The cycle continues!!!
  17. Nice job, Christopher! I had this pre-ordered and it made its way high onto the list of next reads. I'll give it a boo and maybe resurrect this thread with my post reading thoughts. Yay for a book review on the site!
  18. During our review of NA: Illuminati #4, it sounded like I said "Ive never like Black Bolt.' Not true. What I said was I've "never liked him so much." Skype ain't purty all the time folks.
  19. looks pretty good. I'm actually kind of impressed with that. I'm hoping they didn't give too much away in that trailer but I'll keep my speculation out of this forum until a later date. More on Rob Zombie's Halloween soon, folks.
  20. Dread

    Final Crisis

    Awww...come on! Reality is asking for it! It needs to have dinner ready when Superboy Prime comes back and she never learns.
  21. According to horror-web.com, Abrams' only involvement is as Producer. Ummm...lame.
  22. Not this time but you still get written up...