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Everything posted by prez

  1. Dude. Fucking eww.
  2. prez

    Brightest Day

    Looks great.
  3. Sooo, when did Ollie go on HGH?
  4. It's the one before Batman 700. You're welcome.
  5. UGH. Ya know, I assumed it would be him the whole time, but I thought they swerved me. Turned out I was just caught up in a mass of suck.
  6. yeah, sorry about that. Missed that one. Fixed now. Thanks, mate. Wasn't trying to be a dick. Yes he was. Preston is a dick, don't let him fool you. But as for that cover?
  7. Good list, yes, but Babs will always be my No. 1. As a guy with a serious redhead weakness, some of the photos there, particularly of Babs... woah.
  8. Shit. Waiting for a confirmation.
  9. prez

    Brightest Day

    Brightest Day #1:
  10. Thirded. But the last page of Batman and Robin #12 was dope. I guess maybe I should've guessed that, but it was a shock to me. Still...
  11. I don't think either company should get a free pass for the explicit violence. The Sentry ripping people in half really bothers me. I'd be horrified if my kid came across that book. And the violence in Wolverine and things like that? It's been a series of writers trying to do the next big thing for years. As for DC, they seem to have gone off the deep end with this shit, all starting with Infinite Crisis. But "Cry for Justice" was so beyond the pale that it has made people very uneasy. Roy getting his arm ripped off? Disgusting, as are all the scenes of his flesh-eating virus-infected stump, come to think of it. But if you read his nightmare sequence from "Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal" it's ten times worse. This sick fuck actually plotted and published the last moments of Lian's life. That actually made me fucking ill. My daughter enjoys superhero stories. I feel awkward when I explain to her that most of the superhero stuff Daddy likes, she can't see. I buy superhero movies and she can't watch them. She likes the Justice League characters, but I can't even tell her about, like, the last five years or so of their lives? I don't want these companies to censor themselves, by any means. I just want them to realize that there's a difference between an honest, realistic story that has violence and a story that's built around gratuitous violence.
  12. JUST read the books for the first time. Completely awesome. I'm in for this one.
  13. That's cool, but the traveling companions are all completely useless except for the Super Mutant whose name I forget. Personally, I loved Fallout 3. The thing that bugged me the most is that you can't level beyond 20. So I had all these perks I wanted to try and I couldn't. If I go back and start another game some day, I'll do it differently, but I won't start another 70 hour game any time soon.
  14. I would have been upset about that if not for the fact that the characters in the Avatar world aren't actually Asian anyway, being from a different planet and all that. No, there's nothing Asian about the Avatar world at all.
  15. I am much more inclined to see this after seeing all the trailers that have come out. I am a dedicated fan, so I was pretty much going to see it anyway, but the casting of white characters really upset me when it was announced. I wrote a pretty pissed off column about it, actually, deriding the casting and the film. Now, however, I've relaxed quite a bit, and I'm anxious to see how they did.
  16. There are HOMO-SEX-TUALS here!?!?! I didn't think them folk could read regular people stuff. I will never return.
  17. prez


    I could be wrong, but haven't these words been said enough in this thread for it to be like an emoticon or something? Would be easier, you would think.
  18. Fuck James Robinson right in his hack ass. Wow! Wow the plot? Or wow me going nuts?
  19. You're right, it was Krul. Still, Robinson started all this shit. Sorry, I know I went off. But this is one of my favorite characters that has just been imploded!
  20. Did anyone read the "Rise and Fall" books? Scanning through a few, and then reading the latest (last?) issue of Green Arrow, I feel like someone fucking hates me. Or I hate me for reading that. Fuck James Robinson right in his hack ass.
  21. prez


    Holy shit, I need to check that out after work. Thanks!
  22. I can't wait to see the press release where the new writer says: I assume that release will be signed "James Robinson."
  23. prez


    Wait, what? Is there Dr. Horrible news that I am unaware of?