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Everything posted by prez

  1. Why are Batman and Superman's faces so gaunt in those photos? They look like caricatures of Nazis.
  2. Dude, don't ever, ever, EVER subject yourself to 'Resident Evil: Extinction.' Holy shit is that terrible.
  3. prez

    Brightest Day

    I love that. Makes me wish I had a man cave (for lack of a non-stupid term) to put the poster in.
  4. Wow. I certainly have never seen her like that before.
  5. Ok, so I took a shot on the first two issues of Neal Adams' "Batman Odyssey"? Yeah, that was a mistake. What a flaming piece of shit.
  6. I hated that whole damn issue. Fuck that storyline.
  7. That. is. hilarious. Wow, if they put that together in a trade paperback, I'd buy it. I used to be a huge fan when I was kid. They were my first comics. Totally agreed. I mean, now I can't imagine reading those old comics, but an Archie Crisis? I'd buy that.
  8. Looks kind of "Dark Knight Returns" to me.
  9. Very cool, but I think there's maybe a bit too much muscle there. Regardless, I like it a lot.
  10. prez

    Brightest Day

    I read it. Not sure why Captain Boomerang has to throw his boomerang just so Hawk can catch it though. I know, right? Even as lame as some of the shit was, that was especially dumb. Of everything shown, I think I'm most interested in: J'onn (just because he's J'onn), Aquaman (because I don't know how they're going to make him make sense again, judging by the brightest day stuff), Max Lord (don't know what they're going to do with him, and the whole plot is intriguing) and the Hawks (because, honestly, how many times can they redo their story?). And, of course, Deadman, because he's been fucking awesome. Of all the related comics, the only one I find myself caring about at all is "Generation Lost," with the JLI and Max. Even the Green Lantern comics right now feel really dull.
  11. Wow, in that last picture, Leonard Nimoy looks PISSED.
  12. prez

    Brightest Day

    Hey, Brightest Day #7 actually revealed why these people were brought back!! Is anyone still reading? Anyone?
  13. Yeah, apparently the judge REALLY got into this case. EDIT: The full AP story:
  14. Yeah, Damian has seriously evolved into a great character. I wouldn't say he's my favorite, but he's damn sure one of the best right now.
  15. True. Morrison looks as straightforward as the phone book compared to whatever the fuck is going on in that series.
  16. That DOES look pretty hardcore. But why is Bruce dressed like an anime hero in that last shot?
  17. I have no idea what this movie is about, but ...
  18. That is... that is just horribly bad. Like, disgusting almost. And why does the art look like bad '90s fill-in?
  19. I like it a lot, actually. The "Thor" one that was released today is also very cool.
  20. Anyone else read Superman #701 yet? The one where he starts his cross-country walk? I was pretty "meh" about the whole thing to start, and the issue didn't make things better for me. They really seem to be perpetuating the myth of Superman as the absolute perfect being. He's endlessly wise, can handle any situation in the blink of an eye and could basically clean up the whole world from the ground up if he had the time. Plus
  21. First look at GL costume I'm not sure what I think of it, really. A bit too much of a bodysuit for me, but in general I think it works.
  22. Thank you, Ian. I guess I was being a bit of a prick. Just because I hate it doesn't mean everyone should. Ruffalo as Hulk is pretty meh to me.