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Everything posted by drqshadow

  1. He's struggling with crazy amounts of grief after killing his brother (he doesn't know Peter's still alive). I just took it as an extension of that. I thought this episode was all right. Hiro's story is still far and away the most interesting to me, and I'm getting really bored with Claire. My big hang-up is that they already have so many strong characters that they don't need to be introducing more. They had a tough time keeping tabs on everybody last season, this year's going to feel like a fifteen-ring circus.
  2. You sure it wasn't the vehicular Voltron? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kikou_Kantai_Dairugger_XV
  3. Incidentally, since it was brought up in the podcast, a little more insight into Terror, Inc... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terror%2C_Inc Can't wait to pick up issue #2!
  4. DC is publishing this? I thought Dark Horse had most of those properties.
  5. Having finished both Oblivion and Guitar Hero II (on the same day!) I'm going to take a breather for a couple weeks and try to polish off some reviews before Halo 3 comes out and I'm lost. I'll probably kill some time with Clubhouse Games for my DS, though.
  6. Actraiser was the bomb. Too bad the sequel wasn't nearly as good.
  7. drqshadow

    PS3 news

    Well, it might be considered a good investment if the price were never to drop and they were to stop producing the hardware after a certain point or something. But why would you drop 600 on the current model when it'll more than likely be cheaper by the time the good games are released for it, and Sony's had such a shit track record with longevity in their previous consoles? I'm trying to understand the logic, but it's not easy.
  8. Wish I could give some sort of a status update, but I'm just as much in the dark as the rest of you...
  9. All this time, E-2 has been hiding the secret of the finest breasts in the world. How could I have missed that?
  10. I adored this game and the two sequels. A friend of mine had the first one growing up, but I didn't really appreciate it until I emulated it in college. A remake could work, if they just improved the graphics and left the basic gameplay alone (like Bomberman on the Live Arcade).
  11. This week's F4W actually had a little more info on this...
  12. I think most of those are provided via RSS feeds, so DC must not have a regular news wire for the site to pull from.
  13. Boston Red Sex! That's quality, right there.
  14. Copied and pasted from my Oratory reply, because I don't know that I could word it any differently... That's a real shame, he had serious talent. Still, he produced a large body of work, worked on the biggest characters in the industry and made a big name for himself. Taken very young, but not before he had a chance to make a mark in an industry that's overwhelmed with slower, less dedicated artists. Strangely, I'd just compared another artist to him for one of my IIWY? reviews this weekend.
  15. I'm in the minority that really dug the movie. I went in with low expectations, got hit with a big early laugh (the skateboarding scene) and never looked back. Very entertaining, didn't try to force in too many "OMG we aren't on network TV now we can do all sorts of risky stuff" segments and a plot that didn't run too long or too short. I didn't like that they tried to cram every single secondary character in, but that's such a minor thing it didn't affect the way I felt about the overall package.
  16. Haha, gotta love Hollywood... two years later and the update is "hey, this still might happen!"
  17. drqshadow


    That trailer was great. Conventions are great for those kind of experiences - I remember seeing new Space Ghost: Coast to Coast episodes at a panel in San Diego years ago and the whole room was going apeshit.
  18. Well, it looks better than Beast Wars... :smile:
  19. I'll echo Dread's thoughts, including the one about not just saying it because I contribute. I really like this group of writers. A lot.
  20. Halo 3, followed closely by Rock Band.
  21. I'm mowing through Guitar Hero II (about seven songs from finishing it on expert~!) and spending inhuman amounts of time with Oblivion right now. Like, seriously, inhuman amounts of time. I've cracked 17 hours in three days.
  22. Could it be another country's Super Soldier experiment, perhaps? This looks interesting, at least - I'll give it a shot for a few issues and re-evaluate. Although I think it's really funny that they're trying to solve the problems of a notoriously late series by bringing in Joe Madureira as the new artist. I love his work, but there's no way this book is ever going to ship on time while he's involved. Maybe they figure people are already used to that idea with the Ultimates? I don't like Wolverine as a part of this team.
  23. No, Yoda, I think that was "The Mark." "John Hancock"? Are they serious? It's HERBIE Hancock.