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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. Venneh


    I think a big hearty fuck you is in order here. xD
  2. Venneh


    I should probably slap you for that. ^^
  3. Venneh


    Never. Make me a sammich and get me a beer.
  4. I work with the state Department of Natural Resources, so I don't think I could get away with it. Prof, however, with working at the bar, maybe. xD Also, what drive thru sells beer, and where can I find one?
  5. Say thanks no matter what, give 'em an extra-special thanks when they give you tips.
  6. Oh god, Convention Etiquette. That should be an interesting one to hear. (Might give that to my ACen kids this year as a primer before we go.)
  7. Two of three little sisters need to learn the following things: -You do not go into my room and take my blank CDs without asking (there's a quarter of them gone from a full thing), you put stuff of mine (especially DVDs and video games) back where you put them when you're done and don't just leave them hanging out in the open and make sure that you're not damaging DVDs that are in CD cases when you're carelessly pushing things back into place. -You need to stop being such a flaming bitch; just because I look at you does not mean that you should be jumping down my throat for no reason whatsoever. There's a reason we made sure (and yes, we DID make sure) that you're in a separate house from that piece of trash who's currently your best friend. How soon until September 13th?
  8. It helps, when your mother leaves you the car for the day, that she actually, oh, leave you the keys instead of taking them to work with her. xD
  9. Jesus, Geoff Johns is signed on to a lot of superhero movies. There's this, the Flash, Green Lantern, am I missing any (probably am)?
  10. Just got back from Noah's Ark (awesome waterpark in WI Dells for those who've never been in this part of the country), and am now tired and slightly wet. And the awesome thing was that it was mid-70s and a bit cloudy later in the afternoon, and because of this, there were almost no lines, which means that we got to go on several rides more than once with almost no wait time.
  11. Venneh


    ... Ahem: Yet another reason to stay far, far away from the Ultimate series.
  12. Two of the three younger sisters have at least a passing interest in anime, so the more I can expose them to better stuff than some of the trash they watch (see: 17 Again, Police Women of Broward County and Jon and Kate Plus 8), the better. Seeing Miyazaki in theatres is something in and of itself, especially for this one; the ocean scenes are spectacular on a theatre screen. This is the only one I've seen in theatres besides Spirited Away when it went up for an Oscar.
  13. I'm so fucking sick of my mom getting on me about religion. I've basically tried my best to be passive about it, not say anything one way or the other, mainly because I do not fucking believe. So, this whole summer she's been pushing this book on me, and I finally took it to work and read it the other day just to get it over with (it didn't have the world shattering effect it had on them, mainly because I'd been made to watch the author's talk about it and knew that part of why he wrote it was because he was sexually abused as a kid). And now in the car today she was pushing for my opinion about it, I told her it was a good book, and she was disappointed it didn't have the world-shattering effect on me and pushed for my position on religion, and I've gotten the closest I've gotten to ever telling her the truth and told her I didn't know, and then she pushes the fucking guilt hammer on me, and how she's only doing it because god is pushing her to. BAH.
  14. Just got back from seeing Ponyo with the little sisters. The showing was full of little kids, and the adults were enjoying it just as much as the kids were. Absolutely amazing visuals, the scenes with the ocean made my jaw drop. There's some good voice acting, too: Liam Neeson and Cate Blanchett feature as Ponyo's parents (one's a slightly wacky magician, the other one's the goddess of the sea), Tina Fey is the main boy's mom, and Sousuke and Ponyo are played by one of the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus' little siblings, respectively (that last point will probably appeal more to younger siblings, but they still do a solid job). And whoever did the script for the dub actually got the nuances of the original language, so yay for them! The plot itself kind of takes a backseat to Ponyo and Sousuke interacting, because the latter is cute beyond all reason, but it's still solid. Definitely go see this if you have the money and it's near you. Seeing a Miyazaki film in the theatre is definitely an experience.
  15. *flail* Also, bizarrely hot.
  16. Gurren Lagann/300 Trailer Mashup Best/most appropriate use of 300 evar.
  17. So, a little help needed, I figure this is fairly relevant. I'm looking to install a video game emulator on my Mac. What do you people use for emulators, does it work for Macs, and about how much space does it take up? (Game recs would be appreciated, too)
  18. Addition. 17 Again is unbelievably creepy. Especially when the daughter falls in love with her 17-again dad. And he hits on his wife as the 17-again boy. And tries to fix his son up with girls as 17-again, and give abstinence talks at 17-again... And actor playing 17-again is Zac Efron, this does not help. Creepy. The end. Brain bleach plz?
  19. Venneh


    *incoherent with envy and jealous and flailing*
  20. I'm interested to see what Singer might do with the mythos, but for Christ's sake, is there anything in the next few years coming out that's not a reimagining or a remake, theatrically? Also, Starvos has an interesting point; the Buffy remake might work because it's been what, five years or so since we've had the series on TV in any form? Here, it's going to be released maybe a year or two tops after the series itself has finished, while there are still TV movies (The Plan) and a spin off (Caprica) going on.