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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. Bump for a new dorm room. Shelf space and details therein. Fun branch thingy growing on my window Figurine collection. The cute ones. The knight/loyaltykink ones. From here, it looks like Sailor Uranus is swearing fealty to Vincent, and Auron is teaming up with Basch, who is jealous of Balthier giving either Zach or Sebastian the eye. One of the two. The sexy ones. The Mokonas hanging out with my iPod. Various views of the room: Closet areas:
  2. Venneh


    Because everyone else and their mother is as well? Also, try checking on the con's website or their forums, they might've done a block of hotel rooms with some hotels in the area at a special con rate.
  3. Dubs, was it worth going to see in theaters? I've seen a lot of previews for it, I might download it when it comes out on DVD, but it didn't look worth dropping the money, to me. Also, the guy apparently did a shorter film of this for his student project, and then it got picked up by studios and turned into the longer version. I think a good part of it is in the movie itself?
  4. Whatever. Another excuse to milk the franchise for all it's worth.
  5. DONE WITH SUMMER JOB! And managed to get done with everything a half hour early. And going to a showing of Rocky Horror in Milwaukee at midnight tomorrow and back at Lawrence on Sunday.
  6. Last day of summer job! Night, rather, as I'm on here until midnight. But, still!
  7. Went and saw D9 tonight. I wasn't expecting the level of gore in it, but overall, I really liked it, couching the film itself in all of the documentary, which provided pretty good explanations. I think it's more a DVD film for me than it was a theatre film, though, cause of the gore and the shaky-cam.
  8. Venneh


    I know it's CG, I'm saying the way the CG stitching was done on the costume seems a bit off. But, as you pointed out, is CG. Long day, sorry.
  9. Venneh


    Mmmmph. Some of the stitching looks a bit odd, but all in all, hell to the yes please.
  10. So, I got this email from my Japanese professor today: I can see that this man's ridiculously high expectations are going to be continuing. :/ On the other hand, at least he gave us four days of notice.
  11. So, this looks like Time-Warner is doing for DC what Disney is going to try to do for Marvel. Makes good sense, but the announcement seems sudden (would this have been in talks for a while before this?). Also, is this going to have any affect on Didio as editor?
  12. Really, I'm fine with non-sequential story telling, but at least make the pieces make a lick of sense or fit together in some other way than having the same characters in each bit of what-the-fuckery.
  13. That's spray paint? It looks like he chalked it on!
  14. Because it's told in a very convoluted way, that much I got. What happens is nowhere near sequential. I'm talking about what happened in general. This was a mess. Probably going to be murdered for this, but this is probably my least favorite Tarantino.
  15. I'm about two hours into Pulp Fiction, and I'm really kind of meh about it, mainly because it seems to be made of what the fuck and no coherency whatsoever.
  16. Venneh


    Clearly, it's both. I noticed it more in high school than I did in college.
  17. Venneh


    Wait, they didn't have freshmen move in earlier than the upperclassmen for orientation by you?
  18. Venneh


    But irregardless of how many credits they get, they will still be freshmen when they arrive on campus; first time away from home, on their own, etc. You can't get rid of the freshmen demeanor in general, but they can adjust quicker if they make friends with the older ones.
  19. First and foremost, it was an alliance of convenience and a young nation trying to compete, yes. However, given history and that there is actually a degree of racism built into the worldview (especially with the emperor cult around this time), there's no way an alliance with the Allies would've ever happened.
  20. Watching Enchanted with the family. Love that they have the sense of humor to be able to send up and parody most of their big princess movies and (kind of) give a solid message for girls. Pulp Fiction later tonight.
  21. Hoo boy. There are a whole shitload of cultural issues with war guilt and WWII in general in Japanese society, enough to fill several books (which have been written). But, long story short, the ruling party up until recently (Liberal Democratic Party, which was pretty much anything but), both through official statements and through the textbooks for schools, had a tendency to enforce what was called the Chrysanthemum Taboo (basically, you do not talk shit about the Emperor or we have our crazy right-wingers kill you), and just not talk about the war and gloss over war guilt. And yeah, a manga of Mein Kampf is pretty... interesting, given Japan's involvement in WWII and their alliance.
  22. Venneh

    Who's the new Batgirl?

    Garbett's version of the new Batgirl outift (the one you'll be seeing in the interiors), with some commentary: This version I like more than the one on the cover above.
  23. See, that I can see happening more with the Marvel properties in KH, rather than a full-blown world. Or they just make random cameos, like the FF characters.