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Everything posted by Kscriv

  1. FREE BIRD!!!!!!!! What a way to go.
  2. Kscriv

    TGIF Ustream

    It's Friday Night And the mood is right Gonna have some fun Show You how it's done. TGIF http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kscriv Just seeing if we can get a little chat/whatever going on.
  3. Just read through NANA Volume 20.....HOLY FUCKING SHIT! And now I need to wait SIX FUCKING MONTHS for volume 21 to come out. Oh, by the way, Volume 21 is the most recent volume to come out in Japan. It came out last March and Ai Yazawa has been taking time off since then due to health problems....I want to see this story finish.
  4. It's True (Backstreet Boys) [Yeah I went there]
  5. I Love You Always Froever (Donna Lewis)
  6. To be fair, Witch Hunter Robin was close to being on my list. P.S. I have returned to the forums. Great to have you back (feels odd saying that considering your in the room across from me right now). Also, Simon? Really?
  7. Only one man can sum up what's going on in my head now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz1n-L3L5NA
  8. For anyone willing to take a flyer on a decade old Canadian teen sitcom The best episode, not too too much is lost if you haven't seen the rest of the series.
  9. Kscriv

    2010 Resolutions

    Reposted from another thread: -Drop to under 200 pounds (was at 271 in May, 230 before going home for holidays, 235 now) -Lock down and nail the Ai-Kon interviews this year -Take an awesome vacation
  10. Kscriv

    Happy New Year!

    My Resolutions for the year -Drop below 200 pounds (In Oct. 2008 I was 220, I ballooned up to 271 by May 2009, I was at 230 at the start of the holidays and all the food/desserts of the season have added five more on to me. So 35 pounds this year). -Nail down and ace the Ai-Kon interviews for Animezing Podcast. Considering who has been thrown around for guests there is potential for some great people to be on the show. -Take an awesome vacation after I graduate college. Randy, Steph and I have been thinking about doing Power Morphicon in LA this coming August. If that don't work I'll catch a bus out somewhere and hit up a larger anime con or something (assuming Greyhound doesn't suspend service.)
  11. And in the big ring in the sky, Dr. Death and Terry Gordy are ripping shit up again. Is it too much to ask that Swaggers gutwrench be called the Doctorbomb full-time now as a tribute
  12. -$50 -A $50 Visa Gift Card -$65 Wal-Mart Gift cards (two different cards) -Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games for Wii (CURLING FTW!) -Bathroom Scale -The Mask on DVD -Dragon Head Vol. 1 -A new laptop
  13. Great to see one of the old guard of E2 is having a good go of life. Don't those old Can-Am pieces seem so lon ago now? Here's to you Anthony.
  14. Okay, this one is annoying me. Who can help. I'm out in Belair, MB (no Fresh Prince jokes please), my old hometown for the holidays, there is no high-speed internet out here. Last week I made a daytrip back to the city. As a favor to my brother, I brought in the hard drive for his Xbox 360 so I could download some stuff for him. I downloaded a roster update for NHL 10, a map pack for COD4 (the free addition to the Game of the Year version), and about a half-dozen songs for Rock Band 2. The roster update works fine. Everything else doesn't. It was downloaded fine, the files show up when I look through the memory, but they do not appear in game. The COD4 box says the maps are for online/system link, but I assumed it would work fine for split screen, it thus far has not. The songs I don't get at all. I had previously downloaded a couple songs from here over the dial-up connection (I was able to connect it via my laptop) in the past and they worked fine, but these new downloads are nowhere to be seen. One of the downloads I got as a surprise for my bro (I plan on having it count as his Xmas gift...I'm broke alright), so any help is very much appreciated.
  15. A decade is any 10 year period. It is much easier to colloquially use the 80s, 90s, 00s as our standard decades for comparisons in time periods. Who among us cares if the years 1-9 are being shortchanged by a year as a decade?
  16. So I am now up through Volume 19 of NANA. Have I mentioned how awesome this series is? I can't believe that they have built an entire character from name to character traits to the path her story follows from one song. Also had a chance to see the the English dub. It's good, very very good. My only problems with it are as follows. 1) Sam Vincent plays Ren with the exact same voice he used for Athrun in Gundam SEED and it throws me off too much. The characters are just WAY too far apart to hav that kind of overlap in my book. 2) The English version doesn't dub-title at all. In other words, when any Japanese text is shown on screen there is no subtitle track to translate it, that is a big problem considering how much that sort of stuff is integral to the plot. 3) They opted to dump the first end theme and replace it with the second end theme. Since the end theme tends to fit the mood of the ends of most episodes it makes for awkward transitions at the end of most episodes. It angers me more because hey have used the theme as an insert at points.
  17. I liked 21st Century Breakdown.
  18. Cowboy Bebop is fucking amazing. I got to remember to get into contact with Bandai again to get my disc 3 in that set, the one I bought had two disc 4's in it) I just hope they will accept it as I've had the set for over a year and a half now. Anyway, the show is awesome because it's one of the few I've seen where you can go at whatever pace you like and not lose anything for it. Bleach. Great Show? No. Bad Show? No. The characters are actually quite intriguing (Orihime...yay) and some of the comedy aspect of it is pretty good, but after awhile the show starts to lose its luster, then again on the whole I'm sort of down on the never-ending shonen action drama for the time being.
  19. Problem with that one is is a movie could not cover the scope of the story, and I doubt a TV series budget could cover the special effects that would be needed. Also I submit Genshiken for adaptation.
  20. Listening through and when it goes to adapting anime to live-action, there's a lot of more down to Earth stuff that could work -BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad (so awesome, so down to Earth, making it big as a rocker and falling in love, I think people could relate) -NANA (I would die of a joyous heart attack if the CW picked up a Nana adaptation) -Peach Girl (Teen drama, nothing crazy) -Rumbling Hearts (Melodrama stuff) Turtles Forever is AMAZING! I originally thought it would not be good, but it is amazing, it's a TMNT 1987/TMNT 2003 crossover, with a few awesome cameos and hidden stuff added in (no spoilers).
  21. In Broadcast Journalism doing out first live newcast of the year. I'm an anchor/producer this week. Dealing with incompetacne is hard.
  22. Mike: Don't sewat it, if they do start asking I would advise going the "I don't want to talk about this now" line, if they persist, get up and walk away.
  23. It looks like I'll be getting a 3-week internship at CTV Winnipeg. FUCK YES~!
  24. Oh boy, these next two weeks are going to be hell. The least of my worries being I don't have money as of present to get to/from school. My monthly bus pass craps out today and I presently have like $7 to my name. I can get to/from school tomorrow by paying the fare, but after that it's sell some tickets to my video game tourney or bum money from friedns...which I hate doing. Can I have my student loan now government?
  25. Watching very slowly through Claymore. Man this show is something good.