Pablo Molinero

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Everything posted by Pablo Molinero

  1. I'm glad to see that Ace Combat 5 and Golden Sun at least made the list, but it really is sad when they're beat be ESPN Football and NBA Street. Oh, and good to see Advance Wars (62) so high on the list.
  2. Between Mario Bros. and Metriod, seeing as those are the only two I remember playing... Super Mario Bros.
  3. Jugger...naut...??? YYYYEEESSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Interesting thing about the DC Universe, in a Static episode w/ Batman, Static asks where Robin was and Batman says "With the Titans. You'll meet them someday." So apparently they reside in the same world, but are just, like, isolated, or something.
  5. Get Warioware, definately. Never liked Yoshi.
  6. :OMG: It's a good day to own a PS2. (Even though I own the GC version of II). I wouldn't get too excited about creating your own person, though, call me a pesimist, but I don't see it going too deep. I hope the prove me wrong. Since it says that only 20 of the 25 are returning, methinks Charade, Necrid, Assassin, Lizardman, and Bezerker are being cut (Just please leave Seung Mina!). Probably be a pretty good game, at least it will pass the time till VF5.
  7. Good, I wasn't the only one distraught by that.
  8. Agreed on Aku as one of the best villians in cartoon history, I loved this show. At least they're bothering to finish it, I'm excited for this already.
  9. Wolverine goes total bezerker, and with nothing but rage (therefore a lack of fear), dices Freddy.
  10. I finished this game about a week ago, and am already itching to play it over again already. This game is amazing, it has all the aspects of a true classic. The core gameplay is great, it's got tons of different types of missions in the campaign so it dosen't just feel like "Go here, blow everything up" thirty times over. The controls are superb, but it's not like there would be any way to screw them up anyways, it's a flight game, for cryin' out loud... As expected, the graphics are stunning. What can I say, the cutscenes are so beautiful, they rival that of Square-Enix's. Which leads me to the biggest suprise that makes this game so great: the story. The voice acting is superb and the story sucked me in and had me playing for eight-hour periods. As corny and cliche as it sounds, I truly cared about the lives of my co-pilots. Unfortunately, the game didn't last too long, I beat it in only 3 days, which was its only true weakness. 9.5/10 Well, if anyone else has this game, feel free to discuss, but I feel I'm the only person that even cares about this game. For anyone who is remotely interested in this genre, this is the game to get.
  11. Definately a good idea. When we got our first system, a Playstation, I was only 9 or so, thus T games were off limits and our selection was very limited. It would have been nice to have a E10 back then...
  12. Crud, I was considering buying it. Ah well, looks like I'm *stuck* getting Ace Combat 5 for my fill of flying.
  13. Mind if I throw some more video game characters into the mix? HK-47 vs. Master Chief Canderous vs. Arbeiter Jak vs. Ratchet Vivi vs. Anyone Auron vs. Admarant
  14. Those are seconded, Splinter Cell is great, even moreso with Live. KotOR is a MUST HAVE. Go buy it... now.
  15. Lets see, I beat the first one, so I was desperate to get my hands on the second one. I had a whole two weeks that Enrique was home with the XBox, so I played KotOR II nonstop. I play as lightside, it's just too hard for me to be dark... I thought that the game was amazing, certianly, since it played exactly like the first. The new force powers and second level of Jedi classes were nice, but there wasn't really any major renovations (if it ain't broke, don't fix it). So if you don't mind more of the same (which I didn't), you'll love this one. The game did seem a bit glitchy, but it was usually just skipping and slowdown that lasted five seconds tops. In terms of story, it was fairly good, not nearly as great as the first game's story, though. I was excited to see my favorite three characters back as teammates (T3, Canderous, and !!!HK-47!!!) and cameos from others. If your looking for some "holy shit" molment in this one like the first game had, you'll be dissapointed. The ending, even though its predictable, still is satisfying and leaves the door open for even more games. Definately a great game, not an all-time favorite like the first, but still holds its own. I can't wait for this summer when I get the game back and can play as the dark side.
  16. I won't vote against Juggernaut, I live in denial.
  17. 1. Dangeresque 3 2. Sisters 3. Stunt Double (Dangeresque 2)
  18. I hate to sound redundant, but I think its a good idea considering how easily games can be pirated, etc... However, I have a feeling someone is going to find a way around it pretty soon.
  19. Gah, I'm fucking miserable every time I see somthing regarding this game. The original was one of my favorite RPGs of all time, I had to play it twice with both alingments. Then Enrique took the Box to college... I'm too cheap tp buy another XBox and my computer can't even run the first one, so all I can do is wait till Enrique comes home for the holidays and pray I can get it done before he leaves. The game will own though.
  20. That rat is the obvious choice, hilarious. "Honor in hat form" hehe... Killing Toot was a major plus too.
  21. Metroid Symbol FFX Symbol thingy, (Ya know, Jecht has it as a tattoo himself!)
  22. Someone needs to take up the Might and Magic franchise now that 3DO is dead.
  23. This is an easy choice: GTA. While the SD series is good, it isn't anything spectacular, or even great, as GTA is bound to be.
  24. Since I don't own an XBox, I chose Metroid Prime: Echoes, I was addicted to the last game. (Probably should have said Jak III)
  25. "Ultimat?" Nice. Anyways, two words. Fire. Flower. Burninate the Badger