Aaron Robinson

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Everything posted by Aaron Robinson

  1. He was my favourite part of the movie. I loved it whenever he was on screen.
  2. It’s a shame Routh will probably never return to the role. I thought he did pretty well with what he was given, and I’m sure he’s only grown as an actor since then. I like Snyder, Goyer and Nolan, but I’m not all excited by this. I couldn’t even say why. Here's hoping they blow my expectations out of the water.
  3. I've been told a few times now that if nothing else, having a mostly white cast in Prince of Persia is actually pretty accurate.
  4. I'm amazed this made it past the sensors. Amazed and delighted. Gail Simone wrote this episode. Poor Aquaman. Something tells me he wouldn't even get the joke.
  5. Depends on how much you like your Wii I guess. I'm still finding fun games to play on the Wii, and I've had it for quite a while now. But if you aren't playing it, then sure, why not. There aren't that many 360 exclusive games, but the ones that come to mind are all pretty great.
  6. That's for sure. This is a guaranteed purchase for me, and I'm saying that as someone who doesn't have a PS3 yet.
  7. Aaron Robinson


    It's an Octopus, slightly modified from a Hellboy promotional drawing Mike Mignola did. It's nerdy yet subtle. Pretty much exactly what I wanted.
  8. Aaron Robinson


    I have a tattoo! Yay me!
  9. Yeah, that's a shame. That's two of my favourite podcasts gone in a year. I'm not at all surprised, since Jeremy has admitted he doesn't like podcasts, but I'm sad to see it go.
  10. I saw 12 angry men on my plane ride overseas. Its pretty amazing how well a movie about 12 men arguing in a single, dull looking room was able to hold my attention. Edit - I also watched a whole lot more TV on those plane rides than I have in a while (which isn't hard considering I spent over 40 hours in the air in total). Better off Ted, Community and Bored to Death are all fantastic shows. I think I have a few DVDs I need to look for.
  11. Aaron Robinson


    So I accidently left a chicken ceasar salad out on the couch last night. I took it to work anyway. What’s the over/under of my stomach exploding if I decide to eat this thing?
  12. Now you can be the one who fills her dark soul with LIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHT.
  13. Step 1. Make some zombies. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. World domination.
  14. Aaron Robinson


    He’s a lover, not a fighter. I could see him as a character who follows you around and gives you "insightful" tips on how to play.
  15. I never had a problem with the controls. Everything felt fine to me. I did have dudes sneak up on me occasionally. They twist the camera and do a slow motion shot when an enemy is behind you and you haven’t seen them yet, but if you’ve already seen them they don’t bother. It can be a bit of a pain when you’re in the middle of a big fight.
  16. Aaron Robinson


    I’m less than 48 hours away from a 12 day tour of Europe. It’s scary, considering that I’ve never left the country before, but we’ve planned for just about every contingent humanly possible. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.
  17. Im pretty sure games are priced the same number of Microsoft/Nintendo points everywhere, its just that the point conversion rates change depending on the country you live in. I guess I just dont say how many points they cost because I think it sounds silly. Of course, if using points is easier for people listening, I'll be happy to start doing that.
  18. God, they're making three thousand of these movies now? Just let it rest.