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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. They're not doing that already? I will say this: KH could cross with some of the more mystical aspects of the Marvel U. The closest they've ever gotten to a live-action/modern setting was Pirates in the second game, but that was crazy popular at the time. ...Also, Sora spider-swinging through Manhattan would be the most frustrating minigame ever. xD
  2. So, yeah, thank you for reiterating that nothing's going to happen to the comics (if they own Miramax and can put out Kill Bill and Reservoir Dogs, I don't think we have to get worried). I like the idea of Disney comics done by Marvel (except for Hannah Montana, which I hate on principle, but that's more a personal thing). You also have a really good point on tying in the properties to get younger readers interested.
  3. Venneh

    Who's the new Batgirl?

    I don't like the ribbing on the sides, otherwise, it's okay. And I like that they kept her cape from Spoiler.
  4. I'm playing Mario Kart while I can, here, as I head back to school on Sunday (NOT SOON ENOUGH). Currently working through the last of the time trials, trying to unlock the last kart/bike that you can in that section and Toadette. Also trying to get 1 star on the 150cc and Mirror to unlock all that.
  5. Just finished Reservoir Dogs last night, and I like. I like how the story unfolded through the flashbacks, the conversations, and how things ended up playing out. My personal Tarantino pantheon falls out something like this: Basterds (FUN, good conversations) Reservoir (in very close second, good plot/conversations, but not as fun as Basterds) Kill Bill Vol. 2 (love the backstory, several awesome fights and moments) Jackie Brown (love the way the plots unfold, good crime caper, characters I honestly didn't like as much as other Tarantino movies) Kill Bill Vol. 1 (good fight scenes, has its moments, but isn't as good as the others for me) Pulp Fiction tonight.
  6. So, yeah, Rogen is probably one of my favorite actors out there right now, and I admittedly don't know much about the Green Hornet mythos, but please, bring it on!
  7. Sorry, graham, but that's absolute bullshit. Pixar has more than proved that they can do a good superhero movie (The Incredibles), do good storytelling (pretty much any movie they've done), and take on a bit darker themes (attempted to some success in Wall-E; dystopia for the whee!). I'm confident in what they'll do with an animated Ant-Man movie. Additionally, the only movie that I can think of off the top of my head that's PG-13 and animated is 9 (which I think comes out tomorrow?), and that's going to be done in that CG animated style. And, unfortunately, that CG style is pretty much all that the studios are putting out (except for Disney's return to 2D with the Princess and the Frog, and how successful it'll be is anyone's guess).
  8. Welcome to the site! Also, I likes your icon.
  9. Venneh


    I am allowed to ponder the patent irony in working an eight hour shift on Labor Day. xD Also, last day of eleven-day ninety-four hour workathon (actually only 10 days with Thursday off, really, but still)!
  10. Hm. I think I might suggest IB, then. I mean, the man's watched Van Helsing with me when I had horrible taste way back when, so he'll probably be good with anything, but I think he might actually like IB. Or I'll just pose it as a choice. That works, too. xD Watched both Kill Bills last night. The first one was fun for the fights, and the scene where she wakes up from the coma is amazing, but I liked the second one more for all the backstory, frankly, and the fight scenes were on another level. Plus, the whole Texas funeral thing gave me spontaneous-onset claustrophobia. WHEE! Downloading Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs now.
  11. Venneh


    So. Uhm. The burying alive scene in Kill Bill Volume 2 is actually giving me claustrophobia just watching it. Going for a walk now...
  12. Uhm... So, where's the super-crack that these people take when they're thinking up new shows? I want some.
  13. Venneh


    Not Safe For Work
  14. Venneh


    I'm either a geek or a nerd, probably straddle the line. I'd like to think I'm more of a geek. Never knew how they were classified.
  15. Oh, Bats. Still so paranoid and having an inferiority complex so young. Cute! I likes.
  16. Watching Kill Bill tonight. Might watch both volumes if it's not too late, we'll see. Also, question. Dad and I are probably going to have a me and him night this week, I'm going to suggest a movie. Would District 9 or Inglourious Basterds be a better choice, in your guys' opinion?
  17. Seventy-six hours over the last eight days (seven, more like, if you count having off on Thursday), and for the most of the last two days (and the next two) I'm stuck with my idiotic bitch of a coworker (the one I mentioned in July who cut out on us five hours before her shift ended).
  18. Yeah, but how many of 'em can actually use 3D right? Coraline, which is THE example of how you should use 3D in a movie and have it actually be not annoying, is the only one I can think of that was released this year.
  19. Meh, I got the impression that he liked it, but wanted to see a bit more. You have a point, though. I'll usually give a series three issues.
  20. This sounds like a SyFy original.
  21. Just got past the Secret Six review, starting the Cable book. Oh god, this is gonna be good. I will agree with you on the Secret Six plot. When I picked it up, I only had issues two to six, and I just assumed I was missing things from the first issue and the last issue, so I just went with the plot. This is going to be waiting for me at school when I go back, so I'll be interested to see whether or not I agree. Even in the current arc, which I've followed from the beginning, I'm in it more for the characters than I am the larger plot. Mike, if you want to see more Jeanette, I am going to tell you to pick up the current run (from #10 forward, especially#12). I know that the pencillers/inkers changed on #8, which kind of was a standalone and sucked, so it's entirely possible that it changed in #7 as well. Dan, I'd suggest either waiting for the next trade or find anything from #9 on and figuring out whether or not you like it enough from there. #9 is a Battle for the Cowl tie-in, but a solid oneshot. Also, Bane and Scandal heterosexual life partners forevar.
  22. And I quote Bats in Hush: "Deep down inside, Clark is a good person." The only line I've ever seen crossed with that has been with the Justice Lords or in Red Son. And it could be played well on a theatre screen, yes, as good intentions gone horribly, horribly wrong, however, I don't think mainstream America is ready for that just yet.