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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. Good for the Joker, so very very very Bad as Jack Napier.
  2. Madden 2005 I went in to get GTA:SA and they were out of stock, for the 5th time, so I got something else, because not having a new game was really annoying me!
  3. MaxPower

    Madden 2005

    So I just got this game and played a game with my brother. Half way in to the 2nd quarter, he found some defense that has a guy from both wings rush the QB, this only gave me about 1-2 seconds to throw the ball. As this kept working, he kept using it. Now no matter what offensive line I chose, I couldn't get any blockers to stop these guys. What should I have done? In the end I kept doing a 'hail mary' and just threw it to one of the x5 runners. Also, any tips for someone who doesn't get much NFL and lives in Australia would be great.
  4. Firefox. Anyone who voted IE, please, follow the previosly posted link and switch to firefox now. Plus, the amount of cool plugins you can get is amazing. I don't know how I never lived with it before.
  5. I'm not overstating this, but that one with the Bats is x1000 times better than the clouds one.
  6. Gone with the Wind is Animated?
  7. Name names, as I have no idea which companies you are talking about.
  8. I just wanted to post this because there wasn't any Katie Holmes pictures in the thread yet. And because I think she is hot. And yes, this is from the film.
  9. artistically it has merit, but I'm not sure what clouds have to do with anything.
  10. Side note, I love Ghostbusters. Damn damn funny movie. PS. Men In Black is a comedy? Buddy Cop, Action, Sci-Fi also. Maybe a hybrid of all?
  11. Ok so can someone give me a quick run down on what the differences are between Uncanny, Ultimate and Original in the Marvel Comics? I was never a comic kid, I bought MAD instead, then I got in to Spawn and as has already been discussed, it had great potential and then went downhill, so I dropped it. My brother was hugely in to The Phantom (very underated) but that was it for comics in my house.
  12. Ok, not sure if this is new or not, but I was at a friends place on the weekend, he has had this game for maybe 2 weeks. He puts it on so we can try out the 2 player bit, in the top of the screen he had like $17 million in his wallet. I asked him if he had been playing the game a stupid amount or if he downloaded some cheat for it. He tells me he jsut kept going to the race track and betting on the longshots, and if it didn't come off, he reset and tried again. Have any of you done this? Would you do this?
  13. MaxPower

    iPod or MP3?

    I think this was touched in on my thread, but, like everything in life it comes to size. Some of the small USB MP3 players are really quite good and can act as hardrive adn some even have radios on it. I have seen them up to 512mb in size and only about $100 - $150 AUS. Of course compared to 20gig it is small, but for me, the ipod is too big to be a portable system, thats why MP3 players took off, people were sick of lugging around Discmans and the like.
  14. What is the time limit on a movie still being a sequel? I fear that X3 might not come about if they take so long to decide on the whos and whats.
  15. A friend of mine is writing his one Flash based platform game and I told him I'd help out with some level designs, etc. So my question is, what makes a great level. Is it monsters, puzzles, switches, interactive scenery, size, save points? How should one approach this?
  16. Movies Starship Troopers Stand By Me Any Given Sunday TV Shows Scrubs Married.... with Children
  17. MaxPower

    MP3 Players

    Does anyone use them? My bro had a 128mb one a couple of years ago that cost him about $300 AUS and was pretty good. It was USB and could be used as a normal flash drive. I prefer these smaller ones, as you can have them around your neck for exercise etc and they don't weigh you down. Thoughts?
  18. I used the term Big Brother rather loosely, but if you have to register and then play the game online, there is no reason to think there isn't a way for them to gauge how long you and your friends play against each other. Take it one step further, and yes this is the conspiracy theorist in me, but by how you play, what weapons you use, your defensive and offensive tactics, they could do a basic psyche profile on you. That coupled with your original registration information is a great marketing profile on you. They can not only use this for themselves, but sell it to others. Now, I'm not actually against any of the above, I think it would be cool when games are tailored to the person playing it, the adds on the billboard in the warehouse district are directed at you and not just general adds. But tell me when you are doing it, because I'll sign up, but until then, don't convince me you are doing something for the good of the industry, when in fact it is to line your own pockets.
  19. I'll say it's a good thing when the prices come down as a result, but they won't, so the only reason they are doing it is as a 'Big Brother' tactic.
  20. God, I didn't even think of that. They won't be orange, and I don't think they will be naked like the book, so maybe he'll go opposite and make em tall and skinny?
  21. Asteroid Commander Keen Lemmings Eye of the Beholder River Raid Frogger Digger One Must Fall 4D Sports Boxing California Games Skate or Die (no Tony Hawk for me) Carmen Sandiego Altered Beast I'm sure there are heaps more I can't think of. I'd love them to go back to text base Quest games (Space, Kings, Police, etc)
  22. Yes, it was one of my favourite books and Yes, Gene Wilder was awesome in this BUT I am soooo looking forward to this. Both Depp and Burton have come out and said they have no intention of doing a remake, so I am keen to see what their interpretation of the story is. Plus, there has been no leakage whatsoever from the set (other than a light being destroyed) so that adds to the suspense for me.
  23. I WAS going to say that if done right this could be an awesome flick. That being said, with this bit of news, I am almost willing to give up on it now. Call it fanboyism, but Transformers is a legacy and should be handled with care. I would prefer to see a Terminator2 style movie. I think there are more 20+ year olds who would appreciate a Transformers movie than the kids who would buy the toys. Otherwise it will end up being Power Rangers meets Spy Kids.
  24. GREAT you ruined it for me, I was looking forward to it!!!! So the Butler did it right?