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Everything posted by prez

  1. A Preston shrine is a terrifying thought. I picture half-eaten table scraps, fingernail clippings and a... used... copy of the Firefly Complete Series DVDs.
  2. Yeah, I will probably pick this up. I'm THRILLED that there's a new engine. No more falling through the map, please?
  3. I totally missed the Commandos. That's awesome. And Red Skull looks fantastic. I am so geeked up for this movie.
  4. prez

    Brightest Day

    James Robinson co-wrote the issue. Next issue, Arthur succumbs to his former addiction to blowfish toxin.
  5. Why is Steve Rogers beating up Hugh Jackman?
  6. That looks like Sailor Moon and Snarf's abortion.
  7. After reading this, I looked through some of the "worst comics" links on there and found a doozy - Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose. Just reading what was there, I had to read a bit more. After a little fishing around the net, I found it. OH. MY. GOD. This comic may be the best worst thing I've ever read. We're talking "Ultimatum" levels of ridiculousness here, if not far worse. It's so bad that I can't stop reading it. In the first story arc, Tarot's evil sister uses her at least six-inch-long nipple spikes - her only upper body clothing, mind you - to stab out a man's eyes. The man then turns around, still very much alive, his eyes just black holes of emptiness, and screams, "What did you do to my eyes?!?!" as though it were some form of mystery. I think I'm in love with this horrible, horrible book. As a side note, didn't Jim Balent used to be a respected creator? I recognize his name from my Wizard magazine-filled adolescence.
  8. While those three are serious wank material, that will suck ass. And it's not like we'd even get as much TnA as we got back in the 70s, so what's the point?
  9. "Snarf" will be the sound the Thundercat men choking when Cheetara walks in the room. Does Tygra have a gun? Really?
  10. As much as the 'heavy hitters' add to the new Heroes for Hire, it's actually Paladin whom I've been most interested in. I think it's a good book so far, so I'm anxious to see where it goes. (Though for these kinds of books, it usually only 'goes' to issue 25 or so)
  11. Cheetara fights with the power of buxomness!!
  12. prez


    If you're talking about things that payoff down the line, that one is pretty much the ultimate. You'll freaking love it.
  13. prez

    Brightest Day

    Generation Lost has been fantastic. And the Power Girl tie-ins have been great, as well.
  14. prez


    Agreed. And I have watched this one again and again. I think it's one of the best episodes of the series - maybe the best one of the first season.
  15. I actually found her kind of annoying, especially when she slaps herself on the head and says "Duh Meghan!" (or something close to that) I can see that. If that's something that happens outside of this episode, I could grow to hate her. But I liked her as she was shown in this episode. But she seems a bit too wordly for someone who appears to be just adapting to being around people. But that's a minor complaint. As for the other characters, I like them so far. Except for Superboy - what a brooding little bitch.
  16. Um, if they wanted that, why didn't they just do Power Girl? Ya know, since that's her character.
  17. That's great. I've really liked Action Comics since the Luthor stuff began.
  18. Fixed that for you. Honestly, it's sucked for a long time now.
  19. I'm not real sure you want to hear from "the staff" behind that game.
  20. That page is from the first post-JMS issue, in which Chris Roberson has taken over writing duties. It's exciting because it represents a turnaround from JMS' take, in which Superman didn't act like Superman. I think that's what he's referring to. He's saying "Bravo" sarcastically for the most overrated comics writer in history fucking up a comic so bad, that even one of the lamest one page sequences I've ever seen is worth getting worked up about. DIng Ding Ding!!
  21. Ok, so I looked up Angel Salvadore on wikipedia, having barely a recollection of her. I understand M-Day and shit, but this is ridiculous. She went from this: to this? And this: Is what Beak looks like now? Sooo, "depowering" meant they turned into supermodels? EDIT: I know this has nothing to do with the movie version of the character - I hope - I'm just saying that's fucking ridiculous.
  22. That's how bad the book is now? We're supposed to get excited about a reference to the character's own history that's been around for 75 years? Bravo, JMS. By the way, according to the last issue I read, Wonder Woman is a big fan of thrash metal. Yeah.