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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. Aside from her poor acting, I thought the casting of Holmes was a bad choice if only because I didn't feel any chemistry between her and Bale, it all seem too laboured (unless that was the point).... Early casting tip for Harlequin, Samaire Armstrong (Anna from The OC). Although how muchh of Harlequin is in the origin of The Joker?
  2. sounds like a smart way to approach it, this could indeed be very good. Pity about the unknown actor thing, I would have loved to seen Brad Pitt as Tony Stark.
  3. I'd still prefer Liev Shreiver as two face. Good age, good build, plays straight and crazy very well.
  4. To the people doubting the ability to do it, I give you that picture!
  5. This actually isn't as bad as what most people would think. Obviously some of the others we discussed previously would be good, but with the right direction and source material, Ledger could be ok. I'd still prefer Paul Bettany, but this could be ok.
  6. I understand why they do what they do with Smallville. But I don't understand why they do it. Let me explain. I know they have all these comic book characters for fanboy pop and what not, but I always felt the main strength of the show was showing the development of Clark not of Superman. I liked how they used developing/dealing with powers to symbolise normal teen angst and problems. Seems like lately they have strayed too far from the original concept.
  7. I said whatever as I probably spend more time on the forums then the main site I think your new site design lends itself to adds being included without being intrusive, so it should be ok.
  8. On the flip side he said Michael Bay is like one of the top action directors ever. Lost all credibility there..... Touché! Maybe not "ever" but still the guy does have a string of hits: Bad Boys, The Rock, Armageddon, Bad Boys 2. and with Spielberg pulling his strings on this I think Bay could do quite a fine job here. Bad boys is the only good movie he has done. The Rock was just woeful, Bad Boys II not much better and Armageddon while an entertaining movie, doesn't really rate as a great movie. I don't like the fact that there are navy seals / marines, whatever. I always find the inclusion of some type of elite unit an attempt by the writer/director to cover up the fact they don't really know what to do with the story.
  9. On the flip side he said Michael Bay is like one of the top action directors ever. Lost all credibility there..... Ummm, is that what the aborted gay love child fetus of Optimus Prime and HotRod would look like. Ughh! I don't know whether to cry or throw something. Transformers is one of my top 3 best childhood memories (TV Related) and this is just, just, ARGGHH!
  10. That's what IMDB shows..... What scares me more is that they don't list a single voice actor in the credits for any transformers?! I'm not saying I want A-list for them, but why are there no credits at all?
  11. They could go for the X-Mas crowd, seemed to work well for Lord of the Rings.
  12. Yeah like I said I don't care, but I know some people have a hissy fit with anything resembling a spoiler... I'll wait for tight arse Tuesday to go and see this I think..
  13. It was all good until the end, you know with the bit "A Michael Bay Film" Seriously though, the first Bad Boys was actually pretty good and that style would suit Transformers; seriously bad ass bad guy with the tension broken by jokes here and there. Would have been better if the other Michael did it, of the Mann variety..... Jon Voight is in it though, and John Turturro which offsets the involvement of Bernie Mac and Josh Duhamel
  14. Thanks for the spoilers tag there Yoda Not that I'm too phased, but this is a generic thread, so you may want to edit either the title or your post, now that the movie is out.
  15. The more I read and hear, the more I am not looking forward to this movie. Thoughts and suspicions I had from the previews are being confirmed, and not in a goodway....
  16. I'm actually interested to see what Topher is like. I thought he was pretty good in Traffic and think he could do ok.
  17. Hmmmm this is going to seem very busy don't you think?
  18. anyone else not enjoy the bit with Lex and Lois when he asks her to say something and then cut her off. I don't like him prancing around the way he did, just doesn't seem like a Lex Luther trait....
  19. Thanks. I don't like what I see.... I'm angry now.
  20. anyone got the pictures in their cache still, the link has been taken down apparently. Cheers
  21. Further to that, all the cars on the bridge had their headlights on.... But if everyone ran from their car during daylight hours, why would you have your lights on!
  22. I agree James. I see that they were trying for irony, but I think it was almost to the point of disrespectful.
  23. Hugh Jackman has his own production company which is doing the Wolverine spin off. So that will go ahead regardless of what Fox does. I also think Marvel are looking to produce their own stuff from now own and exclude studio's from the production process. Ghost Rider is the first in this move, but more will follow.
  24. looks good. My company did some beanies for the stunt team last year here in Melbourne, so I'm very loosely connected I have no idea at all about the comic, so I look forward to watching it as just an action/fantasy movie.