Pablo Molinero

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Everything posted by Pablo Molinero

  1. Useless.. yes. Failure, not quite yet. From what I heard on one of the video game web sites, it sold a pretty good amount it's first week of sales in Japan a,d outsold both the DS, PS2 and PSP. So that's a good start. -edit-And no, I can't remember where I read that. It was awhile back. Good God, are you serious?! I don't know weither to laugh or cry... (Oh, and I'm to blame for Beefstu, my little sister, being brought upon these boards. Sorry in advance.)
  2. Oh hell yeah, wasn't it I who told you that? On a related note, they've shown nothing of Slade in the previews, which makes me sad... They're probably saving him for later/the end of the season.
  3. Hmmm, I have no idea of exact hours, but I would guess the ones I have played the most are... Age of Mythology Final Fantasy X Virtua Fighter 4 Every Might and Magic ever.
  4. Yep, I saw it. It was pretty good in answering a few of the questions, but created so many more... SPOILERS? ... ... ... The hatch was nothing like I imagined it to be. When I first saw the old computer, record player, and happy music playing over it, I had no idea what to think. It was kinda funny, actually. Yet, as soon as they introduced that guy on the stairs in the stadium with Jack, I imedeately recognised him as the guy in the hatch, so the big "reveal" at the end of the episode wasn't that suprising. I hope Locke dosen't get shot... again.
  5. To be honest, I thought the first few episodes ranged from decent to downright corny and/or bad. Thankfully, it seems to be getting better, and I'll probably continue watching.
  6. So, how many lists do you have altogether, by now? Enough to form a top 100?
  7. Sweet. It was awesome to turn on the TV and out of the blue find myself watching two new episodes. It would have been nice for some prior notice but I fortunately caught both of 'em. Hooray!
  8. Well, Nemesis looks pretty awful and I've never been that into Spider-Man games. I liked Legends, though, and I really like the idea of being able to use Magneto, Juggernaut, and co, so I'll probably pick it up sometime this month.
  9. Yoda, Cash sent me a PM that he was the spammer, my computer just happened to lock up and delete it, though, right as I was about to forward it to you. Take my word for it, ban him. Also, Hooray for Spinner!
  10. ... 3. Sorry, but not only the women's match was pretty bad, but the IC title match went on wayyy too long for it's own good and the main event get a mere, "meh." I can't think of anything I really enjoyed. (But then again, half the time I was preoccupied with the Indians/Sox game)
  11. I've already got a hold of tickets for the Columbus show and am psyched for this. Being a musical person, sound in the game has always been one of the most important aspects in the making of an awesome game. One of the reasons Ace Combat, Halo, and Final Fantasy, are some of my favorites of all time, not only because of their brilliant gameplay, but also for their killer soundtrack. Hell, I'm listening to my "Final Halo Aces" mix CD right now. Be they memorable little diddys like those of Mario and alot of the older games, or full-blown orchestrated pieces, I don't care, as long as they're good. This concert should be awesome. Anyone else thinking of going?
  12. Pablo Molinero

    Wii news

    I personally like the idea, the style could go brilliantly for some types of games, expecialy shooters. Imagine looking around and shooting with the controler and moving with the analog attachment; it seems very effective to me. Still, genres like fighting games are utterly screwed. I'll trust Nintendo on this one, we'll see if they can utilize it properly.
  13. Lets see, Advance Wars DS has basically monopolized all my video game-playing. I'm currently making my way through hard campaign, which has proven to be near-impossible.
  14. I have a friend whose probably going to buy it, so I'll just borrow it from him. I mean as a Advance Wars fanatic, I feel obligated to try it, but I don't know how good it'll be, the reviews don't make it sound like that great of a game. The concept interests me, a RTS for the Cube, I just don't know how well they can implement it.
  15. Well, it depends what your level was. Lots of people are looking to rush right through Pre-Searing and get through at, like, level 3. You're much better off waiting to lvl 6-8 to get through the Searing, so you won't be killed left and right. Back on topic, my most recent purchace was Advance Wars: Dual Strike about a week ago. I haven't been able to stop playing it. I stay up till 1:30 every night playing the game and also smuggle it into school to play during study hall and lunch. It's been cutting into my valuable Guild Wars time, but damned if it isn't like electronic crack... can't put it down.
  16. I've started playing Age of Mythology again and actually won my first ranked game upon my return.
  17. Oh, I forgot about Soul Calibur III. I love me a good fighting game.
  18. Man, I was going to bump this sometime this week. Any chance of this getting off the ground in the near future?
  19. I don't really know, not a ton of great stuff coming out this year, and I alrady have the new Advance Wars game. Probably the new Ratchet game with it's Halo inspired split-screen co-op. Me and Antonio will have a blast playing that.
  20. Got Dual Strike, and it was as good as I thought it would be. I've stayed up at night entirely too long these last couple of nights playing it.
  21. Now there's a game no household should be without.
  22. Just for it's sheer stupidity, I thought I'd share something I saw today... Source
  23. Thought I'd bump this up when I saw this on 1up... Source If this is true, the news'll be huge. It would be very nice if the rumor that prices will jump for nex-gen games was wrong. All gamers' pocketbooks could take a deep sigh of relief.