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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. Thanks for the poll Yoda. Good point Re: Internet on RVS, makes it a tough choice.
  2. Easy question, out of these 2 games, which should I get? I think I am leaning towards GTA at the moment, as have HCTP, whereas I don't have the last couple of GTA games. Thoughts?
  3. Thanks heaps. The chips look pretty f'n cool.
  4. Mind if I ask what was on the promo CD? Also, if you have a spare 15seconds, could you upload an image of the chipson their own?
  5. God damn it. I went to that link and read about a dozen lines, then kicked myself for reading that many!! NO MORE SPOILERS FOR MAX
  6. As I stated in the Oratory, the young Anaking / Vader Shadow one was x100 times better.
  7. Just saw this. So they waited until the 10 year anniversary of the movie and for some of the stars (Affleck, McConahey, Jovavich) to make it big. Just wanted to reiterate, this is retarded.
  8. Just wanted to say the Reeve tribute wallpaper was great. The text from 'The Death of Superman' issue, was so, so fitting, you almost think it was written for Reeve himself.
  9. But the person who plays Iron-Man would have to bring star power, and a lot of it. It's not an issue with Superman. Everybody knows who Superman is. Cruise is a great aging drunk who happens to be a hero. Maybe Ethan Hawke (though I think he's a little too young for regular Iron-Man, could work for the Ultimate version though). I agree that it needs a star. Which is why I said Brad Pitt.
  10. Nah, not sold on Lowe, he showed in Lions Den or whatever his show was, that he can't be the #1 guy.
  11. Sorry, but Batman could be in the same shape as the Black Knight from MP Search for the Holy Grail, and he would still convulse his way out of the leg drop pin.
  12. I'm not saying thats what I want, but you have to agree that it has become the industry standard for a selling point. James D, hilarious!
  13. So we have only finally got this here in OZ, and I am sadly in to it. I know, I know, there is no reason I should be. Everytime Alfred mentions Batman or Comissioner Gordon, I secretly mark out. Did you watch it, what did you think? Was there any redeeming qualities that you watched it for?
  14. Ok, so a friend an I were discussing something he read from an interview from a software developer. Apparently in the coming months/years, graphics will reach a stage where they will no longer be the main selling point for a new game. Developers will therefore have to focus more on gameplay, story, etc to sell the game. Could we be in for a new glory era of games, where as much or more time is spent on story and character development, than the graphics? Do developers even remember how to craft a good game anymore?
  15. Excuse me while I go to the bathroom. I have to concur with you there James.
  16. I voted PS2, for 2 reasons. 1. I have always been s PS2 man, so I would love some of the Nintendo titles on PS2. 2. I'm anti Microsoft. On a side note, all EA titles are out on GameCube, so they also have that, but yes I agree, fanboyism is a HUGE reason for the longevity. Also, they have done 4 player games for a lot longer.
  17. Great, why don't I go and shoot myself for bringing it up! Some casting ideas, off the top of my head..... Tate Donovan - Jimmy Cooper in the OC, voice of Tarzan, dated Jennifer Aniston. Brad Pitt surely he is due for a superhero pic? Corin Nemec His work in SG1 is/was pretty good, I think he could pull this off.
  18. This could be good. Any casting rumours?
  19. Agreed. I'm fine with Spacey as Lex, 'cause it doesn't hurt to have some star power. But yeah, casting an unknown for Lois would be better than most (if not all) of those choices. Yeah agree you need some star power, and traditionally (Batman) this has been in the Villain. Not sure about Spacey, he has never really come across as a powerful bad guy. The closest was probably A Time to Kill when he was the prosecutor. Maybe his Lex, will be more Keysor Soze, and less Verbal Kint.
  20. You know what, I would possibly buy that. I LOVE Terri Hatcher and the guy playing Perry was always a crack up. Cain played his part too I guess.
  21. Ok, I think George would be pretty good as superfirl. I just have never liked the supergirl story. No need for a movie in my books.
  22. I'd go with none of those, none whatsoever. Weird that htey want an unknown for Superman, but are happy with a known for Lois. Couldn't you use the same argument that you don't need someone to 'sell' Lois?
  23. Wait a minute, I haven't seen a picture of this, but "people will have problems with 2 screens"? So is it different to the old 'zelda' and 'donkey kong' format? I am not sure what you mean by troubles with 2 screens?
  24. I have only one complaint with this movie. Shouldn't a movie with the term 'vs' in the title, actually have more fight scenes between the title characters. Seriously, I would have been 100 times happier if they didn't bother about the first 33% of the movie, and just based it on the fighting. Even the promos said eluded to the humans being worthless, so why did so much of the movie focus on them. And if anyone is looking forward to the teased sequal, it won't happen. WRONG AGAIN HOLLYWOOD!!
  25. Totally agree that Topher would rule as Jimmy. Lois: I only have 2 options for her. Bridget Moynahan(sp) or Jill Hennesey. I love the OC (thats another story), but Mischa would do to Lois, what Halle did to Catwoman AND Storm. Someone getting the part for being the current 'it' person, instead of on their merrits. If Superman has been "missing" for 6 years, how can they cast a 25yr old?? Seems weird. He does like a superman though.