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Everything posted by slothian

  1. On an unrelated note, it's also Tracey "Bob The Goon" Walter's birthday today!
  2. Every time I see DCAUFan post IS IT WEDNESDAY YET: THE WFP EDITION!!!! in large font, I really want to find an explosion gif to put after it to underline the enthusiasm. I did watch these eps over the weekend. I thought that Hidden Agenda and Hooked up were the weakest of the 5 but I didn't really dislike any of them.
  3. Speaking of iTunes, a lot of broadcast networks place all their various shows under a single overall banner, like the Simply Syndicated network do. What with producing 5 podcasts now it might be a good idea to try and get something similar set up, to promote the cross-pollination of potential listeners searching through iTunes. It does, actually. Type in Earth-2 and you get both the main site podcast, and a stream of all podcasts hosted on the network under " presents". I subscribe separately to the podcasts because it looked niftier on my (still unreturned) iPod, but it is a good feature.
  4. When's this likely to hit iTunes?
  5. I'd add to the sentiment that a) the written word can't hold a candle to the perfomance of the joke, and b) using a joke to suggest you're a paedophile is, at best, ill-judged. And I sincerely hope you take this on board because it's one thing for an internet board not to find a joke funny, it's another thing to have a live audience react badly to that kind of joke. Especially when it comes down to fucking children.
  6. slothian

    A Declaration

    Or The Coral. That link putting the Nickelback songs together is incredible. I literally can't believe I didn't spot the similarities until now. Wow.
  7. Another sterling piece, Dan. I do hope that you make note of Michael Grade in the next article though, as he's seen by many to be the reason that the BBC stopped caring about Dr Who from 1985 onto the modern era. Admittedly, you mention the BBC's reluctance to support the show, but Grade seemed to have a personal emnity towards the show. It was his call to have Colin Baker fired, saying his portrayal of the Doctor was "utterly unlikable, absolutely god-awful in fact" (thanks wikipedia!) and was dating Baker's ex-wife at the time. He admitted to personally disliking the show and submitted it as one of his hated proposals for the show Room 101. Sorry for the info-dump - it reads almost spitefully on my part!
  8. And Bingo was his name-o. Quiet, you mindless peon! Eh, I'm not the biggest Burton fan and his track record with other people's creations isn't exactly stellar. But I'm not going to dump on this until I actually see it. Which is one of the least common sentences on the internet.
  9. This. I know a bit about the original Dr Who from my best friend from school, who was a big fan of the franchise before the BBC decided to bring it back (that's not to say he dislikes the modern series though, it's just that we left school 5 years ago and I don't see him as often). I'll send him a link to the mainpage, as he'll probably get a kick out of this week. Also, any reference to the Carry On film series is great to see! Hartnell was only in the first one whilst Pertwee appeared in a handful.
  10. The whole reason the list was brought up was because of one of the items Adham told me about on the way back to my house. And on the basis of that one proposal, Erin's point is incredibly valid.
  11. slothian

    Episode 64

    You mean it isn't "segment monkey"?
  12. If you mean the 2004 version, Hames, then I disagree. It's utterly rediculous. (Heh, two in-jokes from another forum rolled into one post!)
  13. slothian

    Episode 64

    Wait, Mike's hosting the Dr Who podcast?!?!?!? ....we're never going to record another Batman review again, are we? Liked the episode a lot - my email pretty much covered my thoughts on the awesomeness of Dread Media so I hope The Dubs (as I called him) won't mind if I say I liked how this show mixed things up slightly. Of course, "mixed things up slightly" could also mean "the site publisher had Brainscan bumped so he could talk about Dr Who", but it was also nice hearing Mrs Doomsday again as well. Oh, and on the subject of in-jokes ("Doomsday", not Mrs Reddick), I loved how Des called Mike a segment monkey! More because I coined it instead of the idea that I endorse anti-Sims rhetoric, despite what most of this post would suggest.
  14. They're all on youtube - that's how I'm playing along at home!
  15. slothian

    My iPod died

    I wholly sympathise. I bought my first ever iPod in July and it's been my faithful companion ever since. Up until Friday night, when I left it behind at a party after finding myself one over eight. I've been back to the venue a couple of times (it's a members only rowing club, of which I am a member) but it hasn't been found. This means someone else is either holding it (for fair means or foul) or has moved it and it's a simple breakdown in communication that's keeping me and Poddy apart. Now I accept full culpability for leaving it behind, but damn, my day at work sucks now where I can't drown out my racist co-workers with a podcast or a song. I am rather down about it.
  16. I think Tobin Bell was contracted for 5 sequels after the first film, so there was probably always going to be a Saw VI barring (and maybe in spite of) disaster. To think, this is our generation's Nightmare on Elm Street, only that Freddy Krueger rapping is at least figuratively entertaining.
  17. Fine, I'll Email. You might as well call that bit "Stavros' thoughts" if I keep sending them in. Didn't you want it called "Mail Order Bond" or something? We're not actually going to name the post bit in any case, but the aim is to have lots of emails to read out, obviously. Adham & I are recording the Live and Let Die episode in two weeks time, so that's your deadline!
  18. Hey, I said email the show if you want to know!! Get those typing fingers a-tappin'!
  19. I've got round to starting the first season of Dexter. I have watched it before but it was a couple of years ago. Pilot's good, although I'll like the subsequent episodes more with the title theme, which is one of the best TV title sequences ever.
  20. Eh, in that it's Children in Need day tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be in good company. Apparently it's dress down day at work tomorrow, but in that I've been off today & yesterday, I think it might be a cruel joke by my co-workers. So my plan is to go in to work with a customary suit, and if it is a dress-down day, I'll wear my Calgary Flames hockey jersey over it!
  21. I didn't draw attention to the fact on the podcast, because we're never going to hit triple digits in terms of episodes, but if you look at the filename, this is episode 007!
  22. A South Park podcast??? Wow, you really want to hold onto the Explicit monniker on your downloads don't you. "Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker!!!!" LOL In fairness, that's the movie, where they could openly swear pretty easily. A South Park podcast would be so very awesome! I'm a bit fuzzy on my early series but 4-5 onwards are just fantastic with a few sub par episodes here or there. As for WFP, I like both of the episodes that end Season 1 of BB - Inqueling for the reasons James mentioned, and Ascension just because it was a seminal event in the universe. Admittedly, it wasn't pulled off at all well, but I can't help but mark a little for the bat-signal moment. But seriously, Blight really should've come back. I don't care if they were saving him for a later story (if that was their intention), they left it too late. As for the other episodes, I'm going to watch them tonight and see if I agree. None of them sound too promising, although I know I've seen Splicers before.