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Everything posted by drqshadow

  1. I swear I watched that exact scene in the first God of War. This movie looks pretty rank, agreed.
  2. That's a shame about Grindhouse, because both movies were a lot of fun.
  3. Agreed, that's just about perfect casting. Although I'll always associate him more with the "Bumpty bum, my life for you" crazy bomb guy from The Stand than Max Headroom. Anybody remember that horrible Generation X made-for-TV movie he was in? Lord...
  4. Fifteen bucks isn't much of a discount, especially since they don't have to worry about production, packaging, distribution, shelf space, etc. Plus, most of these games are in the <$10 bins by now anyway. Still, steps in the right direction I guess. The pricing of the XBL Marketplace stuff is slowly getting out of hand, IMO. $5 for an XBLA game is perfect. $5 for an illegible background theme advertising a game is not. $30 for the Oblivion expansion packs sure as HELL is not.
  5. Well, judging from one of the people I see in the background, it isn't the male character I was hoping for...
  6. Ah, was not aware of that... part of the problem with reviewing a book you've never seen before, I guess. :smile:
  7. drqshadow

    PS3 news

    Ha, Sony talking about Microsoft having a small game library? As far as I'm concerned, they can quit making games for the next year so I can catch up on all the shit I've had to miss while playing other games.
  8. Haha, and thus my problem with it as well. I know they flew in a plane! And that something was on fire!
  9. Eh, he's about as close as they get.
  10. Fixed that for you. Everybody keeps forgetting Snake is in this game.
  11. This isn't the movie about the guy who was executed on the electric chair, only to be transformed into an electrical current... is it? It is! Awesome!
  12. Pinhead is such a classic character design, I hope they don't fuck it up with gratuitous CG and make-up effects.
  13. Did not care for this episode one bit. They can take every one of the new characters and feed them to Sylar for all I care, because there isn't a keeper in the bunch and they're killing this show.
  14. God, who is this and what have they done with the real Squaresoft?
  15. Yeah, that is pretty badass. Now to get Crash Bandicoot...!
  16. Time for some shameless self promotion! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=110178285911
  17. drqshadow

    World War Hulk

    I'm actually really enjoying this, even if it is a much more self-contained story than Civil War. Maybe it's because I didn't go in with much of an expectation...?
  18. I always loved that the evil band was named the Misfits. It's a shame that the real Misfits haven't crashed one of these conventions. :smile:
  19. 2009! Man, a little early for the official site to be up, isn't it? :angel: