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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. Venneh


    Problem with that is, I don't have the lighter. Or the gas can. Or anything I can start a fire with, except wooden buildings, and these fire starters that require matches that I do not have to light things. xD Thus, the recurring issue of what the hell to do for the next four hours.
  2. Venneh


    Anyone know how to call down fire from the heavens, then?
  3. Venneh


    Huh. *insert The More You Know picture here* Also, anyone have any suggestions for things to do to amuse oneself in a small booth in the middle of nowhere? (And no, arson is not an acceptable answer.)
  4. Venneh


    I've got four and a half more hours to be here. This place is dead. I probably shouldn't be on here, but there is nothing else to do, as I've finished all my reading material, and I'm attempting (and not doing so well) at writing. I maybe, maybe see one car at the window every hour or so. This is why ten hour shifts in the middle of nowhere on a Sunday goddamn suck, even if it is good money. Preston, you're smoking? That's new. Also, you forget the ultimate time-waster: video games!
  5. Well, I know what I'm doing Thursday, then.
  6. For the two of you who went and saw it last night, it worth spending the money to go and see it in the theatre? This would be my first Tarantino movie that I'll actually be able to see all the way through, not to mention in a movie theatre.
  7. Wednesday Comics #1-8: I really like this; I remember back when I would read the Sunday comics in the paper, and I like that sort of feel to it. I feel like these are kind of hit and miss; Kamandi, Deadman, Green Lantern, the Flash, the Demon and Catwoman, and the Supergirl strips are probably my favorites out of all of them; I'm a bit iffy on the Bats, Supes, and Metamorpho strips; and I'm not much into the Metal Man, Strange Adventures, Teen Titans, Sgt. Rock, or Hawkman. The only one I out and out dislike is Wonder Woman, and the art is pretty neat on it, it's just the formatting makes it incredibly difficult to read. Ugh. Only four more of these, and I can't wait for them. Comic Books: 89 TPBs: 22 Graphic Novels: 2 Motion Comic: 1
  8. Because he's the goddamn Batman?
  9. They've already been hinting at it in Red Robin's ongoing, no? Also, Gotham City Sirens is probably going to be my guilty pleasure book, along with Power Girl. Well-drawn hot females in slightly fanservicey situations = ^^b!
  10. Venneh


    Apologies for the double-post, but Twilight mania has gone too far. CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK. Not Safe For Work You can make it hot or cold. And it sparkles. SPARKLES.
  11. And yet another probably idiotic tech question, bought to you by me trying to follow tech support's recommendation now that the family has money: Anyone know any stores, besides online, that carry Dell printer cartridges for, say, the All-in-One A920 model? (They think its the printer cartridges, they haven't been used in years, and they're probably right) I know for sure that Best Buy does not carry them.
  12. Oooh. I remember seeing that in its third season while I was in high school, always liked it. Should probably watch that again at some point.
  13. Part two of catching up on all the comics from summer that I missed: Blackest Night: Superman #1: Ehh. Don't really know if I'm going to follow this this coming month or not. The art on the humans' faces looks really weird, don't much care about Connor, and don't think the "through a glass, darkly" with Black Lantern!E-2 Supes really does much for the psychological angle. Then again, intrigued by possible . I'll flip through it next month and see how it goes. Blackest Night: Batman #1: This one, however? I will gladly and happily folow for the entirety of its run. Don't much know Deadman, but I like the interaction between him and Dick, and seeing Damian be something other than a little brat, and actually vulnerable, is appreciated. , and I'm eager to see where this goes. Blackest Night: Tales of the Coprs #1-3: Nice little one-shot stories focusing on various members of the various corps. Saint Walker, Kilowog, Arisa, and the Indigo stories were the standouts , but the rest were passable. Director's Cut of Blackest Night #0 seemed like a filler. Probably would've been better collected in a large volume. Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #1-2: Ehh. I'm not really liking this run that much; it doesn't seem as good as the other run that Way's doing. The reprint that they ran was fairly solid, nice Siryn/Deadpool interaction, but seemed quite a bit out of context. Going to give it the three-issue rule: if it can't hook me when I look through the next issue, I'm out. Deadpool #12-14: The resolution to the Bullseye arc is pretty solid, features fun hallucinations (even on Bullseye's end!) and awesome fights. A little anti-climatic, but good as a lead-in to the pirate arc, which is just pure crack and fun. Preston, you'll like #13 and 14, Bob of Hydra shows up. Secret Six #11-12: Okay. I might actually be in the minority, but I like this arc. Yes, I will admit the larger plot of the slavers doesn't make a bit of sense, but I'm more interested in the character dynamics (the heterosexual life partnerishness of Bane and Scandal, the way the team dynamics are tested over morals), and seeing Jeanette let loose is fucking frightening, meep. I don't really know who the big reveal at the end of teh issue is supposed to be, so that lost me a little. I assume there will be explanation next month. Art's really amazing on this, I hope Scott and Hazlewood get more work on more DC books, honestly, I'd like to see what they could do. Gotham City Sirens #1-3: Okay, this is going to be my guilty pleasure book, along with Power Girl, no questions asked. The plot's not the most stellar, admittedly, but it's fun seeing the interaction of the various females of the Gotham part of the DCU. Plus, lots and lots of eye candy, especially with brief appearances by Talia and Zatanna. The third issue was kind of an outlier, as another person took over the writing duties and we only see two of the three main characters for one page, even if the Riddler story is fairly solid. But, sorry I - Oh, what was I saying? Sorry, just saw a panel of Harley in her schoolgirl outfit doing a acrobatics, mind gone now. Wonder Woman #33-35: #33 is the tail end of an arc, I don't think I was supposed to get this, but BIG THINGS HAPPEN. Exactly how they relate to the larger arc, I can't say (recaps are quite valuable, DC!), but what I can say is , and Zeus is a dick. Genocide being not apparently all the way dead is the lead-in to the metahuman underground fight arc with Black Canary, which is just fun, a bit introspective, and good fights galore. Also, something with Pele, I'll get back to you on that when I figure that out. Not really sure where it's going next, might pick up next month's to see whether or not I'm picking up a new series. Batman: The Widening Gyre #1: I'm not really sure what to think about this. Issue starts off with a flashback to younger days with Dick and Bruce and Nazi-army-things, which is really reminiscent of the campiness of the 60s, then we get an echo of that in the present with Dick being really smarmy (and pardon my dirtiness, but damn, I love this Dick), something with Arkham tying in somehow with Poison Ivy getting really strong (and kind of borderline over the top sexy), and Etrigan shows up. Not really sure how everything fit together, it was really disjointed, so I'm giving the next issue a flip-through before I decide to buy it. Thunderbolts #133-134: Discontent is running high among the team, as are intrigues, as they go off to fight Songbird, who's fighting back. That's more or less what happens over these two issues, but it's good, and I'm definitely sticking with this to see where it goes, especially now that we know . Comic Books: 81 TPBs: 22 Graphic Novels: 2 Motion Comic: 1
  14. Venneh


    Highlight (and I use this term loosely) of today's nine hour shift: Being hit on and invited to party at a Jimmy Buffet concert with two guys who I'm pretty sure were my parents' age, if not older. ...I'm oscillating between flattered and creeped the fuck right out. Mostly that last one.
  15. Oh dear god. I thought the DiC savaging was bad enough. But seeing what Saban would've done to it... what the hell was that? Really. What the hell was that? oO And now I'm watching the Pokemon sneak peak. Dear lord. PokeRap!
  16. I might be able to bring up a car! And won't have to worry about money! And can has sanity! Life's going well. This makes me happy. (And makes me wonder when the other shoe's going to come down.)
  17. Got a response from the professor I've been trying to contact for a month running now. I have a job with the anthropology department this year. !!!
  18. Part one of huge massive three-months-worth-of-catchup. Deadpool: Secret Invasion: I already have issues one and five of this, so only about 60% of this was new to me. But, seeing Deadpool's part in Secret Invastion and how effectively he outwitted the Skrulls (and then failed miserably xD) was pretty awesome, along with the first part of the zombie arc. Will probably pick up the second trade when it comes out. Green Lantern 42-45: Okay, the Guardians are absolute bastards. Not that we didn't already know this, but. Out of all of the new Lanterns, I find myself liking the Blue the most. 43 was absolutely fucking creepy, especially seeing the focus on William Hand (I'd seen a bit of him in Secret Origin, but goddamn). 44 has possibly the single most true line in comics: Seeing J'onn come back like this really gets across the psychological impact that the BLs are aiming for. Don't care about John and Fatality. 45 is kind of... eh. Too much split focus, and an attempt to bring depth to Sinestro that really doesn't work. Ugh. Green Lantern Corps #39: This is the first Corps book that I've picked up, and I find myself liking the ensemble cast. Kyle epsecially, and it's here that the split focus works more than it does in other books, as it's mostly focusing on the Corps in various locations, but centered around the Blackest Night. And seeing the rings go for the morgue... well, fuck, it's time to run now. And Guy Gardner and Ice are kinda cute, I have to admit. Blackest Night 1-2: These books are more the overview to what's going on in general, at first. There are several points/panels at which the GL books pick up in the monthly issues and expand on. Also, you know you're fucked when Alfred's running away. And Barry and Hal talking about who's all died in the time that Barry's been dead is really well-written, just for the emotional impact. I don't know much about Hawkman and Hawkgirl, but I liked their conversation, especially as the lead-in to . The second book takes more focus, even while just doing overviews; we get a lot about the Aquafamily and the psychological angle that the BLs are going for (holy fucking shit I've not known a lot about them but they are badass), and some of the magical players in Gotham (and when Hand can turn , run run fucking run!), and just stuff in Gotham in general. Also, The Book of the Black add-on in back is kind of meh, but it lays the ground for the next issue, I'm pretty sure. Preview of Superman: Secret Origin in the back of BN #2; the writing's okay, but the art is kind of... eh. Lex looks really fucking weird, and I'm pretty sure Clark isn't supposed to look like Harry Potter. In conclusion? WANT MOAR. Comic Books: 60 TPBs: 22 Graphic Novels: 2 Motion Comic: 1
  19. Venneh


    Posting fail, ignore plz.
  20. Venneh


    Dirty Superlady: Purple Vulva (...ew) Diry Supervillainess: Cobalt Nipple I like being a supervillainess better.
  21. Venneh


    You know what's awesome? Driving home from a godawful ten hour shift to watch lighting split the sky, just before the rain hits. And then it smells all pretty and rainy.
  22. ...Is Clark supposed to look like Harry Potter? All hail the King!
  23. And I've been trying to get a hold of this guy for a month now, that's why it's getting so irritating. Also, today starts an eleven-day, ninety-four hour workathon (with one day off in there somewhere, next Thursday). Yay overtime! EDIT: Heh. My l33t-th post. xD