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Posts posted by Dread

  1. I was going to console you with some more kind words but not only am I being hypnotized by Leonardo, but Invader Zim there is pulling levers like gangbusters!

    Besides having to take Megan to the hospital everyday for a stress test on the baby in the belly (7 weeks early means they have to fly us out of the city to deliver :shakehead: ) it was nice to see my parents as they live on the other side of the country.

    And not to counter the talk of kids but the best part was watching my boy tear open presents. It was great! He'd put a bow on his head, chew wrapping paper and marvel at the various toys and things he received.

    The complete Flash series DVD and the Twilight Zone season 5 definitive edition6 DVD set didn't hurt either :laugh:

  2. Having perused it a few times due to O's generosity I will be picking it up. It's just as good as the DC version (despite the glaring omission of both Brothers Grimm and Night Shift!) A great reference for writers and artists alike.

  3. :D I have just come across the most in depth coverage book involving the Marvel

    universe. :w00t:

    The The Marvel Encyclopedia

    Its from A to Z, from Abomination to Zodiac. Its mind blowing, i need to keep a

    towel beside me just to soak up all the drool :P ... it has all the favorites like Spider

    man and Cap. America, and even the ones no one heard of (or very few

    people have)

    Like Impossible Man, Goldbug, and Big Bertha

    It has every character ever made by the good old Stan, and every team or duo

    that came from these characters, when they untied and when they appeared.

    I highly recommend buying this book for any Marvel obsessed girl or boy, man

    or woman :yes:

    i got mine from Costco in walmart of all places, (theres also a DC encyclopedia

    there as well, but when i was there, there was only one left, so get in your car and go.

    I have the DC Encyclopedia. It is such nerdiness getting through half and counting at least a dozen omissions...

    Costco eh? It may be cheaper there. I might pick this up. Cheers O!

  4. Maybe at the end of 52 Steel, the space crew, Montoya and Black Adam all move in to an apartment building with Ambush Bug and Ralph Dibny with the floating Helm of Fate as the wacky neighbours?

  5. It is possible that 52 ends with the splitting of worlds, which would explain why Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne and others seen OYL have been in 52. It would also explain why the New Earth heroes aren't looking for the Earth-Two heroes: they know of the split, and know the other heroes are now populating that world.

    I find it troubling that no one is saying "Hey what about that Earth 2 thing? Fucked up, huh?"

  6. I think 52 is a number of people taken by Rip Hunter/Waverider/New Booster Gold(?) at the end of 52 to face a much larger threat on Earth 2.

    I think Superboy Prime may be loose on Earth 2 by himself and ripping all sorts of shit up.


    -Montoya the New Question (You heard me)


    -Animal Man

    -Adam Strange



    -Ralph/Dr. Fate

    -Doc Magnus

    -Jason Todd

    -Black Marvel Family

    Basically, the main players of 52 who aren't in existence OYL and those who are out of place in the timestream

    Jason Todd, was in Nightwings book OYL, and Black Marvel family member Osiris was in Teen Titans (on the list of short lived members during OYL). Plus Jasons slated to return in Teen Titans according to Deathstroke.

    On top of that appearances by Robin, Batman and co pretty much confirm that this is the norml DCU. On earth 2 Bats would be dead. Plus Nightwing meeting up with Batwoman? It can't be a different earth.

    52 has something to do with Nightwing being meant to die in the Crisis doesn't it? I think it might also have something to do with the return of Kal-l later this year in JSA.

    Well said...I don't read Nightwing and I'm behind on TT but Batman in 52 did say that Batman was dead. It's a stretch but maybe we're seeing some different versions of these characters OYL.

  7. Has to be Spiderman unmasking.

    I really dislike Spiderman and haven't read a Spidey book (besides Millar's run because of Millar) since Erik Larsen was on the title.

    I don't like the character, the plot was spoiled so I knew it was coming and it still made the hairs on my arms stand up when it happened.

    Moment of the year.

  8. Yeah, the rumor from the start has been that Renee Montoya would become the new Question by the end of 52, which I'm opposed to. She, like Crispus Allen, doesn't need to be a superhero. DC doesn't seem to realize that strong non-powered humans can be great assets to their universe. Hopefully they'll swerve us.

    The next logical step I would take as a writer would be to make The Question an entire army. Several faceless investigators all working towards one goal.

  9. I think 52 is a number of people taken by Rip Hunter/Waverider/New Booster Gold(?) at the end of 52 to face a much larger threat on Earth 2.

    I think Superboy Prime may be loose on Earth 2 by himself and ripping all sorts of shit up.


    -Montoya the New Question (You heard me)


    -Animal Man

    -Adam Strange



    -Ralph/Dr. Fate

    -Doc Magnus

    -Jason Todd

    -Black Marvel Family

    Basically, the main players of 52 who aren't in existence OYL and those who are out of place in the timestream

  10. I basically solicited for some screeners and got this back in reply. If anyone is interested I can let them know when it is released on DVD as it's currently in post-production.

    I realized it is a little more than half the regular length of a Reel Dread article but sometimes a review can only go so long, you know?

    Anyway, it seems the apocalyptic weather on my end has subsided and the foot and a half of snow we were supposed to get overnight was nothing but rain. Finally we can get back to a sense of normalcy...

    Love the banner.

  11. Sorry if that came off snarky: I've had a long day, what with the interview this morning and all the cookie making I'm in the middle of right now.

    Nope. Not snarky at all. Interview? Am I missing something?

    Cookies? Mmmmmm. The best thing about Christmas is cookies.

  12. My guess: Reed and Sue aren't there because they're off rekindling their relationship.

    EDIT: Marvel could even publish an FF spinoff chronicling the romantic adventures of the Richards. I'd buy it.

    I'd buy that before this Post CW series.

  13. That team has a lot of potential, in my opinion.

    That's the thing though right? They're not a team... they're a family and I was hoping for some interesting fractured family interactions. You know...Reed asking Ben how Sue is and all that.

  14. See, that's where people are wrong: I don't believe I ever called it "grand" or "huge" or anything like that (someone will correct me if I'm wrong). All I think I said was, "we're really excited," and, "if all goes as planned, it could delay future recordings." It's somehow (probably my fault) been hyped to be this super-huge deal, but it's nowhere near as big as some people might think: it's not an interview, marriage announcement, pregnancy or any of the other guesses people have made.

    The only reason I said anything in the first place was to let y'all know why we were absent for the week of Thanksgiving; providing some explanation (even a vague one) was my way of paying respect to you guys. Now all I ask is that you guys return said respect and allow us a little time here. When we know, you'll know.

    It's cool. I was slightly tongue in cheek there. You are right. It was never introduced as "grand"

  15. Fun fact:

    Despite the fact that Bloodrayne only brought in like $3.6 million, Uwe Boll is going to direct a sequel to it. Yep, a second Bloodrayne movie (without Kristanna Loken btw) called Bloodrayne 2: Deliverance. I don't know whether to feel overjoyed at getting to thrash another Uwe Boll movie, or nauseated at the thought of having to go watch another Uwe Boll movie.

    You know Uwe Boll, being pissed at all his critics, actually went into the ring with a few of them recently. He apparently kicked their asses. Including the ass of an 16 year old, but the 16 year old gave him the best fight.

    Here is the article.

    Raging Boll:


    It was actually Chris Alexander from Rue Morgue Magazine (the one pictured at the link in the luchadore mask) that gave him the most lumps and put in the best fight. He's making a documentary called "The Manouver in Vancouver." It'll be sweet.

    Boll, a former pro boxer, pummeled everyone in sight mercilessly because they thought the whole thing was about publicity, it was. However, he enjoyed every minute of it. The November issue of Rue Morgue Magazine has a great feature on the man and the event.

    As far as the article, I've never seen Annihiliation. I'm of the opinion that the first one sucked so I stayed away.