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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. Have most of my stuff for my study abroad next fall and the honors project I'll be pursuing planned out at this point (this is what happens when you have nothing to do at a job with eight to ten hour shifts), now I just have to meet with my advisor and all the other people in various departments when school starts up again. Is it September 13th yet? Additionally, I may be able to get a job with the school's anthropology department; I just have to go over there before school starts and talk to him about it. This should be doable, as I'm hoping to get out there sometime in the third week of August. Need to talk to my friend about that. Also I get paid tomorrow, and it'll be the first paycheck this whole summer that does not have to go to something else. Taking the girls to HP6 tomorrow, and looking at some new clothes, which I kind of need. And if Dad fills out the loan application soon and the changed financial circumstances form, we might not have to worry about getting in money by August 15th, much less for the rest of the year, if he applies for the whole balance.. Life's finally working out. It feels nice.
  2. Complete Series is out. I want to get it. 21st birthday, plz?
  3. And I liked it, once. ^^; My bad taste before the last few years of high school, let me show you it.
  4. Even Beckinsale in leather can't save these.
  5. Just finished Dennou Coil. I now have a three way tie for all time favorite series (three way tie now with Gankutsuou and Revolutionary Girl Utena). Expect a review shortly. Onto Saiunkoku Monogatari.
  6. Caught the last few moments of Underworld: Evolution. Went to see it with an ex, remembered just how bad it was. And now, is time for Van Helsing, because hey, why not, I need to remind myself how bad my taste in movies was when I was younger.
  7. I watched it mostly on Hulu, I liked what I saw of it. ...Which reminds me, I should catch up on that one of these days.
  8. Venneh


    There's a statue of Prince Charles with wings in a loincloth somewhere in South America, can we destroy that?
  9. Venneh


    So, we were going through all these old boxes to sort out things to give away, and lookit what I found. Game Boy Color, first gaming system I ever owned, with Pokemon Yellow and the Star Wars Pod Racer game with rumble feature. Nostalgia times! Sadly, it's long since broken.
  10. Goddamnit, now I want to cook, and I don't have money to do that. Thirding Mike's hatred of this thread.
  11. Venneh


    British to English: Rubber = eraser (I think?)
  12. How's Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, dc20? I've been meaning to get that. Currently rereading Milgram's Obedience to Authority; had to read it for Freshman Studies two years ago, came back to read it because I haven't in a while, and it's a real good read. It's just incredibly depressing, especially in the findings. Also reread Haruki Murakami's Underground, which consists of interviews with the victims of the Tokyo sarin gas attacks, and members of Aum (though not those who carried out the attacks). Absolutely fascinating read, originally read it for my Ethnography of Japan class, interesting insight into the Japanese psyche, especially around the time of these events, which kind of destroyed the Japanese worldview.
  13. Because hey, I figure some of us actually go to these. First up is ACen in Chicago; we already have dates and registration dates up: This is quicker and more coordinated than they've ever moved. Color me impressed. (Mike, you had mentioned being interested in possibly going this next year, and something about press badges. Still interested?)
  14. Guh. Sick. Covered in mosquito bites. Was up at 4:30 this morning. Triathleters are assholes. Hate world.
  15. Happy birthday, Knightwing!
  16. Work at 4:30 tomorrow morning. Whatever of my day is not spent there will be spent passed the hell out.
  17. ...No? ^^; Should've read further down in the comments thread. Ignore then, plz.
  18. Geh, I need all the money I can get. Caffeine, plz?
  19. Venneh


    10:37:24 PM Hannah Krueger: There is also interest in the Twilight graphic novel adaptation, but there is no formal announcement as to its release date or further details yet. 10:37:25 PM Hannah Krueger: DIE 10:37:25 PM Hannah Krueger: DIE 10:37:26 PM Hannah Krueger: DIE 10:37:27 PM Hannah Krueger: DIE 10:38:01 PM Preston: Let Frank Miller write and draw it. 10:38:10 PM Hannah Krueger: I can live with that. 10:38:24 PM Preston: "Bella was the kind of girl that Edward was going to stalk. 10:38:29 PM Preston: Stalk and fuck. 10:38:34 PM Preston: Maybe in that order. 10:38:38 PM Preston: Maybe not." 10:38:42 PM Hannah Krueger: xD
  20. Started a fifty-four hour workathon today. Ten hours today and tomorrow, eight hours Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. All shifts after today start at 8:30 in the morning. Sunday I have to be out in a parking lot handing out stickers at 4:30 in the fucking morning. At least it's overtime?
  21. Ignore, repost of an old April Fool's Joke. Whoops. ^^; Blackest Night Checklist:
  22. Want now plz, just for the crazy images, not to mention the singing.
  23. You'll like it, I think. (Episode 2's my favorite thus far, though they're all awesome.)