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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. Asa side thought, I really like the main characters more than I ever did as a result of how good Ep III was. Obi-Wan and Vader both have a new layer and depth...
  2. I didn't think I would do it, but I voted against Obi. Can Darth use the throat crush on Jedi? If he can, surely that gives him an edge. If not, I think he would use Obi's one weakness, flying objects. Seriously, everytime a Sith started tossing inatimate objects at him, he went weak at the knees!
  3. Are we just fan boys, 1 Sith and 3 Jedi remaining... Luke vs Yoda is an interesting one, very interesting. Should be some great discussion amongst it. I mark out for Jedi vs Jedi duels.
  4. Someone, anyone vote!! Tight battle, just as you would imagine the real battle would be...
  5. I really hope Luke wins this. Even though he is the Jedi Poster Child, I think he is under rated a fair bit. He did 80% of his training on his own, without anyone around, that's gotta count for a lot.
  6. Umm, tough decision. I mean Darth Maul's amazing dialogue and conversation skills definately give him an advantage.......... Yoda, and all he would use is the light he stole from Luke.
  7. Tough one, as he was soundly beaten both times, although Anakin was probably hindering his abilities by getting in the way. I'll think on this, as I truly believe Obi Wan will win, I want to think it through.
  8. Luke. Mace Mindu had Sidious beaten and it was only Anakins interference that lost Windu the battle. Luke and Mace are very similar I think, especially Ep VI Luke so I think Luke could definately get the goods. It would be awesome to watch though!
  9. Eh, changed my mind now, that polka dot print just threw me off..... I think I'll spend the cash on Stargate before this, which is something I've been pondering on for sometime.
  10. Ahhh, Cool, thanks. Wasn't there like a mud monster in Batman also?
  11. I agree that a big man mountain would have been better for Juggernaut. If only Dave Batista could act
  12. Makes sense if they are definate about doing 2 more movies, they might aswell shoot them together. I wish I knew enough about Spiderman to know what sand meant!
  13. If you mean 'cartoony' in an out of place colouring/lighting not quite right way, then I know what you mean. There were some spots where it wasn't quite right. But the movement and detail all in all were really quite good. I likd how he look clumsy for the most part, because that is how a spider looks when it floats from branch to branch. As for who to play Brock, seems he didn't get the Thing part, Michael Rooker...
  14. Lack of good CGI oh, were you being serious??? Good, even great CGI can be done with real actors. The problem is no-one is breaking the shackles of standard film making. The shit Lucas did with Episode IV, no one ever dreamed of, and it was basic shit like changing opacity and stuff. People just need to trust themselves instead of putting all their faith in a machine. And it's not as if Venom needs to have realistic human skin, movement etc.
  15. Yeah I'd definately stay on board for the long haul, but I fear the Peter/MJ story would get very tired......
  16. Interesting, Hugh Jackman. He definately can do the down to earth family values type, so I guess it could work. Of course it does go against my point of not spreading yourself around more than 1 comic universe.
  17. you idiot if I turn the TV off, I won't get sound. The TV is my only instrument of sound in the place. Yoda, it's more when you have people around and there is this stupid display on the tv for the cd player. And as for the radio part, I listen to it a bit on Weekends when reading the paper and doing housework. I guess with all my bitching, I have to buy myself a stereo.
  18. downside, PS2 doesn't have a screensaver, so it's always stuck on the play screen, which is a bit annoying. And no radio. But, given that I can't afford anything else, it is definately livable.
  19. We'll I'm sure many on hear will bitch and moan regardless of how good it is now that they have exclusivity of the NFL name. Unless the controllers change with more buttons or 4 analog sticks (2 where L2 and R2 are), I'm not sure what else they can do to improve the franchise. Plus no 60 second add will be able to give me the feel of the game.
  20. Cann we see some bad guy vs bad guy scenarios. Mr Sinister vs Joker perhaps?
  21. Not sure. Was he seen using his powers earlier in the film? Nope, just blinking to change channels. Ah no matter.
  22. Danger Room , cool. Off topic, the kid that was changing the tv channels in X2 when strykers men attacked, what exactly is his ability and is he anyone specific? I'm interested to see exactly how they bring in Gambit.
  23. I'm glad he has acknowledged he has to work outside his comfort zone for casting. Not sold on Lauren Graham, but I like the idea of a younger Wonder Woman, althoug would prefer mid 20's instead of early, so there is no teen-angst type crap in there. So if he is going younger, Rachel Bilson should be a shu in!
  24. If a bunch of teenagers can beat Freddie, then Logan definately can. I don't have a story to go with it, thats my reasoning. Chalk one up for Wolverine.
  25. I love THC, have ever since Wings, but he kinda has the same look as Dafoe. Not sure if there is anything in that, but some food for thought.