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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. Agreed with you on Widening Gyre; I'm giving it a flip-through for the next issue before picking it up, cause the first was pretty damn painful. Also, re: your rant about the Dark Reign tie-ins: I'm kind of interested in seeing a BS segment about all the current Marvel events going on and all the tie-ins, frankly. xD
  2. For the same reason a dorm shaped like a can with about twentyish girls (or boys, depending on the floor) on each floor has only two showers on each floor and three washers and dryers and my ex-frat-house-and-current-residence only has one shower per floor and one washer and dryer. Poor fucking planning.
  3. Because she is a female with large breasts and therefore in the eyes of some creators cannot be competent?
  4. Yet another reason to worship Dustin Nguyen. "Little Gotham": And it's becoming a series.
  5. Well, so long as they're not showing it as a good/ideal thing, then it's fine. ... Okay, I know what I'm downloading tonight, besides the new Mad Men ep.
  6. No 'fense guys, but to call it a love story from what I've heard of it is... kinda messed up. I've heard the main characters' romance compared to that between Bella and Edward from Twilight, and based on the summaries I've read (have yet to be able to actually watch the movie, should change that soon), it's not that far off, especially in the creepy factor.
  7. Venneh


    Ganked from Eli Roth's Twitter:
  8. Venneh

    The Blackest Night

    I'm not really sure myself. The only thing I think it could be would be a noose, but I'm pretty sure he didn't die by hanging. I don't think it's so much him being evil in BN, but more of a sort of thing. And I admittedly have never read the story, I only know of it and the major plot points.
  9. Venneh

    The Blackest Night

    Slightly ahead of the solicits, and I apologize, but HOLY SHIT.
  10. So, I just got a bunch of perfume (two 5ml bottles, and then about five 1ml imps) that I ordered in the main today, which is reason enough to be happy (even if one of the bottles I ordered didn't quite work out. Ah well.) But, then, I'm over by the ATM, and I notice that someone has left one ten. I get closer, to see if there's a receipt at all, but there's not, and, in fact, there are two tens. I take it over to the info desk, ask if there's any way they would know who had used it last, and, in fact, they don't, thank me for being a good human being, and tell me it's pretty much mine. Oh, and I got a coupon for half off pizza for a dorm I don't even live in. This is the day of windfalls.
  11. Meh, it's functional, and most of my time in here is either spent in the bed or at the desk. So long as those work, that's all I really need. And there is a bit of space between the TV area and the desk that you don't really see in there. I'm going to need to get a DVD shelf, though, I think. It can fit between the bed and the closet. Though maybe next year I can finally get something larger than a closet for a single. Fucking lottery numbers that determine housing (unless you're a senior and you're trying for a single, you get a closet).
  12. I'll still be watching it online (prolly not on Hulu because our school's network priorities are fucked and makes Hulu move incredibly slow). I still don't think it's worth staking out a TV here for, and I'm still pretty meh about it. However, those guest stars intrigue me.
  13. Been watching most of the second season of Mad Men yesterday and today, up to the second-to-last episode of the season. Yeah, I might be going over to my friend's frat house so that I can get a good TV with cable, as I don't know when one in our dorm might be coming, and watch this on a regular basis.
  14. One should be able to take a shower without being in an inch of backed-up water because the drain doesn't work properly by the end of fifteen minutes. The bathroom here is the only place that you can really tell that this used to be a frat dorm.
  15. Blackest Night #3: This is my first major event book since getting into comics. And I fucking love it. RUN RUN FUCKING RUN. Also, zombies bantering at each other and making come-ons is incredibly creepy, thank you very much Johns. Blackest Night: Batman #2: Made of solid awesome, all around. At this point, my favorite part of this event besides the main book. Captain America #601: Okay, I'm going to be honest; this is the first Cap book I've picked up, pretty much ever. And I thought it was okay; the story was a nice stand-alone, and the art was incredibly well-done. Might look at new Caps, but for now, 'm not going to be picking it up. Deadpool #15: Oh, wow. This book actually took a serious turn for once, and used the three voices in Deadpool's head to good use doing it. There's the normal hallucination sequences, but only one of them is actually out and out trying to be funny. Good set-up for the twist at the end of the issue. Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #3: Ehhh. Dropping this. Secret Six #13: Okay, I have no idea what the fuck is going on in the larger plot here. Does anyone know who Grendel is in the larger DCU? Except for that the government is somehow involved with the But I'm honestly following this more for the character moments than I am for the larger plot, and there are plenty of those. Also, nice to see the chick from the one-off a few issues back actually show up again. Thunderbolts #135: Lots of double-crossing and plot twists. Intriguing. Wednesday Comics #9-11: I really like what they did with the Flash in #9. Getting really sick of the periodic table puns in Metamorpho, and I couldn't really follow it. Kamandi, Deadman, The Demon and Catwoman, and the Flash are still the only ones I really like out of them, with Supergirl and Strange Adventures being funish. Wonder Woman continues to be a cluttered fucking mess that could've been done well. Sad that this ends next week, regardless. Comic Books: 99 TPBs: 22 Graphic Novels: 2 Motion Comic: 1
  16. Oh, fuck you, Mike. I'm sorry, but just fuck you. (The scars. I will charge you for the therapy.)
  17. Or Kyle as the ladies' man.
  18. Venneh

    Who's the new Batgirl?

    2:04:23 PM Hannah Krueger: Some interesting points: *They DID seriously consider putting Babs in the Batgirl suit. *Once again, it's reiterated that there will be big plans in 2010 for "everyone's favorite non-lethal assassin" (Cass). *DiDio states he did agree to kill Stephanie. And apparently it was his idea to make her Robin. MAKE UP YOUR MIND WHOSE IDEA IT WAS GUYS. 2:04:30 PM Hannah Krueger: 2:04:49 PM Preston: Cassandra Cain is Batgirl. 2:05:05 PM Hannah Krueger: You're in denial about this, aren't you? 2:05:20 PM Preston: No. 2:05:22 PM Preston: Why? 2:05:36 PM Hannah Krueger: Steph is currently Batgirl. 2:05:42 PM Preston: Who? 2:05:48 PM Hannah Krueger: Spoiler? 2:05:51 PM Preston: Cassandra Cain is Batgirl. 2:06:02 PM Preston: The things you are saying don't make sense. 2:06:16 PM Hannah Krueger: *pat pat* 2:06:20 PM Hannah Krueger: It'll be over soon, I promise. 2:06:27 PM Preston: What will? 2:06:41 PM Hannah Krueger: What you're purposely blocking from your head. 2:08:29 PM Hannah Krueger: That Spoiler is currently Batgirl for stupid reasons. 2:08:56 PM Preston: What? 2:08:59 PM Preston: Huh? 2:09:01 PM Preston: Who 2:09:09 PM Preston: is this Spoiler you speak of? 2:10:48 PM Hannah Krueger: They were going to put Babs back in the suit. 2:11:16 PM Preston: Babs > Some Self Entitled Brat who doesn't deserve the cowl. Click on the DC Nation, it's quite... enlightening.
  19. They don't keep track of that online, DCAU. The online ordering has no way to know what the store does/doesn't have stock of. And if they were offering you the 4 20 ozes instead and for no extra charge, you're getting about the same, or slightly more than you would have.
  20. Venneh


    I don't know why I'm up this early, but I'm blaming my frat boy neighbors.
  21. I've just always gone with the assumption that, unless otherwise noted, none of these stories are going on at the same exact time. W/r/t Blackest Night, I thought he was in Gotham as of the last main book, and actually hasn't been mentioned in the main GL book for the last few issues?
  22. Venneh


    Patrick Swayze's dead. At least it sounds like he died peacefully, though...
  23. Awesome! Can't wait to see how it turns out! Also, am now completely moved in.