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Everything posted by prez

  1. prez

    The Blackest Night

    Earth-2 Superman was beaten to death by Superboy Prime. That isn't tragic?!
  2. Don't remember the last time I even saw a Thor trade, but I'll take a look.
  3. Geez I was only joking. I'm sorry If you were insulted Knightwing. You too Dubs.
  4. Are you kidding? Thor's book is GREAT right now, and I'll gladly sacrifice some power so Thor can have Sif back. Least it gets Loki out of that creepy body. I've heard that. And I've read an issue or two. I just can't get into it for whatever reason.
  5. Thor being back to old power levels is fucking stupid. I honestly can't even read his book right now because it just doesn't compute with the Thor that I know.
  6. prez


    Wow. Just... wow.
  7. It may just be me, but that looks so bland, I just fell asleep looking at it. And why the fuck is Ares in shadow? Or is this a new, SECRET character?
  8. I don't know how I can add anything to this, as we now have a cyclical argument going on, But I want to say that I like Superman not being the first. I think the point being missed is that Superman wasn't inspired to be a hero by the GA guys. He was a hero on his own. That they inspired everyone but the alien is cool to me. Who are the main aliens in the DCU? Superman and the Martian Manhunter. They weren't inspired by the Golden Age heroes. They were inspired by a desire to help and a desire to be a more effective - more far-reaching - detective, respectively. I love when I see the old JSA guys give Superman encouragement or advice. I like there being someone for him to go to, other than Batman, when he needs help. In fact, I geek out a bit when Jay or Alan call him "Clark."
  9. They're all incredibly powerful and could crush Osborn with a stray thought. I don't see any logic in any of it. The only one who I could see being manipulated by Osborn would be Molecule Man, because he's been a meek person in the past.
  10. Seriously, those first two... holy shit that sucked.
  11. You don't know the Scarlet Witch? Molecule Man is basically the Beyonder without omniscience. Thanos is a former herald of Galactus who once killed the entire universe to impress a girl (the girl was Death, but still). Nate Grey is Cable from another reality, without the techno-organic virus eating up all his powers. So, he's a badass motherfucker mutant.
  12. prez

    The Blackest Night

    No shit. He's been hanging out on a reborn Xanshi for about 4 months now, just waiting for everyone to come murder him. HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE THE SMART ONE, GEOFF!!!!!
  13. In other words, no one who would ever need, or work with, Norman Osborn. At first, I was with it, but I fucking hate Dark Reign.
  14. prez


    I would pay so much money for that strip to be real. I have a pathological hatred of Jeffy and Dolly. I want them to get kidnapped and tortured/raped.
  15. If you're looking for more than just comic art, can I make a suggestion? Last year, a local collector put together what is probably the best illustration convention in the world. Illuxcon Just about any great sci-fi or fantasy artist you can think of was there. I covered it for the newspaper - my articles are linked on the site - and I was amazed at the stuff that was there. It's expensive, but you'll probably never find a better collection or artists.
  16. prez


    I LOVED that book when I was a kid. LOVED IT.
  17. Well, I detest Alan Moore the person, but love his work. I think that should count.
  18. That's the thing though, I was reading outsiders for months before I actually got up the courage to say "Why the fuck am I reading this!?" it just becomes natural to pick up the latest issue of something sometimes. The latest issue of Batman and Robin felt so shit to me, with shit art and one panel that made Dick look like a 30 year old Japanese guy from an Anime, and Damien look like a 70 year old Chinese woman. YES! I could barely read it.
  19. prez


    Skrull Mockingbird liked em big.
  20. Sorry, I was just trying it for a while. Please forgive my stupidity.
  21. Yeah, that scene made me stop reading that book.
  22. prez


    Since he wanted to nail Supergirl shortly after he came back to life, I'm guessing... no.